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by Terry Lamb The planets come, the planets go—at least, that’s the story in May. In our last episode, Mercury was retrograde in Taurus and continues through May 11. With Saturn also retrograde in Virgo, this can be tagged as a time of getting our lives in order. Saturn’s retrograde is almost complete; it will turn direct on the 30th. In fact, the end of the month shows us quite a light show, with Jupiter opposing Saturn (the 1st of 3), Saturn stationary direct, Uranus entering Aries, and Neptune and Chiron stationing retrograde (Chiron on June 4). As if that weren’t enough, Jupiter finally gets within range of Uranus as the month wanes to bring improbable miracles and brilliant innovations into our lives. This creates tension that releases through breakthroughs in consciousness. What more could we ask for—we get the answers to our prayers! The inner planets are in a relatively quiet zone in the sky, since they will be in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). That doesn’t mean it will be quiet for you if you have planets in the early degrees of these signs. Mercury’s retrograde transits this zone, and it squares Mars in Leo in the process. This has the effect of revisiting the Mars retrograde, which also traveled in the same zone of degrees (Mars, 0°–19°; Mercury 2°–12°). This means that whatever saga was set up and experienced in November-March has had another subplot unfold since the beginning of April, when Mercury began its movement through its retrograde zone (although still moving forward). With Saturn, we now have history. It’s been in Virgo since September 2007. Since it returned to Virgo on April 7, our energy is more grounded. We’re pushed back into the field of energy that we inhabited over the past two years, with all the memories and feelings that entails. But it’s almost over; in the meantime, we have some clean-up, clear-out, and get-healthy tasks to finish by July 21. We’re busy! This busy-ness is intensified around May 30 as Saturn makes its station direct, and there’s a sense of release and accomplishment if we’ve done our work up to that point, even if it’s not done yet. Mercury’s retrograde is half over, almost an afterthought by May 1. We can still squeeze more learning out of it if we want. The challenge of this retrograde is to discern between ego and true-self impulses in our consciousness. We get to see the ego trips played out in less harmonious ways just to make sure we get it right. Mercury returns to forward motion (stationary direct) on the 11th. To underscore this process, and to make sure we get the lessons of the Mars retrograde of December 20–March 10, Sun squares Mars on the 4th. This is a blip, but it helps us see how we’re doing with reducing the ego’s role in our lives. Finally, we get more delicious Venus-Mars action when they form a sextile on 7th. This sweetens the cup of love in our lives, and it doesn’t hurt in the money department either. The plot thickens around mid-month however, when Venus sets off a T-square to Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus on the 17th–19th. This tightening trio forms an opposition across the heavens (Saturn to Jupiter-Uranus). Poor Venus gets caught in the middle of quite a fireworks display! This suggests that reconciliation between conflicting elements or factions does not occur naturally during this time. This is the introductory section to a subplot that unfolds as the Sun, then Mercury step into this zone. The bigger story is the one we started working on in September 2008, with a continuous string of plot twists since then. All planetary patterns can play out in harmonious ways and produce beneficial results. It’s good to ask ourselves around this time, “And that’s bad because . . .?” The Sun however makes peace with these titans at the same time (May 17-19), giving us a way to create win-win results. Chiron and Neptune keep us on track with our healing process too, as they square the Sun (May 19-21) and then turn retrograde 2 weeks later (May 30/June 4). We’re still working on healing the Great Wound, but there’s a subtle shift to more energy sensitivity with Chiron now in Pisces. Observe events on the 23rd, when Venus opposes Pluto. This may establish a situation that plays out in timing with the eclipse on June 26, with a relationship twist. We’ll get a glimpse into our unconscious realms from someone who has a bird’s eye view on our lives. We learn more about what’s real for us. Venus contacts the Lunar South Node (the transiting eclipse point) on the 31st to give us a karmic, cosmic perspective. On May 27, with a relative clash of cosmic