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by Nina Bouska The third and final exact opposition of Mars and Pluto at the New Moon is a major aspect of this month. This doesn’t exactly mean we can heave a sigh of relief, at least not quite yet—transits are after all the basis of transitions, and transitions are rarely abrupt. (That’s why astrologers use orbs, areas of influence of varied size depending on the intensity of the aspect and the speed of the planets involved, to try to assess the increasing and decreasing importance of any particular aspect.) Any harsh aspect between Mars and Pluto, and they repeat themselves roughly every two years, is apt to activate suppressed hostility. So underlying cantankerous vibes remain through all of March. Inner planets trigger the building opposition of Saturn to Uranus, which comes exact precisely on election day November 4. The significance is uncanny, as voters make the decision between Saturnian “experience” extolled by Hillary Clinton and John McCain, and Uranian “change” and “hope,” so skillfully urged by Barack Obama. It is fascinating to watch how the exponents of change have influenced the modification of other arguments. The Vernal Equinox marks the end of winter and the onset of the season of blossoming, a transition most of us welcome wholeheartedly. There is a sense of hope in the essence of Spring, exemplified in the readily visible new growth and regeneration. We are invigorated in anticipation and expectation of the fruitfulness and harvest that “rebirth” brings. There is an urgency about getting to the things we’ve been meaning to do and setting our sights on the rewards we are sure we can produce. (Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations here are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and times listed are Pacific Standard Time. A Void
of Course Moon makes no significant aspects
until it enters the next sign. Its void period
is thought to be a poor time for starting new
projects or making concerted effort toward
existing plans.) Moon opposes Mars, which adds emotional impetus to irritating situations, as her last aspect before going Void of Course at 8:54 am PST. Fortunately, she slides into restrained Capricorn before she next conjuncts Pluto just after noon. Nonetheless, the growing tension of the Mars-Pluto opposition underwrites the day, meaning each of us will probably notice a need to control volatile feelings. Self-control comes more naturally today. We can lean on the higher principles we value, and pursue some question or curiosity that has been hounding us. One way or another, we seek answers. By evening, we have reason to feel a bit self-satisfied. Moon goes void at 10:16 pm. MONDAY MARCH 3 and TUESDAY MARCH 4 Moon remains void until she goes into Aquarius at 8:24 Monday evening—and completes no classic aspects at all until Wednesday morning! These two days speed by in the thrall of slower aspects—the heightened hostility of Mars-Pluto tension and the strengthening Saturn-Uranus dilemma of choosing between tried-and-true methods and innovative change. The presidential primaries reflect this most obviously to the many of us captivated by the presidential campaigns. In our private lives, the same factors are operative. We have aggravations to work on eliminating, now. We have to make some hard decisions before the end of the year. Moon successively occults Mercury, Venus and Neptune today, meaning her path passes between them and Earth, blocking their emanations. Common astrological interpretation would say that our emotionality and gut-level reactions will override our rational thinking, our desire to please and our ideals. For those who have been repressing their own needs, this could be good news. But in most cases, this is apt to produce less-than-desirable results. Be alert. Moon goes void at 1:46 pm PST. Moon enters Pisces at 2:53 am and trines Mars at 4:04, starting the day with a mellower mood that we’ve known recently. We’re feeling both a strong sense of responsibility and renewed optimism about reaching worthy goals. Even better, our energies seem once again to be predictably responsive and under our control. Venus joins Neptune this evening, redoubling our aspirations. The day starts with the Mars-Pluto opposition coming exact at 1:05 am, so any undercurrents of foreboding we’ve experienced over the past six months or so will continue to be there, even if subliminally, all month. But the New Moon occurs at 9:14 am, before Moon goes void at 11:03. We can head into the “new month” bearing the upbeat outlook we noticed yesterday, with hopeful anticipation of new beginnings and a more confident sense of self. It augurs good luck in setting our priorities for the coming four weeks. Since Moon is void all day, cleaning up tag ends and unfinished objectives should be high on the list. With everything tidy, we’ll be prepared to start laying sturdy foundations for the work that comes with the next New Moon. The luster of fresh starts carries us through the morning, until Moon goes Void of Course on her conjunction to Uranus at 11:03 am, spurring us to muse on out-of-the-ordinary solutions. On a personal level, we should be feeling some satisfaction