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December 2008




Boots Hart (Saturn)Boots Hart
Astrological Overview

Boots Hart provides an overview and synthesis of the major energies, transits and key dates for the month as a whole.

Daykeeper's December 2008 General Monthly Influences

by Boots Hart

After all the intensities and challenging decisions of November, December’s dawning may seem like a moment to catch our breath—despite life’s many concerns. With Pluto just having moved into Capricorn, there’s a certain frenetic tension which has vanished (thank goodness!), but in its wake, the repercussions of actions and choices past are becoming evident. As it turns out, some were good, and some left us contemplating repercussions of the totally unexpected kind. But having problems at the moment is okay, because Capricorn is about achieving great things despite vast challenges, and Pluto symbolizes the energy of transformation. So if we didn’t have problems at the moment, we’d make some. But since we’ve got them, we know what we’re up against—and the indicators are all with us. It’ll take time, effort, and an honest facing of facts, priorities and values, but great accomplishments are basically there for the creating.

Specific to the economic mess, it happened right on "astrological schedule," suggesting very strongly that the whole of this meltdown is part of a greater process. And since life is all about continuance (not obliteration) that’s a pretty good sign. Our difficulties are really just part of the fact that change can’t come without rattling the status quo. And if this situation is truly useful, what does it serve? Answer: the majority. Over the years, big walls (of power, control and exclusion) have stifled growth, functionality and opportunity. Those are the barriers are being brought down: Pluto in Capricorn.

Does this mean we’ll have to do with less? Probably in terms of quantity, but probably not in quality. Pluto in Capricorn promises discernment—which is already beginning. People are having to choose more carefully. That idea of making the wise choice is a hallmark of Capricorn: time is finite—make what you do count. And if we all do that? If our way of life gets revamped in that image? Just think…people may have less stuff but value life—and each other, more. Not for money, not for looks, not even for love—but for humanity’s sake.

As the month begins with Sun, Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius, we’re likely to come across moments of astonishing clarity, and at other times feel muddled by complete indecision, even doubt. And after all the recent hullabaloo, the relative silence is odd. Sometimes it’ll be relaxing, at other times strangely spooky and disconcerting. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself wondering if you’ve forgotten or missed something; the many (and sometimes contradictory) thoughts and impulses indicated by Mars and Mercury both in Sagittarius is likely to surface in any of a thousand-million ways. Add to this mix the Sun in Sagittarius also, and the picture is clear: we're trying to understand, trying to get lots done, trying to satisfy too many needs, people and goals (all at once), and we feel a lurking vulnerability to concerns that we’ve forgotten or missed something.

And though terribly busy being busy, it’s also possible we may actually miss the intensity of recent months. With all that pressure, and involvement came a sense of personal validity. We each mattered. Our opinions were so vital, we became motivated to take on new and unexpected ideas.

Now that’s all gone. Hallo? Is anybody out there?

Because the month also begins with Venus, Pluto and Jupiter in earthy Capricorn, ego and pride may get challenged from time to time. But when responding, remember one thing: owning our part in whatever’s afoot is the difference between inspiring respect and forgiveness, versus arousing anger and enmity. Why? Because this combination is all about being human in the face of multiple Capricorn energies which tempt us to pull back. But that’s the whole trick: Jupiter and Pluto’s positions state plainly that this is a time to break out of old molds.

All this occurs against a backdrop of much hope tinged with indecision and insecurity. Sagittarius, combined as it is with Capricorn, paints a picture of change needed and change in progress, but we don’t yet know where we’re going. There’s real lack of optimism, but things do seem undefined, unfinished…unexplained. No one has all the facts yet. So what to do? Answer: participate. Remain involved. Those opinions you had? They’re still valid, so express yourself. There’s a deal of Sagittarian good humor and cheer going around, so toss some ideas out there. See what happens! Just don’t expect people to jump at your bait like hungry brook trout. People, groups, societies, companies, governments—they’re all likely to be a bit evasive and unwilling to commit to new plans, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t listening. With everybody’s hedging bets, there’s likely to be some measure of drama and friction…and frustration with the inevitable few who refuse to move on, who insist on living in a dream.