cymbals, Uranus enters Aries. Now we get to train ourselves to live life through our authentic self rather than the ego mask we’ve learned from society. How much better would life on this planet be if we all did that?! (Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations here are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and times listed are Pacific Standard Time. A "Void Moon" or "Void of Course Moon" (or "VOC moon" for short) makes no significant aspects until it enters the next sign. Its void period is thought to be a poor time for starting new projects or making concerted effort toward existing plans. According to William Lilly, the Moon in Cancer (Moon's rulership), Taurus (Moon's exaltation), Sagittarius and Pisces (signs ruled by Jupiter, the Great Benefic) "performeth somewhat." Lee Lehmann reports that she has tested this, and "you can take it to the bank." Another way of putting how this works is that, when an action is taken during the void period in one of these signs, you get "unanswered success." That is, the lack of planetary action prevents your action from being denied. Maya's rule of thumb was, "In making a close call, I look at the moons final aspect, just before it goes void of course. This shows how the situation will end up." The Sagittarius Moon activates Jupiter to make for a lively if somewhat less productive day due to our distractability. Go ahead, have some fun! The Moon makes the bridge from Jupiter to Neptune, Saturn, and Uranus, bringing us a wee-hour dive into the unconscious , revealing to us the situations that we will deal with over the next three months. Make an effort to remember your dreams. They will be full of messages from beyond. At 1:08 am, the Moon enters its void period, which lasts only until 3:00 am when it enters Capricorn. This augments our inner healing processes as it sextiles Chiron while we dream. An early afternoon conjunction to Pluto is felt all day, causing our dreams to linger into the day and taking us deep into our being. We are assisted by a Moon trine to Mercury; because it is retrograde, we get especially significant insights in the last half of the day. The Moon eases into a trine with the Sun, grounding last week’s Full Moon experiences into the “real” world. This is underscored by Mercury retrograde trining Pluto. This is the second of three of these contacts, by which we get in more intimate touch with what’s really going on beneath the appearances of things in our life. This is the most significant of the three contacts. Tension and impatience may have built over the past few days, culminating today as the Sun squares Mars. This is a sign that the ego has separated us from our awareness of inner truth. The Capricorn Moon makes three harmonious contacts before it goes void of course at 12:07 pm. A trine to Saturn sandwiched between sextiles to Jupiter and Uranus once again connects these planets to spark human ingenuity. We can take advantage of these harmonies by tuning in to insights that will show us the next steps on our path of service to others. At 1:51 pm, the Moon enters Aquarius, then squares Mercury. We’ll feel like we’ve got too much going on to settle into one thing. Instead, use the time to get perspective on your priorities. The Moon in Aquarius amplifies the coming Venus-Mars sextile to support relationship communications and rapport. At 9:15 pm, the Moon reaches its Last Quarter square to the Sun, at 15°33' Aquarius. This signals us to tie up loose ends, integrate our experiences into new wisdom, and prepare for the next lunar month. With Jupiter closing in on its conjunction to Uranus and opposition to Saturn, tension is building to liberate ourselves from outworn structures: what once supported us now feels confining. It’s time to break free (at least in the coming few months)! We feel more eager now, even impatient, to push aside obstructions. If this goads us into the courage we need to face the obstacles in our lives, we are using it successfully. In the chart cast for Washington DC (May 6), 10 Capricorn rising places Pluto and the North Node on the Ascendant. , as well as Mercury retrograde on the IC. A trine between these two planets suggests that new, real information is reaching the people about what is truly going on in government and politics. Where the party out of power is in alliance with extremist factions, many have come to believe in ideas that are not true. This leads to new poll numbers showing a change in opinion on some factors, such as the effects of health care reform or how well Obama is doing as the leader of the nation. Foreign powers are also in focus, as the Saturn opposition to Jupiter-Uranus