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![]() by Boots Hart This is going to be a longer column than usual. But since so many situations capable of changing your life and lifestyle are poised at critical junctures, and because November is likely to include many a challenge, hassle, opportunity and pressure, it’s worth it. Central to all is an intense, frenetic quality signaled by Pluto at 29 degrees of Sagittarius and Mars in Scorpio. Almost as an offset—and certainly as a message that there are constructive choices to be made—Jupiter transiting Capricorn and Saturn in Virgo suggest that self-containment, considered effort, personal discipline and a willingness to take responsibility for what you do and are, or aren’t, willing to deal with holds the key to future times. Yet with Venus in Sagittarius and Uranus in Pisces, there’s clearly a desire for ‘sweeping answers’ and ‘magic solutions.’ Not that any are likely—at least not yet! And since we’re confronting the reality that we can’t have everything we want, this becomes a moment for deciding what really means something to us and what’s an unworkable ideal—or even just a luxury. The important things are still to be gotten and achieved, but it’s likely we need to set out a clarified, rational plan for getting to the goal in a systematic manner. And since it's tempting to deny anything uncomfortable, we’re all going to struggle a bit…mostly with the sometimes disquieting fact that to be human is to be uniquely individual. It’s the ‘individual’ part of this which we have to confront—despite the fact that such confrontations create loneliness at a very mortal gut level. This rather shattering sense of disconnection in our uniqueness is what can cause people to cleave together blindly, often enough in some form of utopian ‘one mind mindset’ which disregards realities. And to the extent that it does disregard realities (or you do), things hardly ever turn out the way you want them to. Why? Because life is one big long lesson about optimism being a partner to reality: not until we accept what life is can we make the best of it. All the rest of life—from politics to jobs to marriage to sports, kids, ecology, religion—is metaphysically about learning who we are through relationship with other people, situations and our environment so that we can know ourselves better, develop our humanity and thus make a contribution to life—from which comes our satisfaction. This is one of those moments when situations are crystallizing, for everyone. Where we’ve compromised ourselves, where we’ve gone too far, where we’ve over-extended ourselves, this is the moment when that reality (represented by Pluto’s impending commitment to the transit of Capricorn) comes upon us. As if underscoring this idea, Neptune goes on station and direct at 21 Aquarius in the early hours of November 2 (November 1 in the Americas and Pacific Basin)—just as the United States readies itself to go to the polls. Expect insecurity, longing—even a dollop of helpless romanticism to be in the air. Nothing feels certain. All seems in flux. We all want not to be afraid, but we feel oh-so-human! Times are changing. The United States is but one of many countries which will change leadership over the next year or two. Oppression happens because people don’t oust dictators. Lax leadership comes when a lax electorate votes with its mind in leisure mode. This station is a very particular sign, as Neptune is poised to roll over the Moon of the (most often used) United States July 4, 1776 chart. The 1776 Declaration of Independence chart with its Aquarian Moon does indeed describe the USA’s rather elitist idealism and its certain sort of blindness which allows it to see a ‘righteous truth’ about freedom which often totally ignores anyone else’s right to define freedom for themselves…as counterintuitive as that seems! In the year ahead, US elitism, its corporate infrastructure and its attitudes about societal stratification will either begin being revamped or suffer from implosions of which the current economic crisis is but one bold indicator. All signs have their positives and negatives. "Have/have not" entitlement is a "negative" Aquarian trait, where valuing all things and people for their equally important (if different) qualities is positive Aquarius. The ‘value’ of the stock market is a reflection of the ‘values’ of a people—democracy (an intrinsically Aquarian concept) only works when it truly is for the people and run by the people—not CEOs, brokers, lawyers, organizations, lobbyists, unions and members of a government who identify more with their own cronies, family, buddies and bank accounts than the value of a nation which embraces its people while being willing to also recognize human, national and moral limits. With all this said? Well, there’s likely to be a lot of quibbling, quailing and turbulent yammering during the weeks ahead. Not because life is so terrible, but because a whole bunch of people (the world over) have gotten used to focusing solely on themselves or their little ‘group.’ Amalgamation with an eye to supporting the best in all things and people is the answer, but letting go of safety in privilege, closed societies, class, or even in destitution, comes first. Hope and fervency come to a head (not surprisingly) as Mercury moves into Scorpio and the Saturn opposition to Uranus aspect perfects on November 4—Election Day 2008, symbolizing the essence of Scorpionic merging of interests. This dynamic is instructive as Scorpio is all about ‘revelations’ which come from mutually invested choices. It’s like good sex. How so? Well, in good sex, both parties get what they want. One partner doesn't simply pleasure themselves forever without the other person reaping satisfaction. Banking—which is entirely Scorpio—is just like sex in that you invest in a bank (by placing your money in its care) and the bank pays you interest (your pleasure) the bank has earned by charging interest when it lends your money out (the bank’s pleasure). And as we have so recently learned, it’s the imbalance (i.e., greed) which upsets this Scorpio apple cart (or more precisely, which brings about the Scorpio sting): interest (to individual investors) declined as bankers (using the term liberally) made more and more money. Add to that the lack of transparency (honesty being another Scorpio must) and we have the basics of Wall Street and the international markets indulging in what amounted to a vast financial pyramid scheme. But all is not lost. The Pluto in Sagittarius party is indeed over, but the Pluto in Capricorn reign of achievement is just beginning. So make a plan. Extend a hand. Join in—or create something new! Be patient, but proactive. Don’t let fear defeat you. There are certainly going to be winners in the years ahead so the choice is yours. Will you shirk in fear or achieve through courage? At the heart of it, the global financial mess is merely about mass cyclic transformation of the most Plutonic kind: we have come to the end of an era of growth stretching back some 60 years (or