Instinct will inspire many to play it "safe" (read: conservative), and though this won’t fix anything, it isn’t likely to generate problems unless in doing so long-term goals or responsibilities (especially to institutions or societal commitments) get neglected.

Many tensions are likely to arise, and some can be dispelled by humor. Or by getting honest—first with yourself, then with others. Admitting mistakes is quite honorable and allowable now—just know you have to be for real. If you aren’t…well, look around. Everywhere you look, people are being taken to task (even vilified) for ignoring responsibilities and for having taken the title, money and glory without being willing…or even able…to do the job.

Perhaps the most poignant clue concerning all is given by the North Node and Neptune in Aquarius. As the month begins, their message is growth through surrendering to defeat, an idea which morphs into the concept that through facing and overcoming of our greatest fears, we achieve our greatest rewards. Combined with all else, this suggests stumbling blocks can be overcome by focusing on what you can do (the contribution), not the reward (compensation). And this fits the year-long Saturn (in Virgo) opposition Uranus (in Pisces) transit we’re also going through, a transit which asks that we let go of outmoded concepts while developing a whole new order supportive of a better, more functional, morally respectful and compassionate way of living. To get there, we have to realize that the thing which is blocking us is nothing more—or less—than our fears. Life is a learning process and fear magnetizes lessons through which we can get out of our own way. Put simply, this means that the last decade of "have it all" thinking produced what’s going on now not because people tried to have it all, but because they were afraid they couldn’thave it. The separating mechanism is expressed here by Saturn and Uranus—telling us that it’s not worth we’re really chasing. It’s self worth. That’s what lies behind the fear.

Still, because society has become so sincerely factionalized, fixes will take time. The disenfranchised (and poor) have gotten used to volunteering for failure, just as those richly isolated by overwhelming prosperity have gotten used to avoiding the realities of moral responsibility.

But we’re all humans living on one planet. So as the early days of December click by one by one, we’re all going to experience dichotomies of emotion and realization, as if we can suddenly see similarities in things different and differences in things which up until now have seemed suitable and well matched. Qualities and aspects of life we never thought or cared about will seem not only important, but significant and educational.

On December 7, Venus moves into Aquarius. In opposition to asteroid Dionysus, this presages sticky economic matters—though there’s money to be made and money which will get duly spent. It’s a moment for diplomacy, humor and an awareness of human nature—particularly your own, as overindulgence may get you into a pickle. Practicality, priorities and moderation are the rule now—don’t overextend yourself, financially or physically. Keeping an open mind is important—and no showing off to get attention! Simply by showing up and being willing to participate you earn karmic brownie points, so there’s no need to press. But once involved, don't avoid—and don’t act like an elitist. The rule of universal reciprocity is highlighted now, particularly as we move into the days just before and after the Full Moon: who you reveal and demonstrate yourself to be earns what you get not just from a few people, but from life.

As for that Full Moon, it occurs on December 12 at 21 Gemini in concert with Mercury moving into Capricorn, an interesting moment when news shows what needs doing and what’s been successful. The moment for decisions is near at hand and considerations of serious import are in the offing. Because of the relationship between Capricorn and Gemini, questions center around worth, truth and trust. It’s an emotional few days, but conclusions are better based on facts than hopes, desire or longing. If you have questions, ask them—particularly before committing yourself to any course. Intelligent inquiries will either garner you respect or reveal someone’s disingenuous qualities. Whatever happens, take it seriously, but don’t get carried away. With a Full Moon in Gemini, it’s easy to spin something merely undesirable into a tale of woeful disaster.

Patterns which echo times past are likely to arise, so ask yourself whether they issues are real and present tense or just tripping built-in emotional levers. Only you can know, so think before you throw yourself emotionally overboard. Also, given that all full moons are emotional to a degree, with this one in Gemini (sign of communication), choose your words carefully.