falls in Houses 9 and 3. Unexpected events will produce progress in a long-term diplomatic effort, such as in Iran, Iraq, or China. The Sabian Symbol for 16 Aquarius is, “The active executive of a large corporation sits at his desk immersed in the details of some business project.” (ME Jones version) With Pluto on the Ascendant of the US chart, corporate actions are being felt this week, and they are coloring the image that the US has both domestically and internationally. This may have to do with banking and investment reform efforts and the intense lobbying that Wall Street firms are engaged in to block legislation. In our own lives, a big-picture perspective and industrious approach to our situations will be beneficial. The Moon remains in Aquarius, feeding us insights as it reaches toward Neptune all day long, until 11:37 pm, when it enters its void-of-course period. Look within for images from the invisible realms, more clearly visible as the Moon traverses this uncluttered patch of sky. At 2:37 am, the Moon enters Pisces, immediately conjoining Chiron to bring new healing energies to us. It also opens opportunity’s door, hooking up with Mercury and Pluto to form a minor grand trine. This links initiative with insight so we can squeeze a few more ounces of inner wisdom from Mercury before its retrograde ends. Use it to launch a new transmutation of outmoded thoughts. Relationships get a boost, as Venus finally reaches a sextile to Mars. It will benefit us, in ways at first not evident and more than we think possible, to connect with others today. Moon continues in Pisces, but we may be too sensitive early in the day to want company. Wait until the afternoon, then a sextile to the Sun creates a more social atmosphere. It also makes us more reflective about events of the past month. What did we learn? The planets create activity and a little drama as we engage in Mother’s Day gatherings. Make reservations at your favorite restaurant. It will be inconveniently crowded—or wait until after 1:12 pm when the Moon goes void of course. The noise and crowds will die down. This is true even after 2:29 pm when the Moon enters dashing Aries, since it makes no further contacts until early tomorrow morning. Just after midnight, the Moon squares Pluto to bring up more treasures from the depths of our consciousness. Observe your dreams; they are windows on your soul. With no further contacts but a trine to Mars before the end of the day, we’ll be blessed with lots of energy and an easy flow in using it. At 3:27 pm, Mercury returns to forward motion (is stationary direct). This moment of standstill feels like a release as we complete an intense learning period. Situations in our lives can move forward again, but possibly in a new direction based on what we’ve learned. The Moon finishes its sojourn through Aries with sextiles to Venus and Neptune bracketing the day. We’ll be in touch with the invisible world, where love is felt and expressed unfettered by ego-emotions. Bringing this forth into our lives is possible now. The Moon goes into its void period at 9:12 pm, giving us a breather until 11:48 pm when it enters touchy-feely Taurus. A hair past midnight, the Moon’s sextile to Chiron brings a healing light to our dream state, just the start of this morning’s richness. It continues with a conjunction to our now-direct Mercury and follows up with a trine to Pluto. Head and heart will be conjoined with our deepest levels of consciousness to create new awareness of what we want, need, and deserve. We will feel compelled to move in a new direction, toward something we can no longer ignore. It will be more wonderful than you could ever imagine. The Taurus Moon makes three contacts today, the first a square to Mars, which has now outdistanced the zone it was retrograde in earlier this year. As Mars enters new zodiacal territory, so we encounter new adventures to test how centered we can be. The Moon rests until it reaches the Sun at 6:04 pm/23°09' Taurus to mark the New Moon, the beginning of a new lunar month. On this New Moon, there are plenty of harmonies to tap into, and we will get a chance to resolve matters tied to the biggest challenges in our lives with the Sun-Moon trining Saturn and sextiling Jupiter-Uranus. New awareness comes to relationships as we connect the dots and discover what needs to be done to continue “making it real” in our ties to others. In Washington DC, the chart of the New Moon places Sun-Moon in the 6th house of labor, manufacturing, public health, and the armed forces. We’ll begin to see the benefits of the health care reform act as they slowly penetrate people’s lives. With the Sun-Moon harmoniously