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by Terry Lamb The close of the year is the beginning of a new one, and this Solstice is made especially powerful with the exact alignment of the Solstice with the Galactic Center, signaling the start of a new Great Year, a new wobble of Earth on her axis. We are so deeply into the process—it’s always been with us throughout this lifetime—we can’t see the forest amongst the 26,000 trees. We can get a handle on it by focusing on the current planetary patterns, which are vehicles for its manifestation. Most of these planetary cycles are at their close as December opens, the exceptions being Jupiter and Saturn. Pluto, Neptune, Chiron, and Uranus are bringing us to completions with cycles that started nearly a year ago. Venus and Mars are also moving toward the close of their pas de deux. They made their closing sextile on November 29, opening the last round of this dance that ends April 6, 2013. Mercury’s new cycle brackets all these phenomena, holding space for our transition into a new vibratory experience. The New World of hope and humanity’s return to the spirit is about to be opened. In November, we settled into the lunar cycles that occur at repeated degrees for about five months each year. If you have planets at 22 (New Moon) or 7 (Full Moon), you will see a process progressively unfold in your life, bringing the maturation of a situation you’re already involved in (+/- 2 degrees). December is a month of follow-through, as we respond to the kaleidoscopic changes that occurred in November, especially mid-month and in the last week. The Lunar Eclipse on November 28 came just two days after Mercury’s station direct, carrying the release of energies suppressed by Mercury’s retrograde—a huge pile-up of unresolved issues. We learned so much during November, fuel for our future expressions, but there’s more to come! The Full phase of Jupiter’s cycle is reached, and we become aware of what frees us, what steps to take on our road to freedom. This comes through the planetary rat pack, headed by Mars, infused with purpose by the Sun, echoed in truth by Mercury, and sealed with a kiss by Venus. Early-month revelations lead to mid-month releases, and we are actively engaged in life as we pass the Solstice. We can’t ignore the opportunity for manifestation that comes as each of the rat-pack planets moves into and through Capricorn. Mars is in the vanguard, having started an explosive (involving Uranus and Pluto) cascade into reality on November 16. The Sun follows suit on December 21, Mercury on December 31, with Venus lagging into the new year. This suggests that the relationship aspects of our new beginnings will trail behind our other fresh initiatives. It gives us the chance to engage Saturn, which in Scorpio demands that we build trust as a foundation to true connectedness. We have a choice to create with the energies that are available, even if they are larger than life—which many are right now. To do this wisely, we must rely on knowledge beyond what the mind can grasp. We have to stand up to our doubts and find happiness in every experience. We owe it to ourselves to see all this newness as a frontier into which we are explorers on the next great adventure, the cultivation of the soul.
(Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations here are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and times listed are Pacific Daylight Time (UTC–7). A "Void Moon" or "Void of Course Moon" (or "VOC moon" for short) makes no significant aspects until it enters the next sign. Its void period is thought to be a poor time for starting new projects or making concerted effort toward existing plans. According to William Lilly, the Moon in Cancer (Moon's rulership), Taurus (Moon's exaltation), Sagittarius and Pisces (signs ruled by Jupiter, the Great Benefic) "performeth somewhat." Lee Lehmann reports that she has tested this, and "you can take it to the bank." Another way of putting how this works is that, when an action is taken during the void period in one of these signs, you get "unanswered success." That is, the lack of planetary action prevents your action from being denied. Morning uneasiness gives way to comfort and camaraderie, as the Moon through the last half of Cancer. We want to be with those we rely on to love us no matter what. Recent rapprochements create anxiety born of an eagerness to leap into the future, but not so fast! Give it time. If we look closely we are already pedaling as fast we can. Things will clear in late January. At 10:55 pm PT (1:55 am ET 12/2/12), the Moon enters her rather long void period, which lasts through most of tomorrow. This is a great time to connect with others (or our self) through the “etheric wireless”, as our mutual magnetism is very strong during her monthly void in Cancer. Don’t forget to make a wish and say “White Rabbit!” when you first wake up today, something we can do on the first of each month. Our sense of urgency and scattering reaches a peak as Jupiter’s yearly