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![]() by Boots Hart July is likely to manifest overall as a time when you become much more aware of everything you don’t know. Every need you don’t know how to satisfy will pain you and every hope you have seems incredibly important, but nigh unto impossible to put securely into place. Faced with this, some people will choose to think the best and ignore facts. Others will assume ‘someone else’ will get the job done. Some will feel compelled to take things into their own hands—even to the point of taking action where they never would have dreamed of getting involved before. Ideals, needs, hopes, despair, confusion, frivolity, laissez faire attitudes, bitterness and love verging on adoration—Neptune and Chiron conjunct in Aquarius indicate that this too will be part of the global scene. Those who work this combination positively will do things like joining the team and doing one’s part, despite not feeling comfortable or all that well equipped to do the deed. Much to their surprise, many of these people will do far better than they would have predicted and find the task(s) they tackle far easier than suspected. People who swore they’d never give in on things will have a change of heart, too—although to get best results, one should approach them in an altruistic manner. Don’t make things all about you—look at the good (or ill) which can be done (or relieved) in the broadest spectrum. Part of the ‘secret’ here is that Neptune/Chiron as a combined influence indicates a lowering of resistance and ego barriers—plus with asteroid Nemesis in close alignment with Chiron as the month starts, there is a need to speak up and speak your peace, or to stand against what’s wrong (or for what’s right). Life feels critical—that we know. Asteroid Damocles being part of this Aquarian grouping means everyone is functioning under some sense of personal threat, whether that’s to income, social standing, corporate benefits or matters of honesty—which may be between you and someone else, or an issue of having been dishonest with yourself (read: in denial) to the point that you have now gotten yourself into a difficult or perilous position. And just to clarify: this isn’t just about ourselves or our intimate situations, this is also about our place in the world, our feelings about how the world (as a whole) is functioning—and the increasing and increasingly apparent need to do not just what we feel comfortable with. In each of our lives exists a need to broach limitations which are, in reality, merely defined by personal comfort. All such matters are in focus as July gets under way. With Sun in Cancer moving through its emotional degrees, the first week of July is a time to be considering values. Where—and to the degree—that those we hold as an individual are in conflict with those held by our family or culture or social group, we will experience the Neptune-Chiron-Damocles dynamics most acutely, pointing to a need to honor who each of us is as a person. Subjugating yourself to family or traditions may sound wonderful or noble, but it’s a trap in the sense that doing so prevents you from building true inner security or achieving ultimate satisfaction. Put simply, we cannot be happy in ourselves by surrendering that self to others. So it’s time to think about making new plans, altering your status quo and standing up for who you really are in your heart, soul and mind. But do think before you speak. Impulsive actions and statements are likely to cause immediate havoc or come back to haunt you. One other note here: this particular area of Cancer often manifests in ‘money’ issues, so don’t be surprised if money is a major focus. Just be careful not to see money instead of the real issue: money is often a ‘symptom’ of deeper issues—and those are the issues which are really at stake. With Mars entering Virgo on July 1 and Mercury clearing the shadow of its May/early June retrograde on July 3, resolving to do better and getting one’s determination into gear is apt, symbolizing the energy and drive which everyone will need to face the facts and deal with their inner grinches, their relationship realities and the idealistic if impractical (and unsuccessful) worldly efforts. Mars’ transit of Virgo often manifests as an entirely ‘diligent’ time when much gets done because the task itself looks less daunting than the desire to conquer it and get on to the next thing. Completing tasks so ‘satisfies’ some inner hunger for accomplishment that the whole of Mars in Virgo often becomes a time when once you get the ball rolling, success follows success, creating a wonderfully useful momentum. About the sole warning in this regard is not to be myopic: don’t get so focused on that one detail in the plan that you forget the goal. Go for what works—get the job done. Because Virgo is a mutable sign there will be opportunities to learn as you go along, make little adjustments down the line and polish things to perfection in due time. Just get going! Make a move! The flip side of this of course, can be all too true. Some people may attempt to bury themselves in busywork, using that as an excuse to evade and avoid making changes. Going this route may work in the short run but will damage the respect others have for you (and that you have for yourself) in the long run. Plus…well, in the end, the task will either remain undone or you’ll suffer some consequence for not having it done. The emotional statement here is rather plain: do what you should do to be the best person you can be in and of yourself. This isn’t about what you like doing and it isn’t about pleasing others. Yes, it’s back to that honesty thing again—Mars in Virgo always brings with it a need to be honest about who you really are beyond the PR. A New Moon on July 3 at 11 Cancer underscores the idea of getting on with something—and if you’ve been waiting for a signal or information, you may well receive it at this time. Given the degree of this New Moon and its association with Ceres at 9 Cancer, this again echoes the need to stand up and be your most moral and integral self, as that strength, whether it’s expressed as compassion, support, intelligence or ability, is what others really need. This is not the moment to play puppy, one might say—even the most submissive people in the world are going to have to prove how excellently they can serve and the example they can set as a leader in that category. With life’s stage thus set and primed, we come to an interesting astrological event when on July 9 and 10, Mercury opposes Pluto in Sagittarius, Saturn conjoins Mars, then Mercury