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![]() by Boots Hart Any month which begins with Mercury in retrograde tends to be a time of contemplation. And though Mercury’s sign, degree and position in a chart seldom describes the whole of a situation, it’s worth noting that because the current retrograde involves Mercury in Libra, questions of how to approach something, what it means to wait or work towards something, and thinking about how to make something work the way we want it to are on the table right now. And what are life’s other parameters this month? Well, with Venus transiting Scorpio, practical questions are apt, yet emotional questions feel sufficiently pressing that it’s easy to take what might otherwise be an issue of practicality very emotionally. Or over-emotionally. Overvaluing something (or someone) is easy now, and given the nature of the moment. Remember that this is a global issue (which astrologers refer to as ‘mundane,’ though it doesn’t feel mundane in real life!). You’re not the only person to feel the way that you do. Everyone you deal with or meet up with is under such pressure. For many, this knowledge unlocks the door to grace, in that we “get” that this is a process about growth and reflection, rather than demand or (in most cases) critical necessity. Common themes will concern resources and things you (or others around you) have pinned your hopes on, which may or may not bear fruit. The effects of all this in the physical or financial arenas are likely to be played on emotionally, and the trick is not to be swayed, but to consider all such promptings in a dispassionate, factual manner. Solutions which allow each person to get what they want—in the end—are positive, while simply laying down the law or dominating someone with right, might or money prove negative. The fact that for those in the United States this period occurs during a heated political campaign speaks more to why the campaign may be using the tactics it’s using rather than to the validity of the actual positions on the issues, thus testing the ability of citizens (and media) to differentiate between the tactics of persuasion and the inspirational quality of leadership. Given that the Sun is in Libra, this energy will center in the ‘cause/effect’ dynamic of what each person (or company, or party, or organization, etc.) offers to others (or the world) through what they say, a product, their performance, honest demonstration of their integrity or the functioning of relationships. Quality is key, with the Mercury/Venus influence pointing to heartfelt choices between what works ‘for now’ and what will provide lasting opportunities which allow for individuality and (with Neptune in Aquarius and Uranus in Pisces) those many kinds of intellectual freedom which lead to progress, advances in science, social integration and ultimately, peace. Until Mercury comes out of retrograde, one shouldn’t plan on achieving real clarity. This is sometimes uncomfortable, and leaves honesty in the moment as one’s best bet. Yet with Mars just finishing its transit of Libra, there’s a temptation to ‘make nice,’ placate and ignore problems (hoping they’ll go away)! And let’s not forget: Mars in Libra is often a time when perspective is skewed enough to prevent us from seeing things realistically. Or when all we see, suddenly, is a truth which leaves us shocked or disappointed. If so, admit the error and work towards not compromising the future because you need to sort things out. “I don’t know” or “I need to think about that” are acceptable answers—if you need to, use them! Feelings of being overburdened/preoccupied taper off once Mars moves into Scorpio on October 4 (October 3 in US and Pacific Basin longitudes). But no one’s getting off ‘easy,’ as Mars in Scorpio replaces the Mars in Libra ‘I don’t know,’ ‘I’m not sure,’ and ‘whatever you want’ with intense desire, heightened conviction and an intense (inter)personal focus. Given that Venus is also transiting Scorpio, erroneous decisions may come to light—or we may realize that certain things/relationships/situations need repair, replacing or getting real about in short order. Although Mars in Scorpio denotes a period where desire runs high, pragmatism and the ability to focus on facts in finding workable solutions which satisfy needs and aims is most prudent. To provide for the present while empowering future progress requires courage, tact and pride—not in one’s power, but in one’s ability to be equal and to associate with equals. This doesn’t mean everyone is alike, but that we each bring like knowledge and equally developed abilities to the situation. This is the road to validity and empowerment, one which ultimately earns appreciation, satisfaction and security through encouraging us to harness desires and motivations, instead of seeking to sate them in the moment. A marked tendency to be torn between wanting to act and wanting to hold off (i.e., hesitation, delay, procrastination) is likely—as are moments when your instinct will want you to either prove yourself right, or cut your losses and walk away. Faced with this dynamic, some will get frustrated, some may make hasty decisions…but if you can, sort the options first. Try to see things from a ‘big picture’ point of view while considering long-term repercussions. Realism pays off far better than basing choices on ‘hopes.’ But with all that said, let’s be real…with Pluto transiting the last degrees of Sagittarius, any test of internal balance and deferred gratification is hardly what anyone wants. Not now, not tomorrow and not for our future. And that’s the real test: can we stick to finding the right and productive way forward or are we just going to cast care to the wind, buying into the ‘someone else will take care of it’ or ‘I’ll just think good thoughts’ routine? These days being pock-marked with moments where people just get on your nerves (heck—you may even get on your nerves!) adds to the stress, and the relief isn’t all that intuitive. It involves putting yourself and your abilities and knowledge to good use, especially in a social, societal or worldly setting. Yes, this will help drain off the angst. Putting your mind to work learning/experiencing something new is another form of positive here. Whatever you do, don’t go hog wild giving in to wants (anyone’s), and don’t bet the farm