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![]() by Boots Hart June begins with Mercury retrograding in Gemini. This is all about thoughts turning inward, and with Mercury just moving from worldly into emotional degrees, the focus is likely to concern your emotional reactions to information, how you do (or don’t) use emotions in your communications or how you tend to go about thinking in the whole of your life, that having been based on early lessons or experiences which may well have formulated much of your emotional thinking—pro or con. Underlying this however, lies the eternal Gemini issue: that of making our choices as individuals. To have the life you want, you have to choose and create that life. Discerning between what is workable and what is merely yearning for what you want to be true or what you think should be true (but never is in reality) is focal; disliking some truth about yourself or the process or the world isn’t going to change anything. But by working through why you think as you do, and why the world functions as it does, and why others may think as they do, you may well now arrive at some great and valuable realizations. Some of this will come more into focus—at least as a starting point—as a New Moon occurs on June 3 at 13 Gemini. Here we see the opportunity to begin something with a fresh slate, or take a new tack, learn better, or see how what we have said/not said, done/not done—how the choices we have made, or avoided, have created the situations we find ourselves facing and dealing with at this time. With asteroids Sappho and Panacea just behind this New Moon’s position there is an indication that the ‘poetic’ moment has passed, underscoring the indication that reality, not the idyllic, rules this moment and the two weeks to follow. With asteroid Urania (one of the Muses) positioned just ahead of this New Moon, there’s a promise that you can change your situation for the better if you are willing to update and innovate, offset by a hidden warning that failure to do so will bring on disruption. June 8 through 14 offers additional options, but nothing ‘real’ enough to commit to, yet on June 14, Pluto(/Charon) retrogrades back into Sagittarius. This combination brings on a marked increase in feelings of urgency along with the temptation to cling to hopes or vent in hyperbolic form. Expect the media to be filled with star-spangled announcements and disasters with lots of ‘now or never’ statements being issued on every side and at every life level. This may be as simple as a store advertising ‘buy now—we’re going out of business!’ or a relationship where someone is drawing the proverbial line in the sand. Moving past emotional prejudices, be they societal, cultural, financial, personal or emotional, is essential. Things you won’t want to face but know you would be better off for accepting and dealing with are likely. There will be a great deal of ‘push and pull’ coming from external as well as internal sources, so take a deep breath, consider sources, content and repercussions, then move on. Be willing to discuss—indeed, this may well be the time that things long hidden come to the light of day. But in the end, it’s unwise to allow yourself to be compromised by someone else’s lack of willingness to recognize the truth of your reality. They’re entitled to theirs, but you’re entitled to yours. And maybe the two don’t meet—if so, don’t make war, just move on. Come Venus’ entry into Cancer on June 18 (late on June 17 for those living in Hawaii or such Pacific time zones) and with Mercury going direct on June 19 at 12 Gemini, the latter part of the month brings realizations. Interestingly augmented by the Full Moon of June 18 at 27 Sagittarius, (a degree which speaks to being able to grasp the connection between one’s individual life and the greater world) this is a time to make moves which prove fortuitous providing they’re based on internal re-workings you have been building towards since Mercury went retrograde in the latter part of May. Once this moment passes, everything seems simpler, as if it’s easier to feel some degree of conviction and let go of some thing…or idea…or way of doing things we’ve been holding onto for some time. Trans Neptunian Object (TNO) Chaos being left behind as Mercury moves forward attests to renewed clarity, but with Panacea poised just ahead of Mercury, it’s also important not to be doing something just in order to keep the peace (or simply so you don’t have to think about ‘that’ any more). Escapism and placation are negatives here while choosing to be productive even where that runs counter to habit is the path to personal growth. Long term potential is indicated by Venus in Cancer; so long as you’re building things in order, all goes well. If and where you’re out of sync (i.e., putting the proverbial cart before the blindered horse) things won’t flow smoothly. This focus on ‘basic’ considerations increases as the Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st in the UK and points east—or in the afternoon/evening of June 20 for those in US or Pacific basin longitudes. Because Cancer is a water and a cardinal sign, emotions run the gamut for the next four weeks; knowing/maintaining boundaries without knee-jerk defensiveness (or defensive-aggressive reactions) is important. When personal planets transit Cancer there’s a natural tendency to want to ‘nest’ and not venture out of one’s comfort zone. Whatever shyness, lack of personal conviction or self-consciousness you or others harbor, those qualities are likely to seem more evident—even more annoying, perhaps—than usual. Cancer being the sign of one’s heritage, accepting the truth of yours is one very obvious issue. Mind you, what ‘heritage’ means is highly individual—some think of tradition as family, culture or national identity. To others, it’s about their career or life path (i.e., my father was a steel worker, therefore I’m a steelworker too). The tricky thing here is that especially given the current Pluto dynamic, this period is as likely to be about all the confines as the positives. Many of us shape our lives by avoiding negative consequences (my family would never speak to me if I did such a thing!) or by shutting out what we think of as the negative issues in our heritage. Both being convoluted forms of emotional denial, we may encounter pressure to violate the family code or meet up with people who press our buttons as family did as a manifestation of Pluto in inconjunct by sign to the transiting Sun. To be a true adult and whole human being we must own all we are, inclusive of our ability to act in a negative way or make some choice which might incur family disapproval. Being an adult means making that choice which might displease the folks because you, as an adult think such a choice is valid, just as to be whole, we have to own the ability we have to be all the things we most disliked in our early family. We saw it, we felt how it operated and in that, we became capable of doing those same things. By owning that capability, we become empowered to set the negativity aside and life will hit us again and again and again internally or in projected form until we get that the issue is never them, it's us. Our life is simply all about owning who we are. Apart from this, on a worldly level, Cancer points to issues of national laws, birth rights, matters having to do with real estate and basic finances. Health, particularly emotional, genetic inheritance and chronic afflictions are also focal—as are large scale health issues (pandemics, epidemics) and the operational functionality of any national system which supports or protects the health of its people. Expect to hear much about all these in the media as well as in your personal life. The last event of the month is Uranus taking its station to go retrograde at 22 Pisces barely after midnight of the 27th in the UK (which would be late on the 26th in US and Pacific basin longitudes). This is a particularly potent station as the unsuspected catches us flatfooted with realities and results of various kinds becoming startlingly apparent—particularly where they show up some illusion you have been living with. None of this has to be disastrous, but you should expect things not to go off quite on schedule, or as you originally envisioned them. Either way, the difficulty isn’t in what you learn, but how you react, so don’t panic—just deal with the situation. By being flexible, opportunities arise and advances get made, helping you see things to use as a future advantage. Resistance won’t help—it may even lead to total failure of the very thing you’re trying to hold on to. In short, June ends on a note where life is really trying to prove that the world is bigger than any of us individually; allowing yourself to absorb this gift of realization enriches your spirit by allowing you to realize you are part of a greater process which is actually on your side. Best, |
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