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![]() by Boots Hart A Solar Eclipse at 9 Leo occurs on August 1 (late on July 31 for those in the Pacific Basin time zones). Because Mercury and Venus are also in Leo with Venus in opposition to Neptune in Aquarius and Mercury conjunct asteroid Karma to the degree, this becomes a moment of Fateful evolution; for better or worse, life will never be the same. Whether things change for the better over the next three years is greatly a matter of our willingness to harness ourselves; living to the truth of our greater nature instead of treading water or doing what we’ve been told is good or what we should do… Each of us is now challenged to let go of such expectations and externally-driven values in favor of being truer to our actual nature—a nature which may not be all that easy to actualize. This eclipse is about taking chances and not waiting for approval. It’s about earning your own satisfaction and self-respect through achieving through that which is unique to you alone, all while believing in the value of your abilities and what they can create beyond all challenge, beyond all doubt, beyond the dark of doubt and pale of tomorrow’s edition of someone wanting to rain on your parade. And rain there shall be. As the month gets under way, the eclipse’s semi-sextile to Saturn at 7 Virgo suggests standards are being questioned, arousing varying levels of insecurity and uncertainty in all our lives. Stressful situations may arise or you may be disappointed in yourself, others—or feel others being disappointed in you. How you respond to this depends on your internal balance; how much you own yourself and the course you have charted versus the amount you live in a world sculpted and governed by others —that’s the determining factor. There is no declaring ‘it’s out of my hands’ here; there IS a way providing what you need to survive and thrive if you will acknowledge having the will—but don’t be surprised if you have to own your own power to get where you know you really should be. And the path? The path forward may well lead in directions you hadn’t anticipated. The sense that all is not as expected may escalate, particularly as Venus moves into Virgo on August 6 (August 5 in the Americas and Pacific Basin); an alternative course of action or choice which is more practical and pragmatic may arise. If it makes more sense and is a clearer road to those goals which embody your greater mind and spirit, consider changing your plans. But remember, no matter what road you’re on, whether life moves in one direction or the other is now mostly a question of your willingness to do those things which are right, but not necessarily popular. With asteroids Orcus and Apollo poised (in Leo) just behind Venus there’s an indication that progress is made by moving beyond our comfort zones—even beyond that which we have ever known or done before. This in itself is a difficult challenge for most of us and as it’s virtually guaranteed that we’ll encounter the need for some trial-and-error, this is not a straight ‘start-to-finish’ course of action. Setbacks, confusion, discovery, synthesis of knowledge as inspiration which turns into opportunity—all are now in the offing. Come August 7, Saturn moves out of the shadow of its recent retrograde, an indication that developments of the moment reflect (in great part) the propriety of what we’ve done over the past 8-9 months. If/to the degree that you haven’t been diligent, life will lay down limits—either by tethering you to responsibilities which are all about the preservation of a status quo (without getting to an goals) or by simply forcing you to divest yourself of something, someone, or some unfounded idea. Yet all is not lost. Even if you lose something which feels incredibly vital, if you handle the next few days realistically, you’re likely to in a very short time recognize not merely the freedom, but the inner stability you have built through reliance upon self and living up to your own needs to cope, and cope well. Once Mercury enters Virgo on August 10 the pace of life picks up. More needs doing and (fortunately!) we feel more like doing things. In particular, getting small things done and out of the way may give you a sense of completion and satisfaction—at least temporarily. Yet while everyday necessities are important, dealing with bigger questions and long-term necessities still looms. And though the process of getting through what looks like a maze to your desired result(s) seems daunting, those results aren’t going to become your reality unless you tackle the whole of the task. The good news? Well, with Mercury in Virgo, once you DO get yourself to tackle something, even a situation which seems awkward or unsettling will probably prove far easier than suspected. So this actually is an excellent time to broach difficult discussions, negotiations of all types and for facing up to truths long evaded. As the Virgo part of this Mercury in Virgo dynamic favors clarified, simple and direct solutions and communication, organizing is a plus. As is collecting our thoughts before speaking. But don’t wait too long to speak up, and do try not to get caught up in second-guessing yourself! Finding workable solutions rather than having all be “perfect” is the goal here; progress is made through making the effort, not waiting for inspiration, invitations or some mysterious ‘all’s well’ signal in your gut. With Mercury in Venus it’s incredibly easy to get caught up in nuances and details and distractions, so be careful. Keep your eye on the goal. Over the next week life ‘feels’ personally oriented, but