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![]() by Boots Hart Having one of those periods when you can't decide what's right, wrong, good and bad? When in spite of difficulties you feel so strangely comfortable as to not feel particularly inclined to try anything new? That's one of many Piscean modes…as are those moment of revelation and boundless empowerment, as are those moments when life itself seems over, done and beyond coping with. During the month when the Sun moves through Pisces, life is filled with these shifting visions, perceptions, inhibitions and inviting inspirations. But don't get too comfy, because as Mercury conjuncts Chiron at 22 Aquarius on March 3…then conjuncts Neptune on March 4, you're likely to be swimming peacefully when along comes a patch of thick water. To borrow from Goldilocks, this may be very (very) hot water. Or it might be freezing cold water—the proverbial icy shock. Or it might be just an unexpected shift in life's temperature which while not problematic is at the very least, unsettlingly unexpected. You may hit a bit of a situational eddy and need to stop—or you may be stymied. Or swept away in a full-on whirlpool which wrenches you from your old perspective or life or lifestyle, forcing you into something new. Is it good? Is it bad? Answer: it could be either—or both. Given that this starts with a combination of Pisces and Aquarius, your willingness to participate and be flexible is essential. And since we're talking about Sun and Mercury as transiting planets, the precepts of effort and choice as building blocks towards some as-yet unrealized goal is more than apt. The first conjunction (Mercury/Chiron) suggests mental sorting with the measure being not who you are, but who you are capable of being. Metaphysically, the times are all about forcing every one of us to stop taking the easy way out. Mercury/Neptune says it's time to stop making excuses, to let go of the ego thing and to get real with that person in the mirror. What part of your true worth, mortal abilities and full persona are you not yet tapping into? Whose fault is it that you're in denial about your true capacities? The issue is not whether the world is ready for you, but whether you're willing to stop hiding the truth of your fullest potential so you can really be the You that the world is just dying to hear from, enjoy and reward with accolades, love and approval. So here's the question: is this really the moment for cruising and dawdling? Yes, you do a nice backstroke. And yes, love the stylish flippers. But really… In opposition to centaur Elatus (joyous abandon) and asteroid Urania (the process of logically enlightened discovery), this Mercurial encounter of Chiron/Neptune definitely represents a tug of war between the pleasant and obligatory. Yet obligations need not be awful—they can also be simply the exercise of something you do well which when applied within some structure, leads to your advantage. With Mars and asteroids Atlantis (surrender to the depths) and Bacchus (public abandon, loss of self-consciousness) in attendance, there's a hint not to press too hard and about misrepresenting who you are. So don't speak ill of others, be pleasant, but not fake—and try not to go overboard in any given direction until you're really sure you know what's going on, which may take a while. If you've been living a life of excess, limits may be imposed or simply be apt. If you've been living a life of scrimping, this may mean you need to invest in your future. It's the imbalances which count here—at this moment they either come back to haunt you or the need to correct and fix them becomes apparent. Can you preserve your status quo? Maybe yes. Maybe no. But whatever happens, it's best to avoid poisonous toxicity (physical, financial or emotional), expectations based on ideals instead of reality, and all attempts to deceive—or conversely, the temptation to allow yourself to be deceived. Particularly as Mars conjuncts Neptune on March 7, it's beneficial to hold a good thought but not rest hopes on anything unproven. And much as we'd like answers on a silver platter, don't bet the farm that the butler will show up tray in hand, as this is a time all about testing your willingness to do, and to do without guarantee of success. Injuries (particularly psycho-emotional) may either surface or be unintentionally inflicted during this time—and if you insist on going around being honked off (which could happen!), you may even make things worse. Mars/Neptune connections often represents the usefulness or need to be aware of how important you are in the lives of others, be they friend, coworker, family, or some stranger on the street. Yet as if that isn't enough, Mars/Neptune also raises that aura of excuse. It generally manifests as a sticky sort of…unsubstantiated feeling that you're wrong. Or that the situation is wrong. Or that what you're doing is wrong. And the problem is, well…that just might be true! But with Mars doing the transiting here (Mars is conjuncting Neptune) the likelihood is that what's wrong is that you're allowing yourself to hang back, be hung up or get hung out to dry. And in every case—virtually without exception—the issue at some level is ego. No, not theirs—yours. Annoying? Yes! We all like to blame others. But at