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Nina Bouska's Daily Success Guide




We're delighted to announce that long-time astrologer Boots Hart will be joining us for the next few months with a "General Monthly Influences" Premium feature in addition to Nina Bouska's Daily Success Guide.

Daykeeper's February 2007 Daily Success Guide

by Boots Hart

Of all of the many regularly encountered astrological events, Mercury retrograde produces more questions and complaints than any other. And yes, it is time for another Mercury retrograde.

When Mercury goes retrograde, everyday life operations get stalled, go awry, get ignored or take ten times as long as you think they should. Mercury's favorite areas for playing trickster are communications (any form), travel (by any means), and interpersonal misunderstandings, where irony and annoyance collide: the more important the issue, the more likely you are to misunderstand or leave out some itty bitty (if really important) detail.

This last accounts for the "standard" astrological warning about negotiations and the sealing of important agreements under this influence. Mercury retrograde is a superb time for doing "your homework" on almost anything—or talking things out with people…or for sitting back and having a serious talk with yourself. And it IS a good time to negotiate—so long as you don't come to conclusions which then get set in concrete before Mercury comes out of retrograde.

And why would that be? Well, because there's usually some turn of events, or new information which surfaces just as Mercury goes direct. Meanwhile, however, appointments get canceled, keys get lost, computers crash, cars which haven"t been taken care of let you know by breaking down, traffic is a nightmare and everything's made all so much more irritating by the fact that nobody seems to be listening to anything.

Particularly you.

So how to deal with this? Well, for one, try not to take things personally. You may also do well to check everything twice (even three times), leave more time than you think anything can possibly take (every task will run a little over that, but…) and write things down. Work at staying organized. Stay on schedule. And by all means, service your car and back up your computer before retrograde starts.

Mercury will go retrograde at 10 Pisces on February 14 (for those who are in Europe or points east) and late in the evening of February 13 for all in the longitudes of the continental US or points west.

And yes, since February 14 is a day honored by many, this may just be a lovely time to remind you that events which occur ON the day when a planet (any planet) goes INTO retrograde are "turning points" in life. They merit your attention—not that they negate the rules of retrograde. This means that if anything "important" happens on February 13/14 (yes, I did say anything) it's advised to discuss the idea thoroughly before saying "yea" or "nay."

This same counsel will hold true for events on March 7/8th too (when Mercury goes direct)—except for the fact that questions raised at the direct station (March 7 or 8, depending where you are) can (and usually will) be resolved quickly….while those which occur as retrograde begins (February 13 or 14) will (or should) generally receive more contemplation.

Next…ah yes, the degree at which this retrograde begins: 10 Pisces. Ten Pisces is the first of Pisces "emotive" degrees (10 through 19 Pisces). Through these degrees, Pisces "flows forth"—and that flowing can involve anything Piscean: feelings, passive income (rebates, royalties, interest income, etc.), the letting go of situations which no longer fit your life, your sense of faith, spirituality and/or feelings of compassion or mercy—the urge to help.

So! That Mercury is going retrograde at this degree is a sign: you will just be reaching some point where something is about to finish testing you and start being functional….And then Mercury's going to go retrograde.

But wait! All is not lost. Provided your current thrust in life has to do with improving or understanding things, Mercury retrograde works in your favor. This is particularly true if you are dealing with anything Piscean in nature: faith, creativity, oil, drugs or pharmaceuticals, water issues, injury or illness, retirement and financial security.

After going retrograde, of course, Mercury will move back through all physical degrees of Pisces. The key here is the more physical or tangible your issue, the more this period will bring focus directly to it.

But wait…what's this "physical degree" thing? Every sign has ten physical degrees—degrees zero through 9, and this is where the sign expresses itself through "physical" means, activities or choices. In Pisces, "physical" can range from that listed above to Piscean activities: helping others, taking a step back from daily activities… It can pertain to art: anything from creating it to buying it, to appreciating it at a museum. Pisces is also about connectivity; the commonalties we find, express, or look for in others. So if you suddenly stumble across an epiphany as to how life works, listen. Being the sign of the "Big Picture," Pisces influences often allow us to get really superb "overviews" of life, problems, plans.

Through its well known association with acts of mercy (and all situations wherein we are moved by someone's plight, their bravery in the face of destitution) Pisces displays its polarity to Virgo. Virgo is the sign of tending to things out of "duty," or, because one has accepted responsibility, taking on the work (again, duty) of learning how to best cope with plights, general need or destitution. This dutiful quality inherent in Virgo is why the professions of doctor, soldier and civil servant are innately Virgoan. And yes, this idea of polarity, wherein one sign holds the need and the opposite sign governs the profession which serves that need, continues on around the zodiac.

But back to Pisces. “Injuries” to a person can take almost any form: physical, mental, spiritual, financial or emotional, with the linking factor always being the inability of the afflicted person to simply walk away from the problem. They're trapped: Pisces situations entangle you in the golden cord which ties together the two fishes in its totem symbol, forcing you to reconcile your life—or change it.

So be prepared. If this retrograde comes upon your life at a time when you're charging out into the world, expect to encounter most snafus as impediments to your urge to get ahead. If it comes upon you at a time when you're planning on taking a little "time out," expect fewer slowdowns—except when it comes to paperwork, airplanes, missed phone calls…etcetera. All of that is simply unavoidable, and yes, generally it is that one connection you"ve been waiting for which slips through the cracks.

Why should it be that one? Because—well, look at it this way: when you wait and wait for something—then that's what goes missing or arrives wrong, what do you feel? Ticked off? Okay—for a moment. Then what? Helpless. That's right—helpless to do anything about what you really wanted to be taking care of. That's Pisces. That moment of feeling helpless and realizing you have to let go and trust to the process of life is entirely Pisces. And how you deal with it is Pisces too. To weep and give up is Pisces—as is mustering up the courage to walk through a vale of dank darkness, facing the gorgons of your soul.

And there is the fact that retrograde does eventually end, although this one will take Mercury back through zero Pisces into Aquarius before that happens. As Mercury changes signs, however (on the 26th in the US, on February 27th in Europe and points east) shifting the general emphasis from feelings of care into a somewhat more clarified "Okay, what do I have to do (learn, find out, get) in order to deal with this problem?"

Workable solutions arise as Mercury goes direct—on March 8th (in Europe or points east) or March 7th (for anyone west of the Atlantic ridge) at 25 Aquarius. This is a degree which concerns integrated interaction with the world around us. The symbology here concerns the "power" and "tools" with which one approaches situations. It urges us all to pay attention to what we do, why we do it and how and how well we go about doing it—and the difference between "I" and "we." Where (and why) does an individuated self deal with the longing to merge? Where do we stand for our own ideals and how do we go about joining with others to build something of lasting value? Who do we choose as our partners—and why? Whom do we hope to affect—and why? What do we hope/stand to gain from doing what we are doing—and why is that important to us?

Motivation is obviously important, as is understanding the nature of the moment—that thing we call "now." In any given "now," there is in fact no motivation, for motives involve planning, and "now" has no space for such contemplation. So….to "now" or not to "now"? That would seem the question: can you live in truly present tense? Do you know the difference between your current life and your memories?

We'll be talking about this more next month (when Mercury actually goes direct) but for now, let's just settle on the idea that Aquarius has two very distinct sides: the "instantaneous and now" and the research, planning and foundational layer. All things Aquarian only succeed in the "now" through careful planning, substantial learning and execution of all things in a timely, apt, unbiased and inclusive manner. That's how Aquarius reflects the concept of "hopes, dreams and success"—the keywords for this sign. Aquarius is not about "hoping;" it's about doing the work and taking on the individual responsibility which leads to the achievement, acceptance and a feeling of personal, individual, integral completion one hopes for.

In essence, this Pisces/Aquarius/Pisces Mercury "loop" is all about stopping us (the direct/retrograde point of 10 Pisces) in order to give us the chance to stock of what we're doing, why we're doing it—and if it's really what we want to do. For some, directions will change during this retrograde (or immediately after it ends). For others, vital information will be learned during this period which will affect your ability to move on towards your goal.

Enough about Mercury….let's double back to the Full Moon at 12 Leo on February 2. This Full Moon (like all Full Moons) marks a high point or culmination of effort, process or realization—and with Leo coloring the mix, the theme here is what you're doing to create a life reflective of your real talents and abilities. Given planetary associations to this Full Moon, the suggestion is that this is a time of challenge and adjustment but not actual finalization or finishing of anything. Timing is important, as is your level of honesty—with self and others. Try not to take the onus for everything on yourself, too—delegate when necessary, with the key word there being necessary: no escaping responsibility! Weighing differences are important too: if/when something your "want" clashes with what someone else wants, see if you can differentiate between want and need before deciding. Let me just put it this way: in all matters Leo, bravest and most noble (unselfish) concept wins.

Moving on to February 17, we find a New Moon at 28 Aquarius, the sign of a (nearly) month-long cycle laden with possibilities. The real question here is twofold: what are you going to apply yourself to, and why? Your reasons for choosing one thing over another are, of course, your own, but under any Aquarian influence, balancing your needs against those of others is essential. You win by their winning—and don"t assume you know