now from recent efforts. On a national level, this suggests that many of us will be pleased by the fallout from Tuesday’s critical primaries in Texas and Ohio. The national chart, set for the exact conjunction of the Sun and Moon at 12:14 pm in Washington DC, shows Cancer rising, with that conjunction almost exactly on the midheaven—the point that reflects our nation’s stature in the world. Apparently, many neighbors around the globe have been paying close attention and hopefully many will likewise be pleased. Still, it’s Pisces there and may not be a WYSIWYG situation (What You See Is What You Get). The exact Mars-Pluto opposition remains provocative, with Mars just above the ascendant (in the house of clandestine activities and confinement) and Pluto, significator of power and transformation, in the sixth house. In political astrology, the sixth is commonly associated with national defense and the military, but also with all things related to health and labor. Are we looking at covert military action? Or movement toward universal health insurance? A flu epidemic? Or a resurgence of the political muscle of the working class? While this aspect occurs regularly, only occasionally does retrogradation bring about a triple pass, as it does this time. The last time was 1939, infamous as the beginning of World War II. On a more positive note, the time before was 1806-07, when tensions were high between the U.S. and Spain because of the Louisiana Purchase, and exploration of the Great Plains and Rocky Mountain areas exacerbated problems with Native Americans. No major warfare occurred, but in Europe Napoleon invaded Poland. On the previous triple pass, we saw the French Revolution and, in the U.S., the election of the first President, proclamation of the first Thanksgiving and the establishment of Washington, D.C. How will this transit-trio be remembered? The good news is that Pluto is moving toward a comfortable trine with tradition-bound well-disciplined Saturn; Mars toward an opportunity-filled sextile. Venus, Neptune and Mercury conjunct in the eighth house hold a hopeful if somewhat nebulous outlook for financial matters. Disturbing implications may unfold around some candidate funding. The Mars-Pluto opposition falls on the midheaven in countries abutting a vertical line that bisects the globe from Finland through South Africa, slicing through the Ukraine, Romania, Greece, Egypt, Zaire and all the countries between. It is not far from Belgrade and Kosovo, where unrest is intense. It precisely spans the horizon in charts for Indonesia, and the Philippines. Then there may be clues further afield if we look at this opposition as “the fullness” of the initiatory conjunction on January 13, 2007. (You may want to check your journal to see what was happening In your life in mid-January.) Thanks to the internet, it is now easy to see was happening then. On the 13th, martial law was declared in Somalia; an 8.2 earthquake in the northwest Pacific brought widespread tsunami warnings; two-thirds of Venus' southern hemisphere suddenly brightened as something triggered aerosols to form at a furious rate and scientists announced they now think that Venus was once much more Earth-like and awash with water until an eco-disaster struck. We can check the entire month for significant events that may have “ripened” since the conjunction: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_2007. On the 4th, Nancy Pelosi was elected Speaker of the House. On the 6th, Britain’s Sunday times reported that Israel had drawn up plans to destroy Iran’s nuclear enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons in the event that U.S. intervention did not occur. On the 10th, George W. Bush announced “the surge,” which interestingly enough is now “ending.” The Sabian symbol for the Sun-Moon conjunction at 18° Pisces: In a gigantic tent, villagers witness a spectacular performance; the collective appeal of a well-staged and exciting display of skill and/or oratory. “What takes place,” says Rudhyar, “is the use of personal achievement and conviction to bring a crowd to a state of enthusiasm sufficient to make it forget its boredom with everyday routine or its familiar sins of commission or omission.” The implication, he continues, is that “the time has come for the individual to date to present himself and his works to his community for applause, or for the purpose of attracting a following.” Moon goes into Aries at 6:23 am and rather shortly thereafter squares both Pluto and Mars. Hackles rise again. Around noon, Sun contacts Uranus, lighting up the forward-looking notions of International Women’s Day activities and demonstrations. A lot of us may experience “do it my way” attitudes today. Remember to set your clocks and watches ahead one hour, as Daylight Savings Time begins at 2 am today. We may be a bit fuzzy-headed and have difficulties saying exactly what we mean. As the day wears on, we could get over-confident, or apathetic and lethargic. Moon is void from 4:09 this morning until she goes into Taurus at 9:14. A bulk of planets and asteroids are clustered between Chiron in mid-Aquarius and Pallas, newly into Aries, giving an other-worldly supraconscious cast our thoughts