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![]() by Boots Hart With September 2007 came an event which heralded 15 (plus) years to be spent in the pragmatic and reality oriented element of earth. That event was Saturn moving into Virgo, and with September’s dawning and playing out, we all got news. In some cases, things which had been just ideas became realities. In other places, reality reared its head in the form of needs. No matter which version(s) you met up with, time, effort and attention still separated you from your goals. That’s the Saturn part—Saturn’s passages offer rewards for what we have done correctly and pose the nature of the next task one must complete in the search for human fulfillment. Coming out of Leo, Saturn rewarded us for creative use of our life and ability and set our sights on work, the need to be of service in this world and various health issues which lie ahead. With December, we come to Step Two in the "entering earth" process: Jupiter is exiting fiery Sagittarius and entering Capricorn. No more will ideas, ideals and imagination suffice. No more will appearances be enough. Now, quality and accomplishment count. Worldly goods and deeds count. Proper use of—and calm, self assured resistance to—power counts. Yet before that happens, a few other issues need noting—to set the stage, as it were. For one, December begins with Sun in Sagittarius, stirring interest and curiosity, prompting us to see what exciting possibilities might be lurking just beyond our current scope of vision. Sun in Sagittarius supports dissemination of information—but doesn’t always manifest as the whole truth (and nothing but the truth) so be careful. Sagittarian energies can foster moral conviction, even righteousness intolerant arrogance. It’s magnanimity, understanding and civility beyond measure—yet sometimes argumentative and stubborn as all get out. If the horse is Sagittarian in other words, you can lead said horse to water, but expect a lengthy discussion on water quality before anyone drinks. And yet…the horse may just not be thirsty. You have to allow for that. Under Sagittarius, understanding the rights of each entity to think and be who they are is essential to keeping the peace. Speaking of keeping the peace, Pluto is just finishing its transit of Sagittarius, so expect there to be a lot of opinions voiced on what "peace" means. Who gets to define it—and who gets to say what’s "fair," "right" or "just"? And why do they get to make that decision? Being that Sagittarius operates mostly on a theoretical level, until Pluto moves into 29 Sagittarius (on December 28) arguments are more likely than real hostilities, but tension will ratchet into overdrive come the 28th and remain in high gear until January 26, 2008. Until then, things are likely to be exciting, tense, hassled, volatile, astonishing—every variety of extreme possible. Meanwhile, with December’s onset including Mars retrograde in Cancer, it’s already easy to be frustrated and tire yourself out. Pacing and patience is important. There’s a lot of "I want what I want" going—that’s very Mars in Cancer. And though there’s a deep-seated tendency to think the "other guy" is the problem, whether there’s any truth to that or not, real productivity and gains under this influence will come from within. Yes, it’s time to do your own thing for a while. Not that knowing this is likely to feel good. This is a Mars retrograde in Cancer, and Cancer summons up emotions from the depths of our inner selves, feelings which are likely to run the gamut from short-and-snippy to determined, desperate, depressed, frustrated or vulnerable, with the prime objects (subjects) being love, money, security, family or one’s plans to get ahead in life. Positive outcomes under Mars retrograde in Cancer require really getting to the root of your feelings—whatever they are. In the moment you truly understand why you’re reacting to things the way you are, the potent urgency surrounding the issue will dissolve—and once that happens, you’ll realize you have options. Valuable options. Yes, getting that far can be a trial, no question. But guess what—you have from now until January 30 to learn how to empower your own betterment. Come December 2, Mercury moves into Sagittarius. Being that Mercury is all about choice and comprehension and Sagittarius makes more of whatever it is applied to, this combination tends to manifest as increases in pace, lots of details, oodles of things to think about and too many people who need too much too fast. Caution is advised as rushing sets you up for mistakes which really delay things. Getting to "stuff" after the high priority items are taken care of is apt, as is making sure that you leave enough time to get things done. Everyone underestimates how much time things will take under Mercury in Sagittarius so there’s a lot of being late, more than the usual number of cancellations and what with this being the holidays, WAY too much to do—all of which can easily create errors, delays and exhaustion. Take care of you! Not that it’s easy to take a step back to take a breath now—not with Venus entering Scorpio on December 5. While supportive of passionate conviction, Venus in Scorpio isn’t always prone to cooperation. With it comes a distinct desire to do and have what one wants—which others tend to often receive negatively. Why? Because they want what they want. The combination of Venus in Scorpio and Mars retrograde in Cancer is an inner search for what one really wants and the Mars/Mercury combination tells us that some sort of prior commitment requires dealing with before you can have what you really want. Meanwhile Venus in Scorpio plus Mercury in Sagittarius is a sure-fire indication that we’re all thinking about how we think life should be…and this instinct is SO strong that it’s actually hard to keep your mind on what needs to get done (positive Mercury in Sagittarius) to get where you really