contacting the planets signifying health reform, some significant positives come through as this month unfolds. Saturn near the Midheaven (top of the chart) represents President Obama, whose seemingly slow but steady movement is having a profound effect that is just now having a substantial effect. The economy looks good with Mercury trining Pluto placed in the 2nd house. The New Moon position of 24 Taurus is given the Sabian Symbol: “An Indian warrior riding fiercely with human scalps hanging at his belt.” This symbol has a bellicose feel, and with Mars trining the Ascendant of the US New Moon (from the 9th house), an attack on foreign shores would be so easy to do. However, public opinion weighs against such an attack and will probably prevent or curtail such activity. In our own lives, we do best to stay attuned to others’ feelings, avoiding a “take no prisoners” attitude. The Taurus Moon reaches the late-degree planets—Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus—in the wee hours to infuse our dreams with insights about the grand forces of the universe and how they fit our lives. We’ll get yet another take on how to reconcile Saturn’s structure with Uranus’s need for freedom. At 5:28 am, the Moon enters a brief but usable void period, which lasts until its entry into versatile Gemini at 6:18 am. A square to Chiron reveals a sensitivity that we can release energetically. The energy forecast for today is light and brisk, with a chance of fun social encounters, as the Gemini Moon sextiles Mars. Perhaps a sporting activity is in order! Before the Moon in Gemini goes void of course at 10:06 am, it makes five contacts. First is an occultation (“eclipse”) of Venus to intensify our awareness of our feelings and motivate us to do something about it—but what we don’t know for sure yet. A trine to Neptune lifts us to compassionate understanding that eases the remainder of the contacts—squares to Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, forming a T-square. This opens a door of a powerful awakening of emotion that started with the Moon contact to Venus this morning but will continue as Venus makes the same T-square over the next three days. Relationships will be tested and authenticated, or changed; some will end, while others will begin or rejuvenate. Finances will go through a similar process. The Moon is void of course from 10:06–10:45 am, when it goes into family-oriented Cancer. We will bring nurturance to our healing process when Moon trines Chiron immediately thereafter. The evening is one for deep thought, as Moon sextiles Mercury and opposes Pluto. We’ll get an astounding insight to finish the day, adding to the sense of powerful movement already in progress through the T-square. Today is a Jupiter day, with Venus squaring and the Sun sextiling this planet of largesse. We’re unlikely to feel like taking great risks, but sometimes it’s what’s in our hearts anyway, so we must throw caution to the wind and do it. The Moon continues in Cancer with no contacts. The Cancer Moon reaches all the end-of-sign planets today, making us aware of how hooked-up most of the planets are to each other. It trines Jupiter, sextiles Sun and Saturn, then trines Uranus, bringing a sense of security and can-do attitude to our outlook. Meanwhile, Venus reaches Saturn to bring out our feelings of remorse for what we procrastinated on, but her trine to Neptune gives us a graceful way out. The Sun trines Saturn, signaling the close of Saturn’s retrograde in 12 days. Nearly stationary, we can see what we’ve been able to accomplish through sincere application over the past five months under Saturn’s watch. The Moon is in a brief but productive void period after 1:35 pm, until it enters Leo at 2:06 pm. A square to Mercury reminds us of what remains to be resolved in the wake of Mercury’s retrograde. Four planetary events today, and none of them are lunar: Venus finally reaches Uranus to complete the T-square process affecting relationships and finances, with a startling plot twist on the last page of the story. The Sun’s square to Neptune gives us signals to what’s coming on Neptune’s retrograde, which starts on the 31st. Mercury finally makes its third of three trines to Pluto to complete the integration of deeper awareness we’ve been working with since early April. At 6:05 pm, Venus takes on a more nurturing tone when she goes into Cancer. Today is chock full of planetary events. Principal among them is the Sun’s sextile to Uranus. This sends us signals about what to expect in the coming ten months as we experience Uranus in all its relationships with the Sun. The Moon stays in Leo until 4:58 pm, going void of course at 