and activities. We can be both more objective and more intuitive than we normally are. This also throws a lot of emphasis on Saturn in Virgo, who wants to get things done and make things work effectively. Upbeat and pragmatic are keywords today. Harking back a couple of generations or so, this is a day to just “keep on trucking,” putting one foot ahead of the other to do what has to be done. We have a few doubts about accomplishing what we wish to achieve, along with a poignant awareness of how much work is demanded. Some serious thinking about our challenges starts the day, and lingers through Moon’s void period from 10:24 ‘til 10:53 when she saunters into Gemini, less than eager to take on all the questions that surround the more daunting tasks among them. We summon the fortitude to get real by evening. But Venus moved into Pisces mid-afternoon, so our notions about reality may be a bit nebulous. Saturn is starting to glower at Venus and Pluto offers a helping hand, so we pull ourselves together and calculate our resources. Moon in Gemini is still willing to accept superficial answers, so recognize that current research offers only guidelines. Make a good outline, and plan on getting to the meat of the matter in a few days. Don’t dismiss the quirky ideas. Moon is briefly void early this morning, from 1:23 to 1:37, then hurries on into Cancer and her opposition to Pluto, which could set us up for some testy interactions with others. Thinking twice and counting to ten is an especially good trait this morning. It’s a busy day, aspect-wise. And it’s the First Quarter Moon, at 3:46 am PDT, a time when we’re advised to check up on how well we’ve been aiming this past week. The report is probably a mixed bag. We get a B+ on self-discipline, controlling our temper, and being persuasive. That last probably because we get an A in framing our statements nicely (if not altogether accurately). We’ve done less well in being manipulative and in knocking back an overwrought sense of self-importance and/or self-righteousness. Tonight, when Moon conjuncts Mars, everyone’s patience may be sorely tried. In Washington DC, the First Quarter square of the Sun and Moon occurs at 6:46 am, so our nation’s chart has Pisces rising with the Sun in the first house. Mercury’s move into Pisces occurs exactly twelve hours later. Confusion may characterize the coming week. Self-aggrandizing proclamations from our leader may be a prime contributor to that. Moon and Mars are starting to cozy up in the fourth house, credited with national security and nationalism, real estate, agriculture and historic roots. Moon (using the keywords listed at cafeastrology.com) represents “the people, basic necessities, women, the national mood, the desire for change;” Mars as “the military, police, aggression, manufacturing/industrial concerns, generals, war, violence, metals, fire.” Might we expect to see more cohesion between the attitudes of our people as a whole and the views of those for whom aggression, domination and violence have been a desirable way of dealing with the world? Or will she simply add emotional volatility to the existing tension and hostility indicated by the still-active Mars-Pluto opposition? The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 25° Gemini: Frost-covered trees against winter skies; the revelation of archetypal form and essential rhythm of existence. Rudhyar characterizes this as “a process of removal of all superficialities of existence.” The symbol for the Sun at 25° Pisces: Watching the very thin Moon crescent appearing at sunset, different people realize that the time has come to go ahead with their different projects; a keen appreciation of the value of individualized responses to any challenge of life. “One basic cosmic-spiritual impulse will lead varied personalities to take equally varied steps,” opines Rudhyar. “In any society that glorifies individualism, everyone should therefore accept this fact and not try to compel other individuals to conform to a single pattern of response.” Perhaps the message here is simply that tolerance, at all levels, in all manifestations, has become an indispensable quality for modern life. With Moon in Cancer home and family are our major interest. Today we are able to listen compassionately to others who are important in our lives, and to express our opinions succinctly and forcefully without being hurtful. The interchange may leave one or the other feeling unappreciated, or even unloved, but the feelings lighten up by evening, and making up may be quite nice. Moon is Void of Course much of the day. Her last aspect, at 11:59 am PDT, is a Moon trine Sun that leaves us feeling both creative and playful. If circumstances allow, we may also be inspired to be flirtatious. Moon moves into good-natured, charismatic Leo at 6:04 pm. Not a lot that’s notable in today’s chart. Most significant is a double quincunx from Moon to Mercury and Venus who are nearing conjunction in Pisces. Leo as a rule denotes a big heart and generous spirit, with a sincere desire that others should share its good fortune, but the amorphously defined desires and ideas coming from Pisces may be difficult to decipher. Requests will need to be rephrased. Moon’s