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![]() by Boots Hart Pluto committed to the transit of Capricorn on November 27, 2008 at 2:06 am Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) (November 26 PST). As this occurred, fundamentalists attacked in Mumbai and governments from A(merica) to Z(imbabwe) were either being called to task or abandoning their people for favored interests. Not that citizens have been much better behaved. On America's 'Black Friday' (the traditional unleashing of holiday shopping) shoppers intent on getting hot deals literally trampled an employee to death, while elsewhere in the world fighting broke out in the halls of power, corridors of industry and the public's very own streets. Welcome to Pluto in Capricorn. That Pluto has instantaneously evidenced the dark side of its obsessive energy is educational—or should be. Plutonic power is polarizing; it can clarify an obsession as necessary, as easily as giving us sufficient insight to realize the issues in our lives are ours, not 'theirs.' In Capricorn this will inspire and lead to great achievements as well as insupportable abuses of moral, human and eternal standards. Though the message is clear—we're all on this planet together—the 'us and them' idea will die very hard. In having moved from the responsive and interactive quadrant of the zodiac into the wholly and consciously worldly quadrant, Pluto in Capricorn represents the opportunity to take on and conquer world, societal, family and individual difficulties by dealing with facts and basics instead of indulging in the luxury of ideas. However, neither people nor governments like being told they can't have it all—or all their own way. We understand that being human involves responsibility, but often would prefer to choose the responsibilities we like rather than dealing with the true meaning of necessity. Necessity is about should, not like. As much as we wish that the world was the good and pleasant place we imagine it to be, it isn't. And the more we don't cope with that truth, the colder and harder that truth is likely to become. Yes, welcome to Pluto in Capricorn. December of 2007 gave us a kick-off notice of pattern soon to come when, with Pluto hovering at 29 Sagittarius, Jupiter broached the Capricorn border. As this happened, Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated and recession took hold of the United States economy, though the Bush administration held off saying so until, with the August 2008 Leo Solar Eclipse (Leo being the sign of risk), the stock markets blew up, sending tremors out through a network of financial institutions and setting off sympathetic fiscal fractures along a dozen financial fault lines throughout our modern world. Looking forward, it becomes increasingly important to remember that the difference between progress and disaster is often slight. People can choose a path and in due time reveal themselves to be hero, despot, person of vision or misguided fool—and we aren't just talking about world leaders and captains of industry. Far from it—the same can be said of each of us as individuals. But how to tell? How can we know when we're doing anything right? How can we know who to trust? The answer is found in the nature of Capricorn itself, and the nature of Capricorn's polarity to Cancer, sign of home, hearth, citizenry, heritage, family and fatherhood. Capricorn quality rests on motivation. Capricorn (and the associated 10th house of any chart) is worldly. Actions or choices made in this venue should generate contributions or activities which advance, grow or improve situations for others, thus generating respect, reward and trust. That human beings tend to think first in terms of what they can achieve for themselves is one reason why the 10th house and Capricorn are considered astrologically challenging, and from the polarity to Cancer we know that tradition and fear play a big part in these challenges. Capricorn brings about situations which by their nature test our ability to be our own person. It requires that we think in terms of the family of man—not our family; the world economy, not our own bank account. Capricorn requires that we consider all the repercussions of our choices and in that, tests our morality and dedication to ourselves as human beings. How willing are we to grapple with our very mortal tendencies? Our conscience? The difference between want and need? In Capricorn/10th house situations, the more you concentrate on what life can give you, the less likely you are to succeed—or be satisfied with what you end up gaining. Why? Because a lack of altruism is merely an outward reflection of lack of self worth. And when you don't think you're worth much, neither does the world. Fortunately in most cases this situation isn't terminal. With Pluto now in Capricorn our foibles are being laid bare. Will you pretend they don't exist? That's the Emperor's New Clothes story—and yes, the naked truth isn't always pretty. But if you have been aiming in the wrong direction not to worry—change is but a decision away. We're all going to have to do with less in any case, Capricorn being a great leveler and a means by which we learn utility, pragmatism and thrift. The next 15 years are all about basics of humanity and the art and challenge of being a human being. When Pluto was in Sagittarius, we all had a decade-plus of measuring our lifestyles and beliefs against those of others. Now we will either learn how much more important it is to measure ourselves against the best parts of our better nature, or live to experience the ugliness of karmic denial. Not that what we've done has been to no reason—far from it! We've learned a lot during the past decade (plus). We've learned about