enters Cancer. Mercury in Gemini is all about knowing enough to make a proper choice—and making that choice. And as imaged by Pluto in Sagittarius, some event or realization marks this as a fateful or ‘critical’ moment in that process. With Pluto’s motion being retrograde, the genesis of moment is internal; we realize something or recognize some necessity. Whatever it is, this recognition virtually renders what we thought before a “lie,” and to that extent, it becomes insupportable to continue living with. But that’s not all. This combination can also spell a high degree of fanaticism and challenge—and can bring some big surprises. Or you may also feel compelled to take up for some cause. Or adopt a new exercise/health regime. Or need/get a new job. The media is likely to be in high gear as well, so expect a lot of hype to float around. Yet as always, where Pluto is concerned, it’s the cooler, more reasoned line of decision-making which achieves the best results. Fact is the key now (not feelings) and proof/proven performance (not longings or hopes) are one’s best guides. With centaur Cyllarus at 27 Gemini and asteroid Sappho at 29 Gemini a ‘poetic’ (yea verily, even dramatic) allure is almost tangible, and the siren call to give in and relinquish individuality highly potent. The image of ‘emotional bankruptcy’ here also calls upon us to understand that sometimes people are simply incapable of bearing up under duress—yet this isn’t about them being evil, just injured beyond their capacity to endure. On a metaphysical level, bankruptcy is about forgiveness and healing, not error—in the image of the ‘second chance’ is not merely the one learning anew, but receiving help from a greater (more successful and stable) society. This isn’t about offering blanket ‘fixes’ though—it’s about guidance mixed with just enough supportive assistance to help the fallen learn to walk properly again on their own. To this, Saturn-Mars adds the ability to make an enormous effort—and yes, that effort may be required as the barriers which need surmounting may be substantial. Alternately, some will use this energy in a Herculean attempt to maintain the current status quo. Health and job are likely venues for this energy and although a crisis isn’t necessarily indicated, there is the Pluto-Mercury indication that information and timing in all things my be vital. ‘Corrections’ is another theme associated with conjunction and with them will come frustrations. Exercise is a good stress reliever (don’t overdo!)—although some will vent through more verbal means, debating every little thing. With asteroids Hebe and Tantalus as part of the Saturn/Mars conjunction, bringing your best to bear may be challenging, considering all the frustration—not to mention a side order of trepidation being thrown into the mix. It’s easy to strike out, especially if someone tells you something you don’t want to hear, but that’s not the answer—the answer lies in dealing with facts and doing what needs doing, regardless of how unwelcome the task or news or undertaking may be. Whatever you do, don’t assume all will be well simply because you’re willing it to be so: that’s a recipe for real problems not so far down the line. Once Mercury moves into Cancer late on July 10, feelings may need venting/get vented, and while there’s no law which says you can’t or shouldn’t do so, owning your feelings (i.e., putting them in ‘I feel’ rather than ‘you make me feel’ form) is more productive. Other people don’t ‘make’ you feel a given way—you feel as you do for reasons residing in your psyche. Start there. And while you’re contemplating, ask yourself why you keep company (and even like) people who push your buttons? Where does that come from? Answer: whether your ‘people’ are constructive, destructive, angry, hurt, incompetent, escapist or overindulgent, that’s all you too—the You that you deny. We all attract folks to act out our denied ‘stuff’—often in negative or exaggerated form. It’s life’s way of confronting us with the whole of who we are: only when we own who we really are can we solve this challenge since with that ownership/acceptance comes a right of decision to utilize the anger or not. When we deny, we either act out (even against our better nature) or attract people who own that energy for us. Energy is energy—it exists, period. After all this high intensity, Venus moves into Leo on July 12 in the company of asteroids Eros and Karma, suggesting a period when what we have earned comes to us, with success only unlikely where we have acted purely in our own favor without thinking about others. This influence lasts the rest of the month and on into August, making it a good time to do business or enjoy yourself so long as you pay attention to this dynamic form of cause/effect. If what you do (offer, choose) doesn’t come at an expense to others, all will be well. If you’re being selfish, expect rejection and a lack of nurturance of whatever form you most need at the moment. With a Full Moon of July 18 at 26 Capricorn colored by asteroids Terpsicore in Capricorn and Circe in Cancer we get an interesting image of ‘spellbinding’ moments which allow us to break through to new levels of understanding; from such messages come empowerment. This is a moment of maturation where discernment allows us to appreciate artful efforts as part and parcel of quality and practicality, a combination which supports being more effective in all of life. Days later when the Sun moves into Leo on July 22, this ‘magical’ awareness remains with us, allowing us to be more pragmatic yet more effective, since all human relating depends on connecting/understanding others—not only intellectually, but morally and emotionally. Once Mercury enters Leo on July 26, this ability to get along or alienate becomes truly evident in relationships and opportunities, leading us on towards the end of the month. Wherever you get the go-ahead, life invites you to make good on your abilities—and if you hit a stumbling block? No biggie—just recognize were you went wrong, make a few tweaks and try again. The secret is about being realistic about what you are dealing with, but unconfined in your efforts. By not prejudging yourself and not underplaying your value, you can achieve your dreams of today and set the stage for tomorrow’s great success. Remember, someone once invented the paper clip, and a paper clip is a very small thing which has had a very big effect on the world. And of such, life is made…on which small note I close, wishing you a splendidly expansive July. Best, Boots Hart, CAP |
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