so). And though this may sound depressing, the incoming shift from appearance to quality, from ‘playing the game’ to ‘earning the reward’ is good news in the long run. Everyone willing to change the focus of their values from materialism and what I can ‘get’ to ‘what I can make of myself which will have real value’ will do well. Moreover, gains made (and empires built) during Pluto in Capricorn are likely to endure—nice, huh? Activity and interchanges continue apace until Venus enters Capricorn on November 12, signaling a period which focuses particularly on matters practical and pragmatic. With Mars in the latter degrees of Scorpio, all may not be calm and we may feel a distinct sense of urgency. Those prone to anxiety or confusion may experience problems. Try separating your feelings from the facts, and go with the facts! The key lies in taking control of your life and daily activities, focusing on what can be done rather than what you wish was already so. The truism that life is what you make of it (and that where there is a will there is a way) is becomes particularly plain in the face of a Full Moon at 21 Taurus rising on the 13th (late on the 12th in the Americas and Pacific Basin). Giving us cause for emotional reflection—much as the Moon reflects the Sun’s light—this Full Moon period causes us to ask ‘who am I?’ and ‘am I doing what I want or need to be doing with my life?’ at a very heartfelt level. With dwarf planet Sedna at 20 Taurus conjunct this Full Moon, you may be doing things you’re afraid to do alone or on your own. Or you may dread the effort and emotional choppy waters it would take to get you where you know you really need to go. Added impetus comes from this Full Moon being in opposition to asteroids Requiem, Isis and Arachne, giving us a sense of being entangled in needing to maintain some status quo for which we have sacrificed—or feel we need to sacrifice ourselves for. But with asteroid Phaethon at 24 Taurus, the key here would seem to be that to the extent that your choices are founded on unrealistic past assumptions or feelings that you can ‘get by’ and all will be all right, you’re in for a fall. Only by being willing to recognize human limitations (including your own) can you deal well with mistakes you’ve made, and in doing so, redirect your life in the direction you mean it to go. That there may be some heartfelt sacrifices to be made in the short term suggests this image is, in the end, about mortal maturation: the ability to value decency and self respect (i.e., self worth) as preferable to popularity, tradition, wealth or sacrifice in the name of some respectable-sounding if martyred ideal. As the weekend rolls around, Mars moves into Sagittarius (on the 16th for those east of the American mid-west longitudes, which would be late on the 15th for those west of there). As this occurs, the intense focus on limits gives way to thinking about bigger pictures: why things are as they are and how they got to be that way. This leads to several weeks of personal exploration and the possibility of new passions. Just remember—with the Sun still in Scorpio it’s vital not to neglect the facts, your responsibilities and a sense of balance. Particularly in dealing with others, understanding emotional positions is worth oodles, too: the more you get where other people are coming from the more likely you are to be understood and supported. So another week passes—at the end of which the Sun moves into Sagittarius (on the 21st in the Americas and Europe, on the 22nd for those in, or east of Middle East longitudes), signaling an increase in activity. And with Mercury’s entering Sagittarius on November 23 (November 22 for those in west American or Pacific Basin longitudes) phones will ring, people will be in a rush and ideas a-plenty will flow. Everyone is searching—but for what? As Pluto commits to its passage of Capricorn early on November 27 (November 26 in the Americas and Pacific Basin) a big dose of finality hits the air waves just in time for Uranus’ going direct at 18 Pisces in tandem with the New Moon at 5 Sagittarius on November 27. In close aspect to asteroids Klotho (spinning vitality into being), Sisyphus (resignation to frustration/acceptance of responsibility) and Industria (effort) this New Moon is a busy, possibly exciting and probably unpredictable moment when we all have to juggle necessities with new news. The power of archetypal individuality (and our need to be individualized) is also so strong you or someone you know may just break out of a shell. Or start a new tradition. Or forge a new path. Uranus/New Moon combos often signal new ventures, but with Mercury in Sagittarius (which often indicates haste) there’s a need to not leap, then look. And because this moment also harkens back to questions of who you really are/need to be, if you had trouble back at the Full Moon (around the 12th or 13th), you may want to run away at the moment. But that’s not the answer. Why? Because wherever you go, you take you with you. So deal with the issue: being YOU. Start there! With all that said however, this Uranian station is also in opposition to asteroid Typhon (disruption, destruction) and Saturn—both in Virgo—bringing us a staunch message about the power of group resistance versus group collaboration. So whatever is at hand, don’t expect smooth sailing. If you’re on the right track, doors will open and you’ll learn more about how life really works. If you encounter some ‘rupture’ in a bond or agreement, recognize the dysfunction and move on. You may have to start over completely or just solve an issue you were hoping wouldn’t surface. Whatever happens, this isn’t the end of all things (even if it feels like it), as this yet another test posed by the Saturn-Uranus opposition, a potent energetic which came into force at the end of September. Sometimes chaotic, this energetic will be with us through next fall and have many important moments, one of which was on November 4 and one of which occurs now. The nature of this opposition is various, but the following piece based on the film The Dark Knight and originally published by the International Society of Astrological Research (ISAR) gives a good clue as to the dynamic. I’ve edited it down some, but you’ll get the gist—and trust me, we’ll be talking more about this opposition as the months go along.
We all will face this challenge in our own way, just as our society and world will face it as a whole. Astrological symbols are archetypes which manifest on physical, theoretical, emotional and/or philosophical levels. Sometimes manifesting as ideals, sometimes through situations or social movements, they challenge our minds, bodies and sense of being. This opposition is going to be around for months, so use the energy wisely, lest you find yourself ill used by the winds of karmic forces you have willingly chosen to simply not reckon with. There is good to be gotten now if you will make it so—but none of us can afford to think only of what’s ours. Best in all things,
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