ourselves. The world. Some choices have panned out, some haven't. Pluto in Sagittarius was a great time of learning, and now we put those lessons to use. Now we forge a new way of living which requires moderation. We need to prioritize and learn patience—otherwise known as delayed gratification. Along the way, to the degree that we bear in mind that what we do generates what we ultimately receive and become respected for, we will think more in terms of creating situations in which our goals can be met—focusing less on becoming or being seen as a winner and more on finding/devoting ourselves to that which earns us the vote of those who, in the end, determine who wins. As for the delayed gratification part of all this, Pluto's position always indicates how self worth gets tested. One of the big lessons up for current grabs is how worth does not equal, nor can it replace self worth. Through stripping away money and "stuff," we'll all learn that trappings don't count—we do…if we want or can bear to, that is. (And some don't—that's true too.) So! Where are you with yourself on such questions? All this comes into daily evidence as Jupiter enters Aquarius on January 5, manifesting as an upsurge in money issues and related expectations personal, national and international. Privilege and elitism are on the way out, as we all recognize that entitlement must center on sustenance and survival, an equation which mandates a replacement of theoretical (idealized) parody with functionality and factual results. The Aquarian core word 'equality' will get put to the test as society's upper tiers are forced to lower the expectation of remaining exempt from common difficulties. The idea that the measure of a country is seen in how it treats its weakest citizens (a statement attributed to many, from Pearl S. Buck to Aristotle), takes on new meaning as it becomes more important to protect those who actually do the work—as without them, nothing happens. When the working class is crippled, those who delegate and direct go hungry—after all, it ain't the people at the top plowing the fields, fixing the plumbing and actually tending to the patients. Though maybe it should be? Ah—another point of Pluto in Capricorn: the return to hands-on involvement. As infrastructures—societal and personal—get carefully examined, new key players will certainly come to the fore, displacing and replacing those who lack the disciplined ability to get their (physical or metaphysical) hands dirty. Plus, there's a curious corollary to the eventualities here: those who go into this period with less, are likely to survive more easily than those for whom hard times are a shock. Stranger still? That the formerly well off are likely to encounter great kindness from those they avoided and looked down on so recently. The spiritual purpose of this is Aquarian equality—more specifically, the equalization of self perception. In being able to help, those used to struggling will realize their competency and experience a growth of self worth—as will the formerly well-to-do who, after being stripped of their 'stuff' find that they get cared about simply because they're human, alive and among us. All this is very much on mark as January begins with Mars and Sun in Capricorn. Mars in the early degrees of this sign symbolizes the determination to find one's way; with the Sun in Capricorn's emotional degrees there's a degree of necessary caution (likely to be hawked by many as fear). Like as not there will be a dutiful and human share of excuse-making and avoidance of responsibility going around—after all, Pluto just reached Capricorn. As problems surface, the instinct will be to assign blame, but it's far more productive to find solutions, while limiting further damage by denying those who have not proven themselves responsibly capable, access to control. With Mercury, Venus and Neptune in Aquarius there are a lot of questions and investigating going around. The urge to look for and discuss what's gone wrong is apt, but if lingered in, will not merely hamper repair, but through distraction from ongoing efforts exacerbate problems. The positions of this triad suggest both a hopefulness and longing that things will improve. The distance between these two terms (hopefulness and longing) is about one's willingness to get in there and participate. The old saying 'those who are not part of the solution are part of the problem' is more than apt in this moment and no one is exempt. Yes, we're all feeling a little bit guarded but that's not any reason to cop out, withdraw or exempt ourselves from world process. With Jupiter at the insightful degree of 28 Capricorn on New Year's day we have an indication of strong social ties. Those who wish to use this time to get things set up or explore new options will be rewarded with realizations on how things are and need to work. This doesn't necessarily promise smooth sailing as much as it offers an understanding of the facts which if worked with, can in turn point the way to more productive days ahead. The cost of all is of great concern here, with not all cost being simply financial. Again, this issue is greatly about what we want versus where we are in life (i.e., the facts) and what we have the ability or capacity to do, which, whether exciting or daunting, will most likely in time pay off to great benefit. On January 3, Venus enters Pisces, ushering a couple of weeks when life ranges from graceful relaxation to feelings of being lost or forgotten. With TNO Orcus at 0 Virgo (ed. note, for more on Trans-Neptunian Objects see here) and asteroid Nemesis at 4 Pisces as Venus moves into this world of sensitivity to global emotions, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Getting called on