quincunxes have moved to Jupiter and Uranus, forming a yod that outlets on Chiron. This is good news. Chiron is known as the Wounded Healer, which suggests that the solutions to current puzzles lies in looking back to how similar situations were resolved in the past. Give “similar” a wider orb than “same.” Moon goes void at 11:39 am, on her intuitive opposition to Neptune. Moon whips into Virgo just 25 minutes after midnight, and it’s time to put the elbow grease into all the plans we’ve been mulling. She conjuncts Saturn to strengthen our resolve and opposes Mercury and Venus, to heighten our rationality and ardor. If you live on the west coast, Spring starts at 10:49 pm (and just 11 minutes before midnight in the mountain states). The first day of Spring, another potent indicator of new beginnings. Many astrologers consider Sun’s entrance into Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, to be the beginning of a new year. This chart shows a good deal of tension, more dramatic than the winter solstice chart. Sun, then conjoined with beneficent Jupiter to modify its goading of Mars and Pluto, now reinforces that impetuous liaison with challenging squares. The combo of Moon and Saturn in Virgo can be merely discriminating or overly critical, and their persnickety gazes are focused on our communication, our hopes and fears, and our investments. Moon goes void at 12:28 pm PDT, on her opposition to Uranus. The remainder of the day—and, in effect, the coming three months—carries the “me first” and “been there done that” cadences of this aspect. In the national chart, set for 1:49 am EDT, Sagittarius rises. Always striving to reach the impossible dream or scale the insuperable mountain, Sag incites us to do our best—or worst. Juno (philandering Jupiter’s enraged wife is her namesake) is just below the ascendant, moving in on the power of Pluto. One is tempted to think of the barely contained outbursts of a presidential candidate, yet the first house represents the identity or visible personality of the nation as a whole. Juno there may be recognized as the protector of women, children, and marriage and also as a symbol for money—all issues at the top of the news this season. Only Pallas is situated closet to one of the chart’s four power points, just four degrees past the nadir, the point of security. She is five degrees away from a conjunction by Sun. Pallas, second in command to Jupiter, was known for her ability to put this and that together in ingenious way to develop effective strategies, and for her willingness to do whatever was called for to achieve her objectives—in her day, nothing, not even nuclear warfare, would have been off the table. The chart is weighted in the third house, the area that embraces all communication, the media—TV, newspapers, magazines, radio, the internet—and neighbor-to-neighbor gossip. We do have to wonder whether the people who express all that “news” we hear daily ever really think about the impact of what they are saying. In this chart, the impact ricochets back from Moon-Saturn, which—with any luck—will lead to investigating and documenting the allegations offered. It’s a time for taking the long view, but, sadly, that seems to be a rare occurrence. It’s important for each of us to recognize now that we, as individuals, can contribute to a better world by refusing to accept or reject on face value anything that we hear or see, on a national level or in our personal lives, and instead taking the time to reflect on its merits and try to find facts to back up or refute the assertions. The Sabian symbol for Moon at 13° Virgo: A powerful statesman overcomes a state of political hysteria; the focusing of the collective need for order and structural interdependence into a personage who incarnates the answer to this need. “We see a new type of characterization of the many-faceted polarization of positive and negative,” writes Rudhyar. “We have before us a personage endowed with charisma, this elusive and mysterious power that comes from a man’s or woman’s openness.” The symbol for Sun at 13° Pisces: An ancient sword, used in many battles, is displayed in a museum; through the effectual use of his will a consecrated man can become a symbol of courage for all those who follow in his footsteps. Rudhyar notes this as pertaining to “will power as the ultimate spiritual weapon, and its undeviating use as the certification of individual worth.” Both Sun and Moon are needling Pluto (to the precise degree) as well as Mars as they form the Full Moon opposition at 11:40 am PDT. It forms a cardinal (active!) grand cross that dominates the chart and may herald the peak of any antagonisms noted at or since the New Moon. Take a look at your chart to see if any planets are being activated in early Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. If so, this could be a busy time for you. And even if you’re not skilled in astrological techniques, you can take a quick look at your degree-for-a-year solar arc directions, which I find generally significant. Simply count on into the zodiac one degree for every year you’ve lived. For example, if you are forty years old and your birthday is November 11, which puts your natal Sun at 