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![]() by Boots Hart With Mercury going direct on November 1st, the month begins with things getting into gear again after a period of stalemates and changes. Being that the Sun is in Scorpio, Mars is in Cancer and Venus is traversing Virgo (yes, still), questions center on how to get where you want to go, considering that you must deal with gatekeepers along the way and keep up the daily doings with the usual folks—none of whom is entirely supportive because they have their own things they’re into right now too. Asteroids Asclepius, Minerva and Psyche clustered about Mercury’s turning point at 23 Libra is a message, too—one about a healing which comes through figuring something out. Whatever it is, that understanding becoming conscious allows you to free yourself from limitations and become more effective in whatever it is you’re trying to accomplish or deal with. The details underlying this pattern are as follows: Asclepius and Minerva speak to a rising awareness that it’s the altruistic effort we bring to what we do, and offer through our talents and abilities which ultimately creates the sense of personal achievement we so want. With Mercury posited in a degree concerning internal discovery, harnessing your energy and resources in the cause of strengthening yourself is important too, as internal strength is what allows each one of us to face eliminating our "negatives" in order to liberate ourselves and really achieve things we wish, want and dream of. Yet there is a caveat: don’t look back. Psyche at 24 Libra warns us not to compare present situations or people with those from our past, so let go of emotional baggage. Walk on towards the light, even if you can’t yet see it. It’s there, it just takes courage and determination to reach the end of your current travail. After a long period of Virgoan trial-by-error, Venus finally enters Libra on November 8 (November 9 for those east of central European longitudes). With this comes an easing of difficulties regarding connecting to others and eliciting positive responses. In being separated from this shift by only a day, the interactive events which initiate with the New Moon in Scorpio on November 9 are likely to take you places, but be forewarned—there is a danger of someone acting either impulsively or so much out of personal desire as to delay the process or dampen full positive potentials. If you keep your emotions in check and listen to others without assuming you know what they’re driving at, you’ll do well. When in doubt, let situations become what they’re going to be, then take stock and act accordingly. Don’t sacrifice yourself. Know what you’re doing. Another note on this New Moon. At 17 Scorpio, it’s the second in a series of six New Moons poised at 17 degrees, indicating a six-month period all about learning to handle your emotions in a new way, particularly as that concerns interacting with others. Also—particularly as Mercury moves into Scorpio on November 11, clarification is important. Know what you’re saying and who is responsible for what. Maintaining functionality supports or undermines everything between November 15, the date Mars goes retrograde in Cancer, and January 30, 2008, when Mars will go direct after its upcoming retrograde. Mars goes retrograde once every couple of years; the last time was in 2005. Do you remember that October, November and early December—and how you tried to get things done but nothing satisfied the itch in your soul? For some, difficulties were purely practical—where to live, how to pay the bills, etcetera. Others people felt diminished and unappreciated. As with all Mars retrogrades, the lesson was about not moving on until….well in that case, it was until you recognized and came to respect yourself and the fact that from your choices come your results and consequences. Unfortunately, nobody likes Mars retrograde lessons, so yes, there was a lot of frustration going around. The 2005 Mars retrograde (get Maya's take on the '05 retrograde) caused us to face the results of choices we had made in the two prior years. This one will do the same. If you didn’t clean the karmic house back then, since that time life has grown more problematic—you’ve hit more bumps on the road, each of which in some way pointed to what you didn’t take hold of and deal with back then. Obligations have weighed you down and an intermittent sense of helplessness has become all too familiar. (Note: "helplessness" is the opposite of recognizing, respecting and learning to be responsible for your power of choice. In other words, this is the work left undone haunting your life.) For those who did clean cosmic closets last time Mars went retrograde, provided you’ve stuck to your guns in the two years since, you’re coming into this 2007/2008 Mars retrograde facing the fact that there really is a fork in your life road just ahead. One road is rife with possibilities, the other is "more of the same." The essence in all of this comes from Mars’ symbolic nature. All which has to do with having the courage to tread where others quail and the discernment to know good from bad is Mars, which is why it rules the likes of warriors, inventors and surgeons. Mars energy wants us to cut away that which is bad or no longer useful and forge anew, healing old ills in the process. When retrograde, this functionality turns inward, making Mars retrograde a time when we shouldn’t be pressing on in our efforts to cleave a worldly path, but rather when we should take stock of our inner natures and face up to our lacks, errors or non-functional commitments. And yes, chances are you’ll need some courage to get this done. You’re also likely to feel frustrated that you can’t just ignore the