something in the next day or two is likely. With Jupiter entering Aquarius in January 5, and a more than decent likelihood that things are going to get a big sticky (what with Mercury about to go retrograde), a good attitude is a giant asset—ask for explanations and do your best to be patient. We're not saying it'll be easy—but try! That Mercury retrograde actually begins on January 11 (at 7 Aquarius) means that communication slows down and thought shifts into an inward mode (contemplative). With asteroid Minerva (wisdom) poised at 8 Aquarius and the North Node at 9 Aquarius, this is a moment for re-evaluation. Life must go on, meaning that resources must be invested in that which sustains. The question is priority With this retrograde beginning in tandem with Full Moon at 21 Cancer on January 11 (January 10 in the Americas and Pacific Basin), the peoples of the world are clearly anxious. Yet with asteroid Icarus involved in this scene, a tempering of expectations is apt here as rash choices and over-optimism can lead to a great fall. There is a degree of recognition that everyone has contributed to today's problems, but as pictured by asteroid Persephone, there's no question but that it's the little people who are going to spend a good portion of their existence paying the price for rules and choices made by a lofty and separatist few. Many are deeply emotional about this fact (evidenced by TNO Varuna being part of this figure), but lashing out about the unfairness of life isn't going to help. Making choices based on experience and knowledge of individual basic personal capacity must be sorted out over the next few weeks; issues which arise now are likely to settle out just after February 22. So while rushing doesn't seem necessary (there's time to think and ask questions) decisions are looming, so don't be wasteful with your time. As usual, Mercury retrograde is not a great time to sign on any new dotted lines but is a good time to look for alternatives, which when doing something like refinancing a mortgage (which is 'fixing' an old contract), may well prove apt. Mercury goes direct on February 1 (late on January 31 for those in the Pacific Basin), so bear with. That emotions remain in flux would seem to be obvious as Mercury conjuncts both Tantalus (temptation) and Jupiter (expansion, greater knowledge, new opportunity)—all in Aquarius—January 17 into the 18th. Because Mercury is in retrograde here, this may be a period of recognition as you look back and realize what you should have done and when you should have done it. More likely than that however, is a struggle you may be having at this moment with regards to priorities, and feeling so many details and demands on your time that you wish you could just turn it all off for a while. And that's the solution—a plan to take mini-moments for yourself here and there. It may be while you're driving in the car. Or riding in elevators. Or while you peel potatoes over the sink—or take a shower. Whatever those moments are in your life (and we all have some) use them as your private, sacred time. Savor them. Plan for them. Revel in them, for there's no escaping necessities right now without really rocking the boat! Themes of responsibility/operational change and cooperation/unity versus rebellion/objection are heightened as the Sun enters Aquarius on January 19. Having just passed Juno (maternal courage, nurturance), this ingress initiates a month-long period of working out differences and forming new methods for reaching goals more effectively—hopefully without undermining one's own efforts. With Mercury in retrograde, an extensive internal struggle is going on; there's a drive to escape inhibiting factors, pitted against a certain knowledge that haste not only makes waste, but that this is a moment in which waste can be particularly ill afforded. With Jupiter (expansion, knowledge) and asteroid Tantalus (temptation to act) at 3 and 4 Aquarius respectively, January 19 through 23 are days to be particularly mindful. Impulses and urges run strong but the better part of valor is to mind one's place and observe guidelines without rocking the boat overmuch. All of this leads to a Solar Eclipse at 6 Aquarius. Occurring on January 26 in Europe (and points east) and on January 25 in the Americas and Pacific Basin, this eclipse sits at the midpoint of Jupiter (at 4 Aquarius) and Tantalus (at 8 Aquarius), with Tantalus conjunct the North Node at 9 Aquarius. Because the North Node denotes the thing we need to learn, need to attempt, need to deal with and do despite the effort, time and difficulty involved, this is a vital and important image which will signal some changing of the tides. People will be moving towards accepting some difficult realities previously denied or ignored with a recognition that as human beings we have far more to lose from standing on our individual soap boxes than we can possibly ever gain. In households, communities, companies, religious and political factions—around the world this moment signals a likely moment of recognition which, while far from a truce, exposes necessity of such magnitude that for a moment (a month, year, decade perhaps…) humans are likely to work more for the good of all than individual gain. This isn't a winning stroke by any means, so don't expect life to become nirvana, but as the energies of this eclipse take hold it seems likely that for a time we may actually all work together—if only so that we can fix things up and thus be assured that our arguing and squabbling and acting badly with each other can continue uninterrupted at some point down the line. Get out your helmets, people—it's going to be a pithy month. Boots Hart, CAP
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