With Mars opposing the Moon and conjunct the Sun this can be a time of wild excitement, rash impulses, or we may end up feeling like the proverbial deer caught in headlights. With asteroid Crantor running alongside Mars, moral consideration is apt and confrontations based on differences in moral standards not unlikely. Added to this, asteroid Astrea (justice, purity and Virgoan attitudes) is conjunct the Sun at 21 Sagittarius. That Sun is exactly square Saturn at 21 Virgo. This loop between Sun, Saturn and Astrea with Mars adding emphasis and the Moon in opposition is likely to manifest as things "coming to light" and issues having to be faced. This is also a test of one’s honesty and realism when it comes to understanding what it means to either design the life you want to live, or surrender your choices to someone else who may or may not have your fulfillment and satisfaction at heart.

Whatever frustrations, delays, lacks of inspiration and confrontations with necessity are encountered now, try and remember that everything you’re going through is part of the bigger picture. Barriers need breaking, and some of them are like as not in your head, heart, bank account, back yard, family and/or office. Pluto in Capricorn is all about breaking free of restrictions of any and every kind in the process of becoming who you really are and are meant to truly be. And the message which comes with this is that while the process of shedding habits, ways and means, traditions, outmoded beliefs and maybe even lifestyles isn’t easy, the closer we all get to the truth of who we are capable of being, the more we will have to offer a world which will then be a world worth living in. Despite all the difficulties, this period represents an opportunity to be you. So don’t give up—get real!

This need to choose your path with clarity and self-knowledge comes into even sharper focus as, with the Winter Solstice, the Sun moves into Capricorn, conjuncting Pluto, on December 21. This is a gentling moment, when little things and small gestures inspire us to recognize that it’s the intent, not the size of the gesture which really counts. In this recognition is an important clue as to how humility, gratitude and self worth function as a gateway to inner fulfillment: though we each often feel a wee bit lacking, such imperfections aren’t negatives. Not only are they reminders of what it means to be human, but vulnerabilities offer us opportunities—for we can only grow, gain and improve where we aren’t already fully developed, functionally proficient and wholly defined.

Holding this as a thought, we arrive at the New Moon at 6 Capricorn on December 27, a symbol of new directions. Some will see this idea as an obvious part of the approaching New Year, while others will simply find moments of a changing nature as Mars enters Capricorn and conjuncts Pluto on December 28. That this conjunction occurs so close to the Capricorn New Moon and to Saturn going retrograde at 21 Virgo on New Year’s Eve right between TNOs Typhon and Logos, suggests the need to recognize that while things may happen in the great parade of time, our lives are all about how we respond and our willingness to accept facts and make something better from the reality which Is. For those who don’t cope well with responsibility, this may be a time of frustration or loss, reflecting an implosion of energy which doesn’t have any outlet. Even self-effacing types who prefer to negate or deny their own strength are likely to stand up and make themselves heard! It’s just that kind of time. The instinct for "newness" is so irresistible that those who have been limited or hemmed in are likely to break free of long-standing fetters. Even those who have left "it" all up to others may seek rewards through seizing opportunities. It’s a moment for breakthroughs, breakdowns and brainstorms.

There is, on the other hand, great potential here for violence and disruption, particularly where people feel marginalized. So understand: negativity in this moment is meant to underscore the global need for unity in hope and that outbursts are karmic eruptions meant to get us to aim less at primary personal gains and more at universal solutions. We each need to be leaders, so ask yourself: what can I do? There is—unquestionably—an answer which will in the end benefit everyone and (surprise!) you, most of all.

Thus we come to New Years Eve, a time for reflection and celebrating. Depending on where you are the Moon moves from Aquarius into Pisces (just after midnight in England or points east, which would be late in the afternoon for those in Hawaii or thereabouts)…. and as the Moon illuminates the depths of Piscean inspiration the party hearty vibe begins to mellow, affording us an opportunity to get centered and collected. Some will become nostalgic. With the Moon in Pisces, careful imbibing is the order of the day. But on the whole, it’s mostly a time for appreciating the chance which is in our hands to excel. Life is individually and collectively unique to all of us. That no one is less than anyone else means that no one should deny themselves—or be denied—the opportunity to fulfill the greatest measure of their capacities, lest we all be shortchanged. Life is an adventure which rewards those willing to celebrate their potential with success—an apt theme for toasting, with which I close, wishing you and yours the very happiest and healthiest of holiday seasons.

Best in all things,
Boots Hart, CAP

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