4:43 pm on the First Quarter Moon-square-Sun. Before that, the Moon bridges the decreasing gap between Mars and Neptune, as we prepare to experience the contact we felt coming last fall. Something we thought was going to happen in November got delayed or dissolved entirely, and we wondered what happened. Now we understand more about what did happen, as we find an infinitely better alternative to the options that presented themselves then. The Last Quarter Moon cements this process as a focus in the coming week, even though it does not culminate until June 4. Yesterday’s Sun-square-Neptune is also codified in the chart, making this the dilemma which must be faced in the next week. However, this is just the beginning of Neptune’s focal period as it prepares to retrograde, so don’t expect comprehensive solutions right now. Relationships find more harmony this week with Venus in Cancer, but there are deeper currents of energy in motion that will result in transformation around June 26's Lunar Eclipse. Jupiter is nearly exact in its opposition to Saturn. This brings new insights regarding the ways we balance security and risk, work and pleasure, contraction and expansion. It also marks the bottom of the 20-year real estate and economic cycle—but there are larger cycles in play now that make this a moot point. At 8:34 pm, the Sun enters lively Gemini, bringing out our communicative, experimentalist side for a month. The Sun is on the Descendant and Chiron at the IC (bottom of the chart) in the New Moon chart cast for Washington DC. With the Moon past Mars in the 9th house, a conflict with a foreign power is over, and it’s time to move on to other concerns. The Jupiter-Saturn opposition suggests that the dynamics between the Senate and House of Representatives will be colorful, with wide variations between the form of legislation in one house versus the other. The Sabian Symbol for the First Quarter Moon degree is, “Into a letter is poured vital and confidential information; it is folded carefully, but the envelope is not sealed.” (ME Jones version) Leaks of important information seem likely under this symbol, probably an intentional act. This does not mean that this is a bad thing. A grand trine rules the day as the Moon still in Virgo makes trines to Mercury in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. All this occurs at 5° in each of these signs. This emphasis on harmony in Earth signs provides a beneficial foundation for any effort that aims to create something in physical reality, from business to your backyard garden to a house blessing. The Moon in Virgo colludes with Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and the Sun to make this a very lively day. Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus have been headed into a compound Saturn-opposition-Jupiter/Uranus since early April. Today it reaches its first peak, the Jupiter-Saturn opposition, with help from the Moon in bringing it into our everyday experiences. We feel an especially acute motivation to DO SOMETHING today, but if we’re not sure what that should be, it is best to wait. In fact, with these planets making so many interconnections, it is unlikely that we will see what we’re dealing with clearly. It is only when we get out of our heads and into our hearts that we will feel the clarity needed to take action. Important actions taken today can turn out well if they involve an instinctual impulse that feels like it comes from the deepest core of our being. If you’re confused, wait. After contacting these planets, the Moon is void from 7:33 pm until it enters Libra at 7:55 pm. A Moon trine to the Sun gives the day a happy ending, with a feeling of optimism. Indeed, no matter what happens, everything is all right. The Moon in Libra finds the other planets in early cardinal degrees—Venus and Pluto, just before Venus reaches its opposition to Pluto. Once again, the Moon helps Venus bring “what’s really going on” up from the depths of the invisible realms, often shocking and always transforming those who experience it. The resulting blast of reality strengthens us. The Moon remains in Libra and finds harmony with Mars and Neptune as they head for the opposition we instinctively felt was coming last fall but was denied by Mars’s retrograde. When Mars and Neptune connect, they bring an illumination of our spiritual quest when Mars pierces the veil that hides the inner realms for a short time. This often includes, especially in the world of politics, bringing to light a disillusionment so we can live closer to reality. At 9:01 pm, the Moon is void of course, until 11:17 pm when it enters Scorpio. Soon after, it trines Chiron to bring