icky personal stuff and get on with your career or relationships or whatever else it is you’re so imperiously bent on as November 15 rolls around. The experience of Mars on an internal level can vary. Many will feel embarrassment, regret or longing when facing the truth about erroneous choices made, things they can’t have or positions which shouldn’t be held onto. Others will feel an upwelling of resentment or reluctance when confronted with the necessity to do something they really don’t want to accept responsibility for. Either way, by cutting away that which is no longer healthy (attitudes, ideas, people, situations, lifestyles, etc.) this November 15 through January 30 is a time to free yourself up, so that you can then move forward in a dynamic and creatively productive manner. And a note worth noting here: Mars will go direct days after Pluto moves into Capricorn, a shift of enormous world-wide importance. Over the past decade (plus) we’ve all been wrapped up in what we’ve "imagined" we could do, be or what life could become…IF. Once Pluto enters Capricorn, life is going to be tangibly pragmatic: charm will count for less than accomplishment and tackling the hard job will become that which earns you respect from others—and yourself. Meanwhile, poised at 12 Cancer as it goes into retrograde, Mars activates questions of "character"; neither complete rigidity nor lack of structure is apt. The image here is all about a human hand with a prominent thumb; thumbs allow humans to grasp with finite adeptness (empowering utility and accomplishment) but are also a symbol of self-involvement with one’s ego. Areas likely to be particularly affected by this retrograde occurring in Cancer concern one’s physical or emotional foundations. This may point to a need for improvements in one’s living situations or a shift of personal aim, whether that involves family, career or marriage. Emotional confrontations and decisions concerning heritage, habits and values are apt expressions of Mars in Cancer, and unfortunately there’s no hard and fast rule about which choice is right, so long as you know you’re really, truly not limiting yourself by doing so. Continuing on as you have simply because that’s the way you’ve always done something (or how your parents did it) won’t work: Mars energies define the need to act as an individual, basing choices on the uniqueness of our intricately manifested incarnation. Whatever occurs, expect some discomfort. Difficult decisions may well be afoot and tug-of-wars between the comfortably known and recognition that it’s time to move on, likely. Lastly—with Mars energy turned "inward" there is a chance that "lurking" health problems will surface or some chronic condition may become "inflamed." If so, get it checked out. There is some tendency under Mars retrograde to hesitate, and when it comes to Things Medical, that’s never a great idea (I think I hear my doctor applauding…) so please, treat yourself well. Come November 22, the Sun moves into Sagittarius (unless you’re in an Asian-Australian-New Zealand longitude, in which case this happens early on November 23). Sagittarius is a sign about exploration, discovery and dissemination of knowledge—everything that impels to learn, share, and accomplish. That in this it can also be the signature of intimidation through derision, judgment, arrogant presumption or heated volatility is unfortunate; try not to be a "know it all," and face it—you don’t know everything…but that’s okay. Under Sagittarius, hyperbole is easy, but the harder course—that of picking one’s words and deeds carefully in order to empower all parties—far better. As if to underscore this, there’s a Full Moon on November 24 at 1 Gemini. With Gemini always being about the choosing of one’s path and the Full Moon about fruition, this Full Moon is bound to give you some feedback as to whether you’re on the right track or have made the right choice as to how to proceed. Given the Mars retrograde, some things are likely to "go away" at this time—either by choice, necessity or simply because you’ve completed some task. You may also encounter delays or dead ends. If so, let go and move on. The goal may still be correct, it’s just your current method of getting to that goal may not be, so have your tantrum (if you must) and then pick up your #2 pencil and go back to the drawing board. No matter what happens now, all is neither won nor lost—your job is to chart a forward path knowing why you’re choosing it. That Uranus goes direct at 14 Pisces on November 24 also underscores this time as one which may be life changing. Here the image is about preparing to, and being prepared to join with others; having faith in self is necessary as you ready yourself to embark on the adventures or commitments which lie ahead. Given the opposition by centaur Typhon and asteroid Memoria, you may well experience a sense of "breaking with tradition" now, and for some this is a difficult thing to do unless you remember that traditions reflect the necessities of a particular time, place and circumstance. As times change, places and situations evolve, requiring us to adapt—this is the way of humanity. This does not mean old traditions don’t count, it merely means that sometimes they become more ceremonial than functional, allowing us to be beings true to our own time, holding reverence in our hearts for those who have made our life possible. In doing that, we become the very essence of what our forebears wanted, for those who love us—including our Maker—can want nothing more than for us to be successful and productive, honoring our heritage and incarnation by being all that we can possibly become. Until next month, best in all things— |
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