the moment, that's so not the answer! And while all of this is going on, hey, don't forget the world! You know, all the opinions and likes-dislikes-habits-beliefs of other people? The news? Those big, ookie societal changes going on out there? Yes, this is precisely in this moment when you're not in the mood to care, but you need to care anyway. Why? Because you need to be a participant. Pluto in Capricorn isn't going to allow for any sitting on the sidelines, so get over your prince-pauper-princess attitude! And here again Mars/Neptune is giving us a clue. What's that clue? Commonalties. You know—those things we all share? Those things other people care about which we care about too? Mars/Neptune says head in that direction! YOUR head says I'll wait. They'll come and get me. Uh, wrong. Get out there! Do something with who you are! Forget the noble courage of compassion stuff—all that talk is just an ego shield! Be humble—be real! Get flexible. Do what works for others and you just may find that those others (and the world) works for you. Literally. And this is really the time to get a move on. Why? Because as Venus is slowing down to take its direct-to-retrograde station at 15 Aries on March 8, the very fact that nothing is going smoothly means you have a chance to get up to speed. Venus retrograde is typically a tough emotional time, sure, but that doesn't mean it doesn't offer some sterling opportunities! Instead of looking to others for our reward, we now need to work on things we can do by ourselves and within ourselves which will be rewarding. Money is typically an issue during any Venus, so this one will be just like the rest in that regard. Okay—a little more pronounced, but the message is still about the same thing: you! And that YOU part is being underscored because this retrograde is just about totally in Aries—sign of the Self. You know—that Self you were Created to be? Positioned between asteroids Aphrodite and Heracles (aka Hercules), this station can be a vital signal that it's time to do something about improving your lot, reaching more people, polishing your appeal. And because this station occurs at 15 Aries, if you have any planet, node, axis, dwarf planet or major asteroid anywhere in the second decanate (degrees 10 through 20) of any cardinal sign (Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn), this may well be a personal turning point. But don't go counting your chickens just yet—this is going to take time to develop. Venus won't go direct until April 17, so be patient. Work on yourself or your project—and while you're doing that, be supportive and considerate of others even if the idea of pulling your own teeth without anesthetic sounds more appetizing than putting up with local nonsense. By the time the retrograde/direct station takes place (at 29 Pisces), those who now drop the ego and walk the walk while determinedly heading in that more connective and collective direction will be happy they did. But this is Venus retrograde. And lest we not be thoroughly warned, Mercury enters Pisces on March 8—the same day Venus goes retrograde. That's a giant red flag about overstepping good sense boundaries. With Bacchus around, you may be tempted to, but this is not the time to splurge frivolously. Taking care of health—particularly the mental/emotional side of health—is also focal now. Escapism, depression and denial of reality which may surface as faux elation or over-optimism are signs to watch out for—as are overindulgence, over-devotion or over-dependence on food, drink, drugs or the idea that "someone els" is going t fix things. Events and news will be all over the place now; expect to hear about problems, deficits, losses and difficulties. Yet every one of those stories also represents an opportunity—it just takes thinking beyond the known and established. So imagine outside of the box. Balance is key here as fools rush in, but s/he who hesitates is lost. Where problems exist, it's time to reverse polarities; life isn't broken, it's just not a constant. That evolution is a helix accounts for life's twists and turns; look for the patterns. See life—and your life—in the biggest picture possible. What do the repetitions tell you? Symbolically urging us on our way, the Full Moon at 20 Virgo on March 11 (March 10 in the Americas and points west) will be marked with cumulative and (in some cases) spectral examples of what life has become or may yet be. Given Venus retrograde and a Pisces Mercury, the full portent of ongoing shifts are likely to seem negative unless we're using the Venus retrograde as a period of personal or behind-the-scenes development. Highlighting ideas of importance here, TNO Typhon (news of strong-armed change) and Saturn (structure, limits, justice, leadership, responsibility) are just behind the Full Moon, suggesting difficulties already encountered which are being dealt with. Obviously to be part of the solution is the most productive forward path, but don't try to make this an easy time. Resistance and reluctance will still rear their ugly heads though efforts made are now just beginning to bear fruit. With the Full Moon's placement all about a physical process of integration, our next challenges involve adding in doses of reason and logic (TNO Logos) while utilizing opportunities in a new and