20° Scorpio, Pluto is now on your solar arc sun. Some changes are in store, and the fireworks may be flaring with this set of transits. Moon has moved into Libra at 8:45 am, and, always dedicated to nurturing, is taking a more mollifying stance than she did from Virgo, trying hard to be fair. But egoistic Sun in Aries is hot to trot and will brook no interference. Hesitation, reluctance, simply feeling our way into or out of a situation could be felled by rash machismo. In our personal lives, forewarned is forearmed. We know such transits last only a few days at most. We can draw on the reserve and forbearance indicated by Saturn’s strong hold on the way we express our wants and wishes and/or our disappointments and displeasures, and wait it out. Check your notes and make sure you’ve dealt with all the knots, and can now begin installing baselines. In our national chart (2:40 pm Washington DC), monarchial Leo rises and Sun in the ninth house of foreign affairs is in the power position as the most elevated planet. (Let us hope that the legislature and the financial community can reign our leader in.) Belligerent Mars is creeping into the sneaky twelfth house where we can’t see what action is being taken. But, on a somewhat hopeful note, the manipulation and concentrated power of the stock market may be giving way to the power of the laboring masses (and/or the armed forces), and jolly Jupiter is now in that sector. Moon in the third suggests effective broadcasting of popular opinion. Then, too, the chart could be said to be dominated by Eris, until recently thought of as an asteroid but then named a dwarf planet, perhaps the long-sought “tenth planet.” Eris is notably more elevated than Sun, less than four degrees from the midheaven. In September 2007, our own Alex Miller-Mignone described Eris: “…a daughter of Night and the personification of arguments, strife and discord. As such, she was viewed as a negative figure, although some attribute to her also a kind of productive envy, which spurs men to greater efforts when they see the successes of their neighbors.” It was Eris who tossed the golden apple to incite the famed goddess-on-goddess squabble among “the fairest of the fair.” Jealousy, strife and discord, competition (down and dirty when that seems promising)? Maybe the whole chart relates not to international tensions but our ongoing noisome presidential campaigning, which is bound to become even more intrusive as the season progresses. The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 2° Libra: The transmutation of the fruits of past experiences into the seed-realizations of the forever creative spirit; a repolarization of inner energies to a creative centralization of consciousness. “All that was manifested in the plant is gathered in the hidden seed,” Rudhyar writes, “which in due time becomes the foundation of a new cycle of existence.” The symbol for the Sun at 2° Aries: A comedian reveals human nature; the capacity to look objectively at oneself and at others. Rudhyar calls this “the attempt to evolve an objective awareness of existence” (contrary to the self-absorption of the first degree of Aries, where Sun is located in this chart). “Through a sense of contrast, consciousness is gradually being built… the ability to see oneself as in a mirror and eventually to laugh at the inadequacy of the form.” The tensions of that grand cross are offset by quincunxes today—from Sun to Saturn and from Mercury-Venus to Moon. There’s not merely the opportunity but an imperative to adjust our attitudes about taking care of our health as well as toward balancing the struggles between our heads and hearts, between our good common sense and our emotional longings. This whole year is about finding new directions, more stable modes of behavior and more practical ways of applying our abilities. Moon is void most of the day, from 5:42 am until she sashays into Scorpio at 7:06 pm. We may not be feeling up to snuff today, physically or psychically. Others may expect too much of us, or maybe it’s our own nagging need for perfectability that makes us feel overworked and underappreciated. We may have to remind ourselves, again, that sometimes saying “no” is the right thing to do, and in everybody’s best interest. Moodiness everywhere today, on your part as well as everyone around, as Sun squares Pluto. It’s not possible to predict when or where one is going to be hypercritical and sarcastic or sickeningly gushy. While you should have good ability to express your wishes clearly and with a strong interest in fairness, if tempers are evident it could be a good idea to put your communication in writing, and edit carefully before you submit it. Comfortable trines from Moon to Mercury and Venus morph into a flaccid kite today if we give Mars and Jupiter rather wide orbs (9°). That seems appropriate considering how strongly emphasized the martial planet has been, and because that makes him the target of the kite’s energies. The planets involved all add up to the message that we need to change ourselves if we want to change our world. The taut triangle quivers when Moon includes Uranus late morning, and gives up entirely when Moon reaches for Neptune and goes void at 5:36 pm. Moon