on ideals. If you do, detriments will surface and hit hard once Pluto commits to its transit of Capricorn in late November. This isn’t about ‘right’ or ‘wrong,’ mind you, it’s just a test…a moment when life asks what you’ve learned over the past 12 years or so—in your personal life and world. Underscoring this process, the Full Moon at 21 Aries on October 14 poses a challenge imaged by the Full Moon’s association with asteroid Lilith and conjunction to dwarf planet Eris. Together, these symbols indicate ‘disruptions’ which, in tapping into your ‘shadow self,’ ask you how really conscious you are. To the extent you truly understand who you are, this will be but a momentary swerve in your daily road. To the extent that you don’t, however, momentum slows as you confront truths you had hoped to ignore, deny or forget. The opposition of this Full Moon to asteroids Eros and Hekate tell us that relationships are the prime area for the surfacing of this energy, but that the issue isn’t necessarily about the relationship itself. Nor does this only point to intimate relationships—you could come to a sudden realization while your dentist is chatting at you with a drill in your mouth. Or while you’re watching TV. Or sitting in traffic. Because Mercury will go direct at 7 Libra on October 15, events of the 14th, 15th and 16th are particularly vital, challenging us to have faith in what we don’t yet know. Sometimes we are denied that which we want very much today because tomorrow holds something more important. So although we’re all likely to be in full ‘I want’ mode, try not to hold onto cherished ideas with a death grip, lest life be required to prove you aren’t in control. Beyond your personal focus is a far greater reason for your being alive. You are a person living in a society and time for a very important and vital reason—have some faith in that. Speaking of human nature, an interesting form of ‘fight or flight’ will present as Venus moves into Sagittarius on October 18 and we all toy with some form of pressing on as if we hope to beat Fate to some draw. While we may well get something nifty done (making us think the ‘worst’ is over and the light at the end of the tunnel is upon us), with asteroids Icarus, Pandora and Psyche poised in the first few degrees of Sagittarius, we may also be invested in a mirage, the purpose of which is to teach us to rely and focus on realities. So while the joy of the moment is wholly worthwhile, don’t spend all your ‘willful capital’ just yet, lest you face a shortfall in the days or weeks ahead. The details of this curiously poignant mythic trio include the warning not to attempt to exceed the limits of our mortality (Icarus); the admonishment not to tinker with fate, lest we unleash things which will live on long after we are gone (Pandora); and the need to trust the workings of life despite those niggling human questions and suspicions which so often lead us to ruin things which would be just fine if left as they are (Psyche). Venus will transit these positions between October 18–21 (depending on where you are), so just hold to the tried and true, don’t be swayed by longings or insecurities, and learn from mistakes of others. If you have come into this second half of the month having invested in the development of functional solutions to ongoing challenges, Venus’ transit of Sagittarius may well bring opportunities to move ahead. If it doesn’t, look for the ongoing trends which point to why your plan isn’t working. The whole of early October has been about the Sun in Libra where everything is the idea, the interaction, the theory of the thing—and the reward (earned through Libran expressions) which comes from the quality of the thing or person (cause/effect). Yet the fact that the valuable parts of most rewards are not Libran but Scorpionic leads us to the fact that most of the important results and repercussions pertaining to September/October efforts occur once the Sun moves into Scorpio early on October 23 (in Europe points east, and late on the 22nd in the Americas and Pacific Basin). In Libra, we risk the idea. As symbolized by its polarity to Aries, the plus or minus affects our ego and ability to move ahead, leading to Scorpio, where we are measured against the values of others, risking self worth and emotional success. This is why a bad Libra (air sign) moment can lead to being offended or insulted, and a bad Scorpio moment can feel so crushing or devaluing. Libran positives lead to opportunities and alliances, but Scorpio victories lead to courage based on the knowledge that we’re worthy and accepted—and have the support of others. This is a vital lesson overall and those who have problems in one area but not the other should consider the implications. Many people are capable of having the discussion and sorting through a hard-pressed, multi-faceted business or personal negotiation, but when it comes to risking their feelings (money, beliefs, values, talents or the ability to be honestly and totally committed to something/someone day in, day out without reservation)—they can’t go there! Recognizing how these ideas work in your life, in your soul, in your efforts is vital. Many of the situations which arise during the days between when the Sun enters Scorpio and the end of the month will—in one way or another—reflect on just this issue. Once November dawns, emotional factors go into high gear for about ten days, but right now the question is why you do (or don’t do) what you do (or don’t do). There’s much to be gained by thinking about what you feel and why you feel it, asking yourself whether such opinions are based on internal strength or weakness—and what that means. Where things don’t work, ask yourself to be braver, for courage in the face of such honest internal understanding is a vital part of the Scorpionic process. Purification and the idea of transforming yourself is a primal force now, where rising above whatever you are mired in is accomplished by being willing to deal with your own fears. Scorpio challenges all of us to find and face our flaws, whether that involves admitting we’re stronger than we want to admit to, or weaker. Whatever your fears, accepting the truth is the first step towards healing, and thus towards a healthier, happier, more productive future. All my best,
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