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by Nina Bouska There’s edginess and overtones of discontent in the aspects this month. Pluto’s rigid new persona in Capricorn is beginning to show, Mars is regaining his belligerent stance and Mercury is once again backing off—imploring us to pay attention to what we’ve been doing and see if we’re on the right track. Exhausted electioneers have made us all tired of the process and little else seems to be going the way we’d like it to. We’re worn out by weather extremes and it seems like they’ll go on forever. Mercury will retrograde until February 18, a time when we are more than normally susceptible to the hostile and impetuous inclinations of the ongoing Mars-Pluto combination and the dilemma of choosing between Saturn’s tried-and-true methods and Uranus’ idiosyncratic leap into the future. The year’s first set of eclipses mark the first with major players in earth signs, changing the elemental flavor of the world from fiery to earthy. Earth signs rule material matters, tangible substance, practical affairs. The Solar Eclipse Feb. 6 may restimulate the energies of the massive cosmic event of August 1999, which has since been correlated with all sorts of weighty circumstances ranging from the concurrent earthquake in Turkey to the war in Iraq and tensions with Iran; this eclipse falls exactly opposite the degree of that eclipse. It may be some time before effects becomes apparent, as this eclipse is by no means as powerful and traverses a relatively unpopulated area. All the way through these chilly months until spring
settles in, we’re
plagued by Saturn in Virgo in the sixth house of a natural chart. That’s
a time to be extra sure to take care of our health.
At the same time, Mars in the third house of a natural chart is demanding
lots of activity in our daily lives. And all the other planets are at
the top of the chart egging us on to accomplish more and more. (Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations here are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and times listed are Pacific Standard Time. A Void
of Course Moon makes no significant aspects
until it enters the next sign. Its void period
is thought to be a poor time for starting new
projects or making concerted effort toward
existing plans.) A Venus-Jupiter meeting early this morning seems an auspicious way to start the month. We can feel both benevolent and a bit self-indulgent. We can maintain an optimistic outlook despite the short-lived dampening rays of Moon’s square to Saturn. That can be used to add a note of practicality, and to recognize that we may have been aiming a bit high with Moon in Sag. Mercury and Neptune are putting
their heads together behind the scenes today,
so be alert for things that aren’t quite
what they seem. On the other hand, it’s a great day for kiting
some fanciful creative ideas and drawing on the
wealth of inspiration that’s usually subconscious. Moon goes void
at 2:21 pm, on her opposition to Mars. There may be tension late afternoon
and this evening; sleep may be restless. Moon moves into Capricorn at 1:52 am PST and promptly joins Pluto, meaning they’re both in range of an opposition to Mars. There could be vibes that are downright hostile. Even trivial issues can seem to loom large and feelings can be easily ruffled. Moon’s trine to Saturn this afternoon will help keep the lid on, then her later conjunction with Jupiter can make things better, or worse. Try to keep your cool. Yesterday’s unease settles a bit as Moon conjuncts Venus this morning. There are still things going on that aren’t immediately apparent, while there’s a lot of striving for control on your part, and by others. No one may be feeling quite up to par, ranging from simple lethargy to a cold coming on, and unexpected actions or incidents are likely. Moon is void after 10:20 am PST. Moon goes into Aquarius at 11:10 am and makes no classic aspects throughout the day. The clear-cut results hoped for from Super Tuesday voting are not apt to come through, and the struggle goes on. Benign aspects dominate the chart for the day and, in our personal lives, we should be able to make great progress in tying up loose ends and creating order. Today is a day for initiating some of the changes we’ve been contemplating for a long time. There is planetary backup for definitive action, and a promise of long-lasting support. Both a drive to secure our home base and a determination to develop well-functioning platforms for far-reaching activities nag at us, and our ability to meet those needs is strong if we can muster the patience. The New Moon brings a Solar