the more dispassionate you can be, the better off you’re also likely to be. Perspective becomes more important as each day passes by; that this time is about you in the world rather than you, yourself and you is indicated by a Lunar Eclipse occurring on the 16th at 24 Aquarius (conjunct Neptune) with Mars entering Libra on August 19 (August 18 for those in the Pacific Basin time zones). Lunar Eclipses are always an emotional time, although with this one occurring in Aquarius, the focus of the triggers which stimulate the emotional reactions are likely to come from outside the self or your interaction with others in the world. It may concern your job, an organization, a corporation or even a theory, movement, idea or situational ethic. With the eclipse conjunct Neptune, the truth of the moment may be mysteriously hidden or surface right in front of your nose. Whatever happens, tread lightly and don’t indulge in speculation. On a theoretical level, Neptune indicates ideals, faith and illusion while in action it tends to manifest as things which ‘dissolve’ or come to an end and fade away. Coupled to Chiron at 18 Aquarius, which is a symbol of that we should deal with but are most often loathe to accept, this eclipse speaks to the need to accept some difficult or possibly painful truth. The 3-month course generally described by lunar eclipses offers an indication of the time period in which we will work the(se) issue(s) out. As for Mars, symbol of personal assertion, Mars in Libra often manifests as a time when remaining conscious of your position vis-à-vis others is important. The Libra ideal here is equality, which means that relating to others as though they are your equal is by far the best course. It means one must listen as well as talk, and give as good as you might hope to expect. Famous as a time of conflict, arguments, misunderstandings and disputes as well as peace-making, successful negotiating and resolution of differences, Mars in Libra is all about the ability to set aside ego in favor of achievement. In its most proactive form, Mars in Libra offers a time for assertive action where one offers something, demonstrates their abilities to others or responds to need. In some cases this passage also coincides with being in front of many people, whether you’re an artist performing for an audience of thousands, a manufacturer putting a product onto the market, a professional making a speech, a person getting married before family and friends or some sort of counselor undertaking to offer advice to clients of various sorts. Known popularly as the sign of relationships, Libra is more about relating. Thus, while appearances may well count for a lot, in the end it’s the quality of the thing, person or effort which most often dictates ultimate success. Given Mars’ assertive symbolism, there’s also a tendency to blame others with Mars in Libra. Yet the more powerful use of this energy lies in dedicating yourself to the improving of all you do, are and are capable of. Developing a willingness to be yourself when interacting with others, to be honest and admit your flaws…powerful partnerships and interactions can be built or occur under this influence, but only where bonds are built on integrity while accepting that differences can have as much value as parallels in any relationship. Once the Sun moves into Virgo on August 22, the focus of most thoughts and activities will naturally shift from what one wants, to that which will actually work to further one’s efforts and protect one’s options. If either (or both) of the August eclipses have focused on your chart, this shift into Virgo will indicate moving out of a period of ‘realizing’ into a more active time when you will be working through the eclipse’s actual effects. If the August eclipses didn’t hit your chart personally, the Sun entering Virgo will likely manifest as a feeling that you had best get yourself into gear doing something you’ve been thinking about. Dividing one’s efforts between short- and long-term projects, personal and worldly (or professional) projects—the “me” and “them” of life—is entirely apt now, as is rational thinking based on a responsible admission of what is rather than what we wish reality could be. Try not to make excuses for anyone—including yourself. Come August 29, Mercury moves into Libra, ushering in a period which favors productive conversation, communication and the making of plans going forward. That Mercury moves into Libra one day before the New Moon of August 30 at 7 Virgo (the degree Saturn was positioned at as we came into August and hit the Solar Eclipse) suggests important choices are in the offing, too. Traditional mores and lessons learned long ago rule the next couple of weeks. Within that is a realization of that most singular requirement to be your own person which is the hallmark of maturation. Humans are born lonely, loving beings who crave unity, companionship and nurturance. Yet the more we have of them, the more we need to own and relate to our individuality. And remember that there are also those whose lives have skewed them to grow the other way—born as emblematic individuals, they struggle to deal with their loneliness and desire for love and permission to nurture and be cared for. In some sense we are indeed both, each one of us, and in the end August is all about that dichotomy in our own lives, in the lives of those around us and in a more abstracted sense, as the need to preserve the best of what we have while letting go so that we can evolve into an even greater future. So it goes; be well. Best,
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