creative manner (Makemake); things will happen only where inertia in overcome. Tradition and the longing for "everything to be like it used to be" may stand in the way, and with Uranus and asteroid Apophis in opposition to this figure, chaos seems as likely as innovation. Yet because both Uranus and Apophis speak to "breaking through," the question becomes how to get there. For some, as Mars passes asteroid Atlantis at 29 Aquarius a project or phase of life reaches completion. For others this will signify a recognizing that some things are yours to do and others are none of/no longer your business. Some will be overwhelmed, but overnight (as Mars enters Pisces on March 15—March 14 in the Americas and points west) we will all find the need to let go. In opposition to Ceres' nurturing presence in Virgo, no matter the venue the parallel is from those times in childhood when you were confronted by something scary. Once you got through it (and gained a little maturity) you realized that was just part of growing up. Well, we're doing another part of growing up now. So feel the fear and do what needs doing anyway—have faith in you! Not every venture will work out—that's why we have the expression try, try again—but trial and error aren't so deadly bad. In fact they often lead to great discoveries. Learn to laugh without losing your sense of pragmatism; Pisces is all about realizing there's a reason to be conscious without being self conscious—it's all about understanding how human people are and how everything that exists is as precious as we are. So get out there. Share. Participate. Learn. Get out of old routines, emotional safe zones and that industrial strength habit of making life all about comfort. Rewards are what we earn through being who we are on a grand and maximal scale. Once the Sun enters Aries on March 20 and gets energized by passing the slingshot position in opposition to supermassive black hole M87 (gateway to Libra), fall begins in the southern hemisphere while spring dawns throughout the (still chilly) north. As the Sun keeps rowdy company with centaur Pelion, energy and willingness increase—yet with Venus in retrograde, results are still difficult to come by so long as they involve getting something from someone. Better results are found through sticking greatly to your own things while getting out there meeting people and creating new connections. And don't play the Power Game—let others know what you think about what you've been through of late. Be vulnerable (and humble) enough to admit you've learned a few things about worth and value (Venus things) along the way. Muse on where your new understandings may take you and ask others what they think. With Jupiter entering the shadow of its upcoming (June–October) retrograde on March 21, this is the conclusion of another semester of universal learning and everyone's into a "looking ahead" mode which allows us to mix it up and form new alliances. From now until October we'll all be working through dealing with loss and change while working on new projects which will by October begin panning out. So enjoy the camaraderie. Keep an open mind. The thing we lack is likely to be where we least expect to find it (which would be why we haven't found it yet). And lest you think this is no big deal, as transiting Juno passes Chiron and conjuncts Neptune on March 22 and 23, the Chirotic need to rise to doing (without delegating, thank you very much!) plays on Juno having conjuncted asteroid Icarus (rash behavior leading to a fall) and Damocles (arrogant impropriety) just about the time the Sun moved into Aries and Jupiter entered its shadow—which suggests a series of reality checks. So if things go well, great. If they don't, get a grip—it's not about "them," it's about you refusing to see how others see you. You may feel self-protective—they're seeing elitism. You may be trying to find a place to be yourself—they're seeing someone who doesn't know how to be a team player. Give it some thought. To be afraid is human, to be so afraid that you can't own up to your fears of vulnerability is simply tragic. Reach out. Humans help humans when they hear the human call. Fortunate also will be that those who have endured the irritation of working within bounds are now getting to a point of being able to really appreciate the fruit of their labors, and isn't that sweet? It sure is—and you can expect to hear those folks doing a bit of crowing as Mercury enters Aries on March 25. Hopefully they won't be too obnoxious—or celebrate too long, because there's much work ahead for everyone. Announced by the symbolism of the New Moon at 6 Aries on March 26, the month moves towards its end with this new start (or new phase) emblematically colored by asteroid Achilles (strength and courage in spite of vulnerability) facing off against Venus (attraction, manifestation) conjunct asteroid Apophis (monstrous, doomed deeds). In other words, there are still some big problems to be dealt with, but since we're now in the yearly Aries month, it's time to slay dragons, banish ghouls and in general, take up those tasks and causes which need doing in spite of any all-too-mortal reservations. So don't look for a hero—be one. Wishing you with good courage, Boots Hart, CAP
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