Eclipse, although it will not be visible in America, so theoretically its influence is minor here. The exact conjunction at 17:44° Aquarius occurs at 10:44 pm on the east coast, at 7:44 pm in the Pacific states. The eclipse will be visible from southeastern Australia and New Zealand to Antarctica; the conjunction is overhead in the area of Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia and western Australia, so the obvious changes of direction so often indicated by eclipses may be most apparent in those countries. An escalation of the unusual weather and preponderance of natural disasters is possible. The eclipse map does show the Pluto-Mars opposition falling across the vertical axis in Pakistan and India, so we may expect further unsettling news from there. Nonetheless, an eclipse is a time for new beginnings and is considered to carry its effects forward over the next six months, until the next set of eclipses in August. In this case, with Mercury retrograde, it’s appropriate to lay the groundwork for action to be embarked upon later rather than commence new projects. In our national chart, the conjunction occurs in the fourth house, among a clustering of planets at the base of the chart. Mercury, Sun, Moon and Neptune are conjunct there, along with Chiron, the North Node and Vesta. Mercury suggests volatility, and that conjunction augurs misleading or misinterpreted information. The potential for deceit and deception is strong, as is the dramatic disclosure of such. But it could also suggest, thanks to the inclusion of Chiron, efforts that would eventually result in healing following the “surgical” removal of impediments. Security issues and the soundness of the foundations of our country will be prominent in the news. Family values, education and our children’s future will be expounded upon by politicians of every ilk. Libra rises, and its ruler Venus is approaching the nadir, the point of security, offering the possibility of constructive solutions but cautioning that we must move after due deliberation. Venus trines Saturn, the solid traditional voice of congressional authority now positioned in the house ruling legislative action—worthwhile legislation may come to pass. That cluster of planets is trine Mars, which gains power as the most elevated planet in this chart. Its position on the cusp of the ninth house, in Gemini, could indicate investigation or pronouncements of importance by the judiciary. Or it could portend further action affecting education or the clergy. Black Moon Lilith sits on the cusp of the second house, pointing up the need to look into matters long repressed or misrepresented; the state of our economy will be a prime concern. Pluto on the cusp of the third house, lording it over Venus and Jupiter there, signals our need to make upbeat changes in our daily routines. The Sabian symbol for 18° Aquarius: A man’s secret motives are being publicly unmasked; the difficulty for the modern individual to keep secret his private past or his deeper motives. Rudhyar’s analysis seems remarkably appropriate to this time of ceaseless electioneering: “Today, struggle between the power of society and the rights of the individual leads in the end to the defeat of the latter. The media and innumerable governmental agencies are nearly always able to find access to remains or records of past actions; modern psychologists and psychiatrists are increasingly adept at penetrating the deepest secrets…” The allusion seems obvious on a national level; on an individual level it may suggest being especially careful about protecting oneself against identity theft. Gung hay fat choy! Last night’s New Moon marked the Chinese New Year, the beginning of the Year of the Rat. First in the cycle of twelve animal years (as Aries begins our cycle) it is considered a time of renewal, hard work and opportunity for people who are well prepared and resourceful. Moon conjuncts Neptune predawn, and then goes Void of Course at 7:50 am PST, on a trine to Mars. It’s another pretty mellow day. Moon enters Pisces at 5:46 pm. Shoulder to the wheel today, and tote that barge. There’s work to be done, but still low energy for doing it. Jupiter is toying with an aspect to Uranus, pinging its nascent square to Mars, so circumstances are not dependable—actually that’s true through this whole month. We need to be prepared to cope on the fly with the situations that arise, especially with Moon’s conjunction to Uranus tonight. Take time to relax today and consolidate your strength and your resources. Moon is still diddling about with Uranus, though not being obvious about exactly what kind of crazy-making antics she’s up to. She’s also square to both Mars and Pluto, which can get hackles up again—whether at us or by us. Pallas is at her side, helping us shrewdly lay plans and not get carried away. Moon is void from 1:05 pm PST until 10:17 when she enters Aries. Who’s feeling antsy? Practically everybody. The Moon-Uranus influence lingers all day and Sun catches up with Neptune. You may wonder whether you’re loony or everybody else is. It settles down by evening. The keynote for the day: Take it easy, and don’t let any of it get to you. Both Sun and Moon are bringing out Neptune’s inclination to fuzz things up. It can be hard to see what it is that needs to be done, and harder yet to figure out how to get it done. No one seems to be communicating clearly. The loftiest goals seem more than usually desirable and less attainable. Social interactions and relationship seem fraught with unwanted entanglement and you may be pressured into giving more than you really want to. Moon goes void at 5:00 pm. Moon goes into Taurus at 1:34 am and, at last, it’s easing up. We seem once again to have our feet on the ground and our head up. Today’s chart offers two lovely grand trines, linking Moon and Saturn with Jupiter and Pluto—solid persistent effort should bring pleasing results. There could be a flash of sharp words this evening, probably relating to a partnership, but let it go. It’s transitory. The First Quarter Moon marks a time to assess the progress you’ve made during the past week in pursing the goals you set for yourself at the New Moon. The chart for the exact square of the Sun and Moon at 7:35 pm is not notably different than that for the New Moon, so our interests from that time are reinforced. We may want to make some changes, perhaps do some rearranging around the home or tidy things up in our workspace. We may be eager to discard things that have outlived their usefulness to us. Enjoyable creative effort may lead to surprising new knowledge and understanding. The chart set for Washington DC, at 10:35 pm, again has peace-loving Libra rising, with planetary emphasis in the third and fourth houses. The same concerns noted at the time of the New Moon remain in force, with a couple of added influences. Squares from the fourth to Moon, on the cusp of the eighth, cast an emotional overtone to discussion of the changes needed as well as disturbing fluctuation in the dependability of foreign investments in our economy. But Moon is trine Venus at the base of the chart, which brings conciliatory pleasantries that are very helpful. The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 25° Taurus: A vast public park; the cultivation of natural energies for collective use and recreation. “We witness the positive and impressive results of man’s collective endeavor to live in peace and to enjoy moments of relaxation,” says Rudhyar. The symbol for the Sun at 25° Aquarius: A butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed; the capacity to develop the rational and fully conscious aspect of the mind ahead of normal evolution. “A strong process of conscious individualization is suggested, perhaps at the expense of the instinctual-emotional aspect of the personality (its left side) … overcoming negative or ego-challenging experiences.” Moon goes void at 9:05 pm PST. Moon enters Gemini at 4:19 am. Her first aspect today is an emotional trine to Mars, her last a communicative trine to Mercury. That means she’s squaring Saturn all day and that can bring us down a bit with a tendency toward pessimistic attitudes, reduced physical vitality, emotional moodiness, melancholic dissatisfaction, and flashes of depression. Staying active is the best antidote, although probably not the easiest. Unexpected surges of intense feeling—attraction or animosity, intrigue or irritation—can be surprising during the early part of the day, and confusion results. By bedtime we’re apt to be absorbed in thoughts of what we could have done, or should have done, under the circumstances. But they’re gone now, and best forgotten. Moon and Mars hanging out together today bring the obsessive desires of Pluto to the fore. We’re eager to grab the controls and just do it. The vibes carry through the Void of Course period from 5:15 am until Moon goes into Cancer at 10:12 am. Venus is pleading that we need to try a different point of view; Mercury and Saturn have teamed up to insist that we need to be more logical, rational and pragmatic. The atmosphere is calmer today but somehow we all seem to really need some strokes. Be generous with your own words of encouragement and approval; maybe you can be a role model for others. Venus goes into Aquarius at 8:22 this morning, making it easier to appreciate the differences in other people’s priorities. Moon goes void on a trine to Uranus at 1:13 pm. The afternoon may introduce a few incredible ideas. Moon moves into Leo at 10:51 am PST, and promptly opposes Venus. The two ladies of the zodiac bring a more romantic sensibility to the prevailing atmosphere, rooting for harmony and cooperation. Mercury goes direct this evening, at 6:57 pm Pacific time, and shortly thereafter the Sun slides into Pisces. A rather quiet day astrologically, with no notable aspects. Moon opposes Mercury, which revives its quincunx to Saturn. We’re willing to settle for common sense and trivial causes. It’s a one-foot-after-the-other pursuit of progress for right now. Perseverance and endurance are keywords. This month’s Full Moon also brings an eclipse, this time an eclipse of the Moon, at 7:30 this evening (Pacific time) so visibility in western states will be iffy. At 10:30 Eastern Standard time, the shadow covering the Moon will be easily seen in eastern and central states (as well as most of Canada, all of South America and western Europe). This lunar eclipse lasts about three hours and twenty-six minutes; its totalitywill last just under 50 minutes, quite a bit less than the total lunar eclipse last August. The Full Moon, and the eclipse, are exact at 1:53° Virgo;
its modifying effects on emotional and intuitional behavior are apt
to make us more critical, with a tendency toward nitpicking. Concerns
about health may deepen. Work that is not overtly rewarding may seem
more like drudgery. While these effects may be most obvious in the next few days, the influence may linger subconsciously until the next set of eclipses in August. So don’t let little pile-ups of discontent drive you to drink. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep on truckin’. In the chart set for Washington DC, Libra again rises, although its very last degree. Moon is within minutes of a conjunction with Saturn, in the tenth house, so the overall mood is less than upbeat. The two oppose Sun (of course) in the fourth, aiming all that malaise at our hopes and fears around real estate, patriotism and the party in power—and also focus it directly on our president, who is surely not having a good day. They also trine Pluto, sitting on the cusp of the third, calling for deep-seated changes in what we take for granted and an awareness of the powers that seek to control our lives. Quincunxes between Sun-Saturn and Venus, positioned almost exactly on the nadir, the point of security both personal and national, point of the need for alteration of both our desires and our assessment of our resources. The arts will need to make major modifications of plans, probably for economic reasons. Both our nation and we as individuals will need to reassess our budgets. All of the aspects point to continued unpredictable weather. The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 2° Virgo: A large white cross dominates the landscape; the wisdom and compassion which only the experience of suffering and isolation can bring. Rudhyar says this indicates “a liberating ordeal” when it seems “the mind itself must be left behind … in order that compassion and understanding may arise.” The Symbol for the Sun at 2° Pisces: A squirrel hiding from hunters; the individual’s need both the ensure his future subsistence and to protect himself from aggressive social elements. “Social processes always cast strong shadows,” writes Rudhyar. Competition, social aggressivity and greed mean that the “need for self-protection and caution is ever present.” Moon meets up with Saturn in the predawn hours, with both still opposite Sun and Vesta. Today it’s our own priorities we’re examining, analyzing our progress, double-checking our plans. In some ways it’s a bit disappointing but there are reasons to be hopeful. Don’t lose sight of those. There’s solace in the old adage: Rome wasn’t built in a day. Moon’s opposition to Uranus colors the entire day. It’s not a comfortable aspect in the relationship sphere, whether in personal liaisons or work partnerships, or both. Either party can be thrown off by changes in behavior patterns and off-and-on moodiness. Or it’s simply too easy to feel bored and restless and long for variety and new kinds of stimulation. We all seem to get pickier when Moon squares Mars, she does that and goes void at 6:15 pm. Moon goes into Libra at 11:45 pm. Today’s chart offers a nice mix of aspects, equal parts pleasing and pushy, with pleasing slightly in the lead. Moon’s brooding square to Pluto is over before we’re out of bed, so comfy trines to Venus and Mercury underwrite an unspectacular but generally enjoyable day. We’ll probably need to make adjustments in actions and attitudes, yet avoid making so many concessions that we feel we’ve been taken advantage of. Rest and relaxation are critical to everyone’s well-being, and this is a day when it’s important to remember that. Of course there are things that need to be done, but some of them can wait. It’s important, too, to recognize that one can be of service to others without being subservient. Helpfulness is a gift, and when offered should be received graciously. Both sides of the exchange need to retain their full measure of pride and dignity. Moon goes void at 5:35 am, carrying the feisty restlessness of Mars to her entrance into Scorpio, at 10:06 am, where Mars shares the throne with Pluto. One could get tripped up by the proverbial gnat’s rump and it may take some fancy finagling to avoid a confrontation. These unpleasant situations are going to persist so long as Mars and Pluto are facing off across the chart, so we can’t really let our guard down until rather late in the year. Moon is busy today, but she makes mostly benign aspects. The most interesting is her square to Chiron, which comes exact simultaneously with a trine to Uranus. There may be a somewhat shocking display of repressed emotionality, or someone’s insistence on feeling guilty when there is no justification for that or denying their ability when it’s perfectly obvious. If you’re the witness, assure the person that their feelings are perfectly acceptable although not supported. If you’re the dumper, tell yourself that, get over it (without wallowing) and move on. Moon is Void of Course all day, its final aspect in Scorpio a square to Neptune at 6:54 am. She doesn’t reach Sagittarius until 10:22 pm. But, late afternoon she meets up with Black Moon Lilith, and with the vibes from yesterday still hanging around, there could be further sudden and unanticipated disclosure of feelings of inadequacy and repressed hostility. Odds are it will revolve around gender issues. The Last Quarter Moon is exact at 6:18 this evening on the Pacific coast. It heralds a wrap-up week—time to take stock and see what’s left to do to meet the plans we laid out at the New Moon. A t-square has evolved linking Sun opposite Saturn with Moon as the focal point. “Why is it,” asked the sage, “that good habits are so much easier to give up than the bad ones?” Our assessment may need to focus on those dichotomous behaviors that seem they will make us feel good, but wind up making us feel bad. Sun is already feeling its approach to Uranus, and we have an urge to rebel—we need to determine whether we’re going to make that work for us or against our best interests. Moon is conjunct Pholus, another of those denizens of the Kuiper Belt recently elevated in astrological interpretations. “In myth, Chiron and Pholus are closely connected … the only reasonable, wise, and philanthropic centaurs,” wrote Dieter Koch and Robert von Heeren in the Mountain Astrologer of July 1996, who noted centaurs as delineating humans’ teetering “between animal impulse and reason—areas that cannot be unfolded without problems, or where we try to, and in time do, make great progress.” The involvement of Pholus in this aspect may augment our ability to discern the difference between possibilities and probabilities. The Sabian symbol for Moon at 10° Sagittarius: A theatrical representation of a golden-haired goddess of opportunity; society’s efforts at dramatizing the greatness of what it offers to the ambitious person. The symbol keynotes “how sociocultural forces operate by dramatization and propaganda,” says Rudhyar, and the drive for advancement along “human, all too human” paths of growth. The Sun at 10° Pisces: An aviator pursues his journey, flying through ground-obscuring clouds; man’s ability to develop powers and skills which by transcending natural limitations allow him to operate in mental-spiritual realms. “Man is seen mastering difficulties … as an individual in command of powerful energies and also as heir to the industry of countless innovators and managers,” writes Rudhyar. Our extra day this year. You’d think it would be a holiday but in actuality it seems pretty much like all the days around it. Still, the chart is pretty comfortable. Moon in Sag always has high expectations, but an equally strong need for fun. Mercury and Venus are feeling very sociable and Chiron agrees that’s a good remedy for whatever it is that ails you. Plan an entertaining weekend. Start tonight.
© Copyright 2000-2008
Nina Bouska, Daykeeper Journal. |