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![]() by Boots Hart As indicated by Mercury, Venus and Mars transiting in Libra, matters of intent and purpose are either foremost or presented to us as September gets under way. And when combined with the Sun in Virgo the first question posed this month becomes ‘what’s really worth my time and effort?’ The tendency to focus on one thing…or one detail, or some part of a greater process is tempting, but don’t be fooled…it’s not necessarily productive. These first days of the month are about moving ahead, and the thing which is holding us back is not the necessity for perfection, but our own hesitancy and fear. So just ask yourself: do you want to achieve your goal or not? If not, admit it. If yes, then get on with what needs to be done. Through moving ahead our solutions are now found; by niggling over the details we merely delay and create excuses for not being a success. The question here is really evocative of the indicated semi-sextile; our egos feel vulnerable to what might happen. But in focusing on that negative possibility, one forgets the equal, if not greater possibility that we may indeed achieve our aims and open doors into a better future. So give it a thought. Maybe even two. Whether you work by yourself or with others is also not the issue…unless you’re choosing one route specifically because you want to avoid the other. Such avoidance or denial of responsibility or necessity to confront whatever your demons are will almost certainly come back to haunt you. Either you’ll learn that you’ve missed a grand opportunity or that you’ve compromised yourself in ways you really didn’t intend to. So weigh all choices carefully before committing yourself…with Jupiter approaching the station at which it will go direct, everyone is likely to be feeling pressured to some extent, but letting the pressure get to you so that you act in haste isn’t particularly productive. Where you can, work on compromises—a little rescheduling may allow you to get to almost everything. And be honest about errors, particularly where you’ve overbooked yourself (should that be the case.) Whatever you do, don’t just squeeze people in—the repercussions of slighting that one person may well be more than problematic, a reflection of the fact that what you do actually does count. When in doubt, honor others by trusting them to understand your human failings. Ask to reschedule. Do what you can to act with integrity of the type you dream of being treated with. Jupiter takes its station to go direct at 12 Capricorn on September 8 (September 7 in US and Pacific Basin longitudes). As always when a planet is on station, events of that day or even a day or two to either side may indicate a ‘turning point’ in life. With asteroid Terpsichore positioned just ahead of Jupiter there’s a definite flavor of wanting some ‘release’ from personal tension or restriction. Yet as this station takes place in opposition to asteroid Panacea at 13 Cancer and in trine to Saturn at 12 Virgo, real freedom is accessed by beginning with the whole truth (and nothing but the truth!) in which there is almost assuredly a mix of good and bad, pleasant and unpleasant. The likelihood that we need to let go of some person or situation or way of doing things… whether we like it or not…is apparent in this dynamic. Something has outlived its purpose and sacrifice will be involved if you are to preserve your chances to achieve as an individual in the long run. This is not an easy choice—the parameters are likely to be daunting. And yes, there is a temptation to say ‘it’ll all work out—hang on!’ but if you really learn the lesson of this moment, you will let go. The thing in question may be small or huge—the size reflects the denials, the temporizing, the trying to ‘make nice’ you have been living with. Seen another way, in spite of anything you might (desperately) want to believe, the real question is not about those we interact with, but who we are: the fulfillment of personal destiny, an idea underscored by Pluto going direct at 28 Sagittarius on September 9 (September 8 in US and Pacific Basin longitudes)—a mere day after Jupiter’s station. Again we have a semi-sextile described, and with Pluto transiting behind Jupiter the issues are ‘getting ahead’ and ‘being realistic’ about where you, life, society…where it’s all going. That Pluto goes direct in conjunction with the Moon at 3 Capricorn and in opposition to centaur Cyllarus adds a theme of long-term need/gain against ‘clamoring demands,’ most of which are likely to be expressed as fervent desires. Where this ‘pull’ will come from? That will vary: it may be you wanting to escape some inevitability…it may be a demand put upon you by someone else, some sort of parent/child “programming” or a tradition you think you need to live up to even though it really isn’t your ‘thing.’ Karma matters here; in each of our lives the challenge is given to outgrow the confines of our incarnation. As much as we want to please others and be pleased, we also need to be true to ourselves and our abilities. Ideals are not reality, and to the extent that you are idealizing something or proceeding on the basis of some idyllic expectation (yours or someone else’s) …wherever that conflicts with what your actual purpose in life is, expect trouble. And remember—where Pluto(/Charon) is concerned, facts and clarity of thought are always a better bet than emotionalism, although the emotions are easy to access whenever Pluto is around…never mind Pluto plus the Moon plus a centaur! Emotions may, in fact, become the weapons used against your better judgment, manipulating you through guilt. If so—resist! Focus on the truth of the situation and proceed on that basis. Even if you have to disappoint someone, in the long run they may well thank you. Sacrifice is not nobility here, nor is ending up deeper in debt—emotional or financial. So be careful! When in doubt, don’t cave. Certainly emotions will still be running high come the Full Moon at 22 Pisces on September 15. Relating back to events which began to formulate around the time of the New Moon of August 30 (and quite possibly the Solar Eclipse of August 1), this Full Moon is conjunct Uranus at 20 Pisces and opposition asteroid Hera and TNO Logos, indicating ‘fated events’ in progress. Here you do not govern, you can only respond to what happens—and that is a lesson in the fact (Logos) of how life works which one does not govern, only responds to. Hera adds a strong biological component to the combination, calling upon each one of us not to nit pick or criticize but to do and defend the thing which is right and justly proper. Correct choices of the moment will almost assuredly require the courage of one’s convictions with the challenge being that it’s equally important to avoid being inflexible. As facts surface, take them into account and be willing to flex. The good which comes of this moment only comes once all is said and done, so carry on—don’t bail out too soon. Perseverance and innovative thinking are assets if you use them to connect dots and eliminate barriers through inspiring others to see how universal humans and human nature really are. This dynamic matures to its next level as the Sun moves into Libra on September 22 and feelings of being on the spot subside somewhat. With asteroid Hebe conjunct super-massive black hole M87 at 1 Libra the understanding that we don’t run this universe becomes increasingly obvious, providing support to those who used the Full Moon’s illuminating power to create harmony of purpose. Even if you haven’t, this is a moment where we each get to glimpse (as the prayer says) the difference between what we do and do not control, allowing us to enter an increasingly interactive/worldly Libran time with a better understanding of, and focus on, not only what we need to do, but what we can accomplish—functionally and effectively. Come September 24 (September 23 in the US and Pacific Basin longitudes) Venus moves from strength in Libra into Scorpio, where its need is to be pragmatic. That this happens just a few hours in advance of Mercury going retrograde at 22 Libra on September 24 (which again, occurs on the 23rd for those in Pacific Basin) just underscores the need to think before you commit. Venus in Scorpio is always a time when cravings run strong, just as it’s also a time when we can be led astray, stripped of resources or face having some vulnerability exposed. With Mercury in Libra, this may be a passage along the path to healing or a step in what turns out to (ultimately) be a triumph of collateralization, depending on our ability to persevere and find methods and solutions which allow everyone to get what they need (or want). Moving in advance of asteroid Isis, Venus here pictures the need to accept that some matters are beyond repair and build on the basis of that. With asteroids Bacchus and Requiem barely ahead of Venus (and set to be passed by Venus within a couple of days) there’s a promise of internal relief and release for those willing to accept inevitability, a moment which is followed by regrouping and moving on. That all is not clear yet? That’s likely. Nor are we likely to have worked through everything which has happened this month before the month ends. The image of Mercury going retrograde in conjunction to Mars (not at its strongest in Libra) marks an important point in our learning process as individuals. Whatever occurs now will almost certainly stick in our minds for some time to come—maybe forever. Because this was Mercury going into retrograde, we do not yet have all the information, so this isn’t a time to quit or start anew—be patient. It’s an intense time, but as the days pass we’ll feel better equipped, more able to grasp how things fit into bigger pictures and life’s process. This is not to say we’ll like everything we come to understand, but since truth is the only thing any of us can build a future on, the seeds planted now deserve to be nurtured. So persevere. Feel your feelings. But no matter where you’re at, remember—it’s the life you create through effort which is yours to be rewarded by; all the ‘good thoughts,’ longings and positive desires in the world can never wish into being that you truly need to build. Best,
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