forth the energies of healing. The Scorpio Moon grants us a harmonious morning followed by an insightful afternoon, as it sextiles Pluto and trines Venus, then opposes Mercury. This gives us a chance to mend our relationships and take care of financial loose ends. A great idea comes in the afternoon, but make sure it answers the needs of the heart as well. The Moon continues to traverse Scorpio, squaring Mars at dinnertime. This can bring feelings of impatience and irritation as we feel pressure to get more done. This is the urging of the ego and results in stress more than it does in accomplishment. Relax. The Full Moon arrives today at 4:07 pm/6°33' Sagittarius, almost as a denouement after a climax of other planetary contacts. The Moon starts the day in Scorpio, harmonizing with the Saturn-Jupiter-Uranus pattern in the wee hours and squaring Neptune in the midst. This makes for an active dream experience that we can tap even if we don’t remember our sleeping sojourn. The Moon enters its void period at 4:13 am, which lasts a mere two minutes, until it enters Sagittarius at 4:15 am! This brings us immediately to a square to Chiron, with the Full Moon the main feature of the lunar day. No planetary activities could upstage Uranus today, though: it enters Aries at 6:48 pm. This signals a shift in the way we incorporate new insights into our awareness, the theme of those insights, and the directive we feel inspired to fulfill in order to grow. In the chart cast for Washington DC, the Full Moon (Sun-Moon) opposition falls in Houses 7-1 (8th and 2nd signs), with nearly the same degree rising (23 instead of 24 Scorpio). This tells us that the situations of last week will carry over to the coming lunar week. The Full Moon location illuminates issues of separation and division of the US with other nations. This could indicate conflict or reconciliation—the energy can be used either way. The Sabian degree of the Full Moon (7 Sagittarius) is, “Cupid knocking at the door of a human heart.” This suggests an opening to true love, which can only come from the true self, not the ego. Sometimes our awareness of true love is masked by the concerns of daily life or the fears and wounds we carry from the past. Cupid’s arrow pierces the ego-casing we sometimes carry to protect the heart and reveals this magical gift from the Cosmos, called love. This will also be felt in the political arena and bodes well for resolution of long-term differences with a nation that has been alienated from the US. The Moon in Sagittarius greets an empty sky today, giving us free rein to do what we will. The Moon in Sagittarius gives us the opportunity to get inside our process with Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus once again, as it T-squares these planets once again over the morning hours. A trine to Mars and sextile to Neptune brings the energy and idealism to find solutions and act on them. The Moon is void of course as of 9:40 am, until 11:44 am when it enters Capricorn. The Moon makes two immediate contacts—its first to Uranus in its new sign of Aries (a square), activating the new consciousness we’re bringing in; and a sextile to Chiron to continue our work with the new energy-focused healing experience of Chiron in Pisces. The evening finds us diving deep into the earth to find more buried treasure as Moon conjoins Pluto, Lord of the Underworld. Finally, at 11:11 am Saturn returns to forward motion (stationary direct). During its five-month retrograde, our ideas about what is needed in our lives and how to go about building the required structures have changed. Now we move ahead much better aware and so can be more successful in our endeavors. Moon brings us more insights into our relationship bonds when it opposes Venus, and we have a chance to talk it out in perfect harmony when Moon trines to Mercury over the last half of the day. At 11:50 am, Neptune begins its apparent retrograde (backward) motion, opening a five-month period of working on a specific area of growth where our spiritual understanding and universal consciousness are concerned. It teaches us about the nature of the invisible realm, from which all truth stems. When we understand what happens in this realm, the events of in the visible world make sense. The Moon brings us all flowing, easy energies today, as it trines Saturn and sextiles Jupiter, then sextiles Uranus after it enters Aquarius. It enters its void-of-course period at 8:41 pm, lasting until 10:08 pm when it goes into Aquarius. Listen within today, and new insights and images of what you’re creating will percolate to the surface of your mind. |
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