want to go. This Venus-Mercury combination also suggests we’re all confronting some sort of discomfort, a form of id versus ego conflict. The ego (the "me first") part ultimately will need to become willing to give in and grow—and in point of fact, getting to the place where we’re willing to let go is a big part of the lesson. The December 9 New Moon at 17 Sagittarius starts a new phase in a process dating back to mid-October. Recalling that the whole of this astrological series involves "taking stock" of daily life and making adjustments and corrections where necessary, the first part of this incoming lunar cycle (December 9 through 23) concerns learning about and improving on your effective methodologies, scope of action, attitude or willingness to try. Being realistically prudent about your abilities is essential, lest you overextend yourself in some fashion. Those who apply themselves to these ideas with care and diligence are likely to move on to a next phase in their efforts around January 8. This is an invitation to improve life; what part of life you improve however, is your choice—and no, you can’t say "everything," you can’t opt out and you can’t claim you don’t know... because under a Sagittarian lunar cycle we make our choices knowing what the results may be, and what we’re giving up in making one choice rather than another. Success depends on making a knowing choice while being willing to learn something new while you go through a month-long process. Surprises, upheavals, revelations and changes of circumstance (wondrous or trying) highlight the couple of days surrounding Pluto’s conjunction with Jupiter on December 11. Taking place at 28 Sagittarius, the theme here has to do with one’s place within society. Given the time of year and sign, travel, commerce and all types of gatherings are likely outlets for this energy, so mind your p’s and all those holiday queues—and when in doubt, erring on the side of moderation is probably the safest bet. Just a few days later, Jupiter enters Capricorn and the North Node enters Aquarius on December 18, a day before Saturn retrograde at 8 Virgo. In combination, this speaks to a needed change in operative imperatives or methods before the desired end can be achieved. With the nodes in Aquarius and Leo now, the next two years are likely to be filled with a tendency to want to do things in your own way, but whether you know it or not (read: whether you LIKE it or not!) systems exist to help, not encumber. Specific to the moment, changes of job (or job status) are likely as are issues having to do with health, health workers, governmental monies, government/societal workers (federal, state or city employees—even military) as well as those who support societal functions (hospital workers, utility workers, etc.). Recognition of necessity is the essence here, although what form(s) that takes is going to vary widely. With Jupiter entering Capricorn comes a new phase of activity and opportunity, one which can delight and startle you with its overwhelming implications at the same time. The old saying be careful what you wish for, you just might get it seems apt here, but don’t let that stop you. Mars is still in retrograde for the next month or so, but this is the call to think big. Let go of the self doubts and excuses—plan for, aim for, get yourself in gear to go after things you could achieve in the grandest of all dreams. Use your time well, and yes, if you’ve been lazy or irresponsible or excessive you are going to have to change a few ways, but nothing is yet won or lost. So you’ve made a few mistakes and miscalculations—admit them, correct them and move on! Prudence and attention to details is called for in all things and yes, there is a little breaking of the old mold to do in each of our lives, but the potential here is so great, so grand—why not give it (whatever "it" is) a go? Once Mercury enters Capricorn on the 20th, things settle down and even out. Whether this is just what you’ve been waiting for—or a dreadful moment of deafening silence—depends on your willingness to participate in life as a whole. Echoed by the Sun reaching its Winter Solstice point on the 22nd (21st, if you happen to be in the western part of the Americas or Pacific time zones), this double Capricorn/Saturn influence underscores the practical and earthy quality so important to each of our futures. Capricorn is a decisive sign which honors productivity, realism and the willingness to do what is required to be a leader in whatever it is you do well, and with Pluto moving into Capricorn as of the end of January (2008) we can all expect to feel the shift from idealism to tangible practicality taking hold in all of our lives. Taking our cue from Saturn’s current retrograde motion in Virgo, the question becomes not what others can do for us but, to paraphrase a late US President, what we can do for ourselves, bettering our families, communities and world in the process. Work towards being who you really are—no one needs to give you permission to be you. This whole winter season is about focusing on being willing to be the person you need to be in order to be comfortable inside your own skin—and nevermind what anybody else says. They aren’t you—you are. And yes, this can be challenging. Even sometimes disquieting or uncomfortable. But it’s necessary and ultimately, the only thing which can possibly be comforting or satisfactory. So take heart—you can do this! You’re you—so be you. Give yourself the permission and go for it! Last astrological item on the month’s roster… Venus moving into Sagittarius on December 31. It’s a great time to party but entirely easy to overdo things, too—so keep it safe, keep it sane, and about the time you’ve got your party hat on and are beginning to blow up balloons I’ll be with you yet again. Until then—all my best. |
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Boots Hart, Daykeeper Journal. All Rights Reserved. |