slides into Sag at 7:11 am PDT and spends the day wrestling a challenging square to Saturn and a trailing square to Neptune. Our unbounded aspirations are tethered by stoic recognition of reality. Moon has just encountered the quarrelsome opposition of Black Moon Lilith and Ceres, faced off to argue whether the need is for more nurturing support or whether it’s time to pull the plug. It’s made us fiercely aware that weighty decisions are becoming imminent. Jupiter forwards his sociable good-natured outlook to Venus and Mercury, lightening our consideration of the doubts we’re facing. Mercury, our mental prowess, joins up with Vesta, to remind us of where our most important interests lie, and shortly thereafter joins Uranus. We may be lucky enough to experience one of those wonderful “aha! moments,” particularly during the evening when Moon also confronts Neptune. Moon goes Void of Course at 6:21 am, leaving us the whole day to ponder our new insights. She’s soliciting input from a wide range of players, perhaps most significantly from Eris, a master at knowing what to sacrifice, and Neptune, who cautions as usual that the high road, the one that will benefit the maximum number of individuals, is usually the best choice. Moon moves into Capricorn, where results can be expected, at 7:43 pm, and at 10 pm conjuncts power-laden Pluto. Today’s is a dynamic chart, highlighted by Moon’s holding hands with Pluto and drawing in their nice trine to Saturn. As the Last Quarter Moon chart, at 2:47 pm, it signals that our efforts over the past month are coalescing into a pattern that will soon begin to move more rapidly toward our desired objectives. Moon throws her rays across the chart to Mars, activating his waning ties to Pluto, and finds them less pugnacious, more intent on initiating meaningful action. With Sun squaring all three, it’s still an ego thing. But Sun is also conjunct Pallas, so the emphasis is on problem-solving and utilizing the experience and wisdom of friends, associates and counselors. In the national chart (5:47 pm EDT), Virgo rises. The pay dirt is in the details; the payoff is in painstaking work and craftsmanship; the objective is healing. If our nation is to repair its prevalent divisiveness and come together to grapple with all that needs to be done, now is the time to get some definitive steps going. The seventh house is loaded. Uranus sits almost exactly on the descendant, denoting unexpected liaisons and contemplation of future ramifications. Vesta, Venus and Mercury are conjunct there, as are Sun and Pallas. The welfare of our children and our children’s children, and other desires so natural they seem inborn, are foremost in our minds. Diplomacy and dialogue gain renewed credibility, if not as immediate action as goals to pursue. The fourth house too has a potent congregation: Moon, Jupiter, Pluto and Juno, all attached to that seventh-house consortium and to Saturn. Our underpinnings, our foundations, our infrastructure are up for serious deliberation. There are plans to be laid, and refined and laid again. Admittedly, this could all be interpreted from the opposing point of view, and could be fearsome. The seventh is the house of our enemies as well as our allies. Dogmatism remains and the chart is laden with hard aspects. But I see those cradled in the beneficent arms of Jupiter-Uranus and Moon-Pluto trine Saturn—I guess I am an eternal optimist if not an outright Pollyanna. The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 10° Capricorn: An albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor; the overcoming of fear and its rewards. “The communion of love and compassion can bring together the most disparate of lives,” says Rudhyar. “We are presented with a picture extending the ideal of peace and happiness through a culture so it now includes all living organisms on this planet. The power of such a culture of harmlessness and compassion generates trust everywhere.” The symbol for the Sun at 10° Aries: A teacher gives new symbolic forms to traditional images; revision of attitude at the beginning of a new cycle of experience. “We find the capacity to restate the problem,” Rudhyar concludes. There arises a desire to “reformulate much that had been taken for granted because it had indeed originally been an evolutionary necessity.” Times have changed, as have our needs and our desires. We can take the peaceable path. Seems like everybody in the galaxy wants to speak their piece today, so it may be wise to withdraw and spend some time alone with our own thoughts. We recognize that a time for action is coming up soon; we know that we can be both creative and generous in developing solutions. Chances are, we’re feeling pretty good about the way things are going by the time Moon goes void at 9:54 pm. Moon goes into Aquarius but maintains her standoff all day. There are no exact classical aspects. The ones we’ve been looking at are fading, although still in effect. We’d be well-advised to make some notes for future reference, and start planning our new strategies. Saturn is almost back to his trine to Pluto, meaning that well-considered efforts will pack a powerful punch.
© Copyright 2000-2008
Nina Bouska, Daykeeper Journal. |