cycle culminates (“Full Jupiter”) with the Sun opposition at 11°18' Sagittarius/Gemini. Pressure may feel heightened, or multiple deadlines have us hopping. At 5:57 pm (8:57 pm ET), the Moon goes into Leo to lighten the mood. As the Moon transits early Leo, it connects with our deeper energies to give us focus as we allow them to emerge in the second half of the day. Our first task is to re-establish our priorities since the events of the past three months. We have more clarity about where to go next, as Mercury conjoins North Node. Now get busy with what’s at the top of the list! We put the finishing touches on the transformative journey we embarked on in mid-October—you know, the one that broke through a critical barrier that stood in the way of our central purpose, as Leo Moon connects with Mercury in Scorpio. The Moon’s void period commences at 2:08 pm PT (5:08 pm ET), lasting until the early hours tomorrow. At 3:51 am (6:51 am ET), Moon enters Virgo, making constructive contacts to form a Cradle Configuration with Neptune-Chiron, Saturn, and Mars-Pluto. We are especially focused and well-organized—or in the process of getting there. Set your sights high and tackle your biggest project(s) today. The Moon grows smaller each day now, and reaches its Last Quarter phase at 7:31 am/14°55' Virgo/Sagittarius (10:31 am ET). A restless night precedes this crisis of integration—how are we going to fit our new reality, complete with dreams, into our life going forward? How can we redirect our path? These questions, take on a more ending significance as Mercury conjoins North Node (24°55' Scorpio), loosening dilemmas that took shape since late August, with key dates October 25 and November 17. This cycle has been intense and broken open many situations so that they can finally be dealt with. This gives us much to do. In some way, we have taken the bull by the horns, and now we have to figure out how we are going to ride it until our task is accomplished. In the chart cast for Washington DC/10:31 pm (1:31 am ET, 12/7/12), the direction-finder Mercury-North Node is represented by the nation’s leader. In some way, President Obama is giving the nation an opportunity to transform. He unwavering gaze is aimed at the serious concerns that the population shares, and once again they are refueled with inspiration. The Sabian Symbol for the Moon at 15 Virgo is “a fine lace ornamental handkerchief”. The Sun’s Sabian Symbol (15 Sagittarius) is, “The ground hog looking for its shadow on Ground Hog Day.” There is an emphasis on preserving the finer touches of life that remind us of our nobler, gentler side. With so much changing, we are going into the underground while we reshape our foundations. Although nothing looks different on the surface, underneath all is being renewed, as yet still hidden. Head and heart come together to bring clarity about some situations that have remained confusing. At 2:35 am (5:35 am ET), the Moon goes void in Virgo, drawing us into tidying up in order to prepare for the next wave of activity. Work briskly—you’ll want to have the decks cleared by 10:35 am, when the Moon enters Libra. A loosely structured schedule works best today, as the Moon opposing Uranus brings some unexpected events our way. The Moon in Libra packs a punch as it crosses Pluto overnight. Dreams carry truth, and with a harmony to Jupiter, the truth will set us free. Knowing does not necessarily mean it’s time to act, and patience will work better as a response, at least for today. Tensions run high, and injuries are possible if we are overtired in late afternoon. Peace and quietude in the evening bring insight and a chance to store energy for new adventures. The Moon goes void of further connections while in Libra at 4:37 pm (7:37 pm ET), encouraging a restorative process. The Moon is void in Libra until 1:51 pm (4:51 pm ET) with its ingress into the watery depths of Scorpio. We feel more able to float with conditions that foster change. Mercury picks up our mood and mental adventurousness when it goes into Sagittarius at 5:40 pm PT (8:40 pm ET), a tag-along to the Sun that will create a Step-2 echo of situations that emerged starting November 21. This commences a week of openings and revelations that tie into events at the end of October-early November. We see more now, and we’ll be ready to move forward with a new set of circumstances by the time this week is done. The first salvo of Mercury comes when it repeats its square to Neptune, the third of three (0°37' Sagittarius/Pisces), tying to events around October 29 and November 13. Something we had to surrender to releases its bonds and we can show what we know. We enter the time of the Wishing Moon as it enters its Balsamic phase overnight. The Moon starts the day in Scorpio but loses its zing at 5:08 am (8:08 am ET) when it goes void of course. This gives us most of the day to complete background tasks and explore inner space to set our wishes and intentions for the month ahead. However, we should look lively from 2:22 pm, when its entry into Sagittarius brings the spark of idealism and creativity. We get a look at our life direction in light of our relationships as Venus conjoins North Node (24°40' Scorpio) to perfect the balance of considerations in looking ahead. A scattered beginning brings a focused ending if we use the early hours to get organized so we know what’s on our plate. Moon in Sagittarius makes us want to rush over the details, but it will take longer if we do. It’s an eventful day as we turn two corners into a new vista: The New Moon at 0:42 am/21°45' Sagittarius (3:42 am ET) launches us into the lunar month that will see the beginning of a new world of consciousness for humanity at the time of the solstice. Uranus at 4°37' Aries beams its energies of awakening to us as it stations direct following its five-month retrograde (commencing July 13). This has taken us on another round of creative self-reinvention. How have you adjusted your self-image and direction in response to startling events? The New Moon carries the seed of our future on the very grandest scale, as a new 26000-year “Great Year” commences on Earth as her December solstice aligns with the center of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. This is the turning point in the Mayan Long Count calendar, the initiation of a new World of human consciousness and a time when hope and light overcome all darkening trends. We are the Bringers of the Dawn, here to help people through the most critical part of the 200-year transition period. This lunar cycles carries the hope of the future and the informed ideals of a humanity unified in its resolve to live sustainably. Much needs to be transformed, and it will take all hands to effect the necessary changes. Cast your sights on the distant horizon. At the time of the New Moon, the lunar void period commences, but while in Sagittarius, this can used as a launch time if desired. At 1:42 pm, the Moon enters Capricorn, focusing us on the obstacles that agitate us. In the chart cast for Washington DC (3:42 am), we see a national leadership that is focused on the long term, with wisdom and optimism. Although at first the steps that will be permitted by opposing forces will be small, these forces will lose their steam as they are led forward through the fears that drive their compulsive reactions. Right now, there are many other nations that are much further along the path to the sustainability that will drive the next economic wave, but the US is discovering its resolve to express its highest potential, broadening its vision to encompass the needs of all. However gradually, the American population is pointed in the right direction now. The New Moon at 22 Sagittarius activates the Sabian Symbol, “a Chinese laundry”. It’s time to look at the world through the eyes of other cultures and the circumstances that shape their cultural personality, both historical and current. Immigration and issues of unequal relationships, such as the health and conditions of the workforce that drives an economy from the bottom up. A particular focus is placed on labor unions, pay and benefits, and exploitation. It is time to walk a mile in another’s shoes. The Moon is in Capricorn, occulting (eclipsing) Pluto and taking us into the heart of transformation overnight, then spurring us to industrious pursuits for the rest of the day. It’s finally time for a long and loosening exhale, as Mercury completes the contacts it refrained from completing when it turned retrograde on November 6. For those who experienced the worst of Hurricane Sandy, this will bring a substantial turning point in their recovery and ability to move beyond the conditions they were thrust into in late October. There is no doubt that a deep wound has been incurred, and many have suffered to bring a critical lesson to the American population about the importance of changing the nation’s direction with respect to climate change and the politics of world harmony versus dominance. The wound is already being healed. At 8:38 pm (11:38 pm ET), Venus emerges from the mysterious depths of Scorpio into the transcendent light of Sagittarius. Our social life follows the trail left by the Sun (starting November 21) in discovering our purpose and Mercury (October 29–November 13 and December 10–30) in connecting the mental and communicative dots. Now our relationships come into the mix, and we search for the path to fulfilling our ideals with our partner present or yet to come. It’s time to heal the wounds still left open by events of the past year. The Moon in Capricorn contributes pragmatic productivity that lingers into the day, although its brief void period that starts at 1:15 pm is perfect for a power nap. Once the Moon enters Aquarius at 1:53 pm, our mood waxes more objective and oriented toward social contact as it forms a Minor Grand Trine with Venus and Uranus—great time for unexpectedly pleasant meetings and outcomes. Old doubts resurface as Venus squares Neptune (0°43' Sagittarius/Pisces), but the greater truth is a work in progress, and there are no shortcuts. A profound multi-dimensional transformation is taking place, and we must wait until the right time for the manifestation to occur. The Moon Aquarius lightens the mood and gives us access to an objective viewpoint. Our mind is sharp and open to the heart’s wisdom as we look at a perplexing situation. At 10:11 am TP (1:11 am ET, 12/18/120), the Moon goes void of course in Aquarius carrying a productive harmony over into this cosmic pause. It ends at 4:48 pm with the Moon’s movement into Pisces to sensitize us to inner reality. This stabilizes the feeling background to a mental awakening that comes with Mercury’s opposition to Jupiter (9°21' Sagittarius/Gemini). We understand what came to us on December 2, leading us to full awareness as a result of events on December 22. The Moon augments the dissatisfaction and doubt we encountered yesterday, motivating us to take the next step toward the changes we’ve been contemplating. The Moon’s travel through Pisces today generates cognitive dissonance leading to a call for action that we are able to enact starting tomorrow. We see the truth behind the veil as Venus trines Uranus (4°38' Sagittarius/Aries), a follow-up to last week’s events. This clears the way for action, although actions now will be more developmental than final. The Moon is void of course at 9:19 pm (12:19 am 12/20/12 ET) on the First Quarter Moon, leaving us restless, perhaps anxious to fulfill what it feels like we may have lost due to our own slowness to respond. This is a time of magic, when the things we put into motion will bring beneficial results. This is the easiest time of the lunar cycle to bend the forces to our purified intentions. Until 11:43 pm, we can tune into our heart to find the truth hidden there, which we can carry forward into the Moon’s sojourn through Aries which begins at that time. The chart for the US set in the nation’s capital places the Sun at the root of the heavens. It suggests the US is focused inward on its own healing process, drawn there by Hurricane Sandy and the growing cold of winter. There is a great deal of anticipation—and anxiety—about what the future holds. The President is effectively fatherly, reassuring as the budgetary process moves in alignment with his perspective. The Sabian Symbol for the Moon’s location of 29 Pisces is “light breaking into many colors as it passes through a prism”. The Sun’s location at 29 Sagittarius is “a fat boy mowing the lawn”. The effect of weather extremes is reaching even to those with wealth who may have dismissed it in the past. The truth of “strength in diversity” has never been more worth celebrating than now, when we need ideas from every possible perspective. The light is returning in all its many forms and rich vibrations. To open the wound is to have a chance to heal it, and we may feel a painful vulnerability with someone we care about as Venus squares Chiron (5°36' Sagittarius/Pisces). Although we might want to collapse into self-pity, an attitude of patient inaction is especially beneficial right now, as Jupiter crosses the apex point of a yod to Saturn and Pluto (8°56' Gemini/Scorpio-Capricorn). Yods indicate areas where waiting is generally helpful, as we wait for unknown factors to come to light. The Moon in Aries packs a punch as it carries us through another episode of the long-term transformation we’re going through in some part of our life. The more “real” we can be about what’s happening, the more realistic our response and speedy our rebirth and recovery. At 3:12 am PT (6:12 am ET), the Sun enters Capricorn, the December Solstice. This is the great moment when the new Great Year, the 26,000 years of one Earth Wobble, commences. This is the turning to a new Long-Count calendar in the Quiché (Maya) cosmology. It represents the birth of a New World (or Age) of human consciousness, where humanity begins its return to the light. For this event, the Moon is transiting Aries in a calm space that unites head and heart. The Sun creates a “peace-on-Earth” portal with Neptune that augments the blessings of this Great Rebirth. Our study in still life is completed today when Jupiter quincunxes Saturn, ending the exact yod they have been forming with Pluto since Thursday (8°46' Gemini/Scorpio). This comes as Venus reaches the release point of the yod to bring a gentle truth forward. Our heart’s truth is revealed, however inconvenient that might be. The Moon is void of course in Aries at 4:57 am, giving us a lazy morning to sleep in or tidy up. When Moon enters Taurus at 10:25 am, we’ll want to be ready for the projects of the day. As the evening comes on, anxiety builds if we’re thinking beyond the present moment. An overnight contact with Saturn brings our worries to the surface, but the more we hook into the big picture and what’s most meaningful, the better we feel. It’s a good day to get a lot done, and we’ll be energized in our efforts as Moon trines Mars. The brief, late void period commences at 9:58 pm PT (12:58 am 12/25/12 ET), giving us time to relax before it lightens us up with its entry into Gemini at 11:13 pm. The energies are in flux as Mars moves into Aquarius (4:49 pm PT, 7:49 pm ET) and Sun squares Uranus (4°41' Capricorn/Aries), part one of the latest plot twist in our transformative process. The emphasis is on freeing ourselves no matter the cost if we are following our heart when we do it. We need to see the context of the situations that puzzle us, as the Moon in Gemini activates our ability to see the big picture. Saturn sextiles Pluto, the first of three passes that reveal the place where we are to build the foundation of our future. Compassionate words, or wordless presence, can heal old wounds, as Sun sextiles Chiron. At 10:50 pm, the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow. After a quiet morning, the Moon enters Cancer at 12:06 pm to draw us toward our comfort zone. As we enter the zone of the Full Moon, we are learning that the people we feel the most peace with are not necessarily whom we expect. We are magnetized toward those loved ones now, as we experience the harsh contrast between what is expected of us and what really makes our heart sing. At 2:21 am/7°06' Cancer/Capricorn (5:21 am ET), the Full Moon arrives with the emotional truth on its wings. This is a particularly powerful peak of lunar energy, coming as it does while the Moon heightens our emotional awareness and the Sun lights up the depths of the Underworld through its conjunction to Pluto. This is good! It illuminates our "instinctuitions," the source of our deepest motivations. All levels of consciousness are united, our true motivations and purposes recovered, and we can “move the center” of our life with the confidence of self-knowledge. It won’t happen overnight, but we have the inspiration to launch a thousand ships toward the shore of our fulfillment. The Moon is void of course at 6:43 pm until late tomorrow, but this is an especially auspicious time to work on the inner planes. Telepathic, feeling, and psychic connectivity is especially strong, and we can take fruitful action if so inclined during the Moon’s void in Cancer. The chart cast for the Full Moon set in Washington DC shows an emphasis on foreign relations, especially the war of words surrounding one or more conflicts. Presidential vacations may give spurious media sources the upper hand, however temporarily. Weather is an ongoing disruptive factor in the national consciousness and prevents family holiday unions, a relief for some and a growth experience for all. The population has the comfort of knowing that things are headed in the right direction, a good time to recharge the batteries before the next act in the political play. The Moon’s Sabian Symbol at 8 Cancer is “a group of rabbits dressed in clothes and on dignified parade”. The Thanksgiving parade may have been disrupted, but New York will put on a show for Christmas! Once again, this metropolitan engine of transformation leads the nation to remember the resilience that has gotten it through tough times before. In our personal lives, be aware of the difference between putting on a show for the family and being real about what we really feel. It’s good to be gracious, but to stop short of being a victim of circumstances. The Sun at 8 Capricorn is symbolized by “birds in the house singing happily”. This suggests the ability to find happiness wherever we are. Happiness is a capacity that lies within us, taken wherever we go and cast into our environment no matter how difficult. Awkward truths mute us as the Sun quincunxes Jupiter (8°02' Capricorn-Gemini), but we still don’t know the whole story. The Moon is void in Cancer, keeping us attuned inwardly, until it enters Leo at 11:45 pm (2:45 am 12/20/12 ET). A new yearly cycle in our ongoing transformative process starts today, as Sun conjoins Pluto at 9°16' Capricorn. If we pay attention, we may experience a shift as we enter this new vibration—a glimpse of what we will learn through Pluto in the coming year. We are more firmly connected to reality through Saturn in this new cycle, as the miracles we have been creating begin to rain into our lives, drop by drop. The Moon’s journey through Leo today opens heart and mind to limitless possibilities, as we are propelled forward into our own brave new world. Don’t let evening doubts cloud your vision of the big picture. At 6:03 am PT (9:03 am ET), Mercury enters Capricorn carrying flavors of the transformative process that lies before us. We don’t want to be alone anymore. We want to exchange the bonds of supposed intimacy for true closeness and connection, and we’ll do what it takes to get there. The Moon in Leo lifts our spirits and gives us some time out when it goes void at 1:52 pm on a social note, remaining void until game time tomorrow. The year ends on a note of hope and open possibility, as Mars connects with Uranus and moves toward Jupiter. Mercury sextiling Neptune shows us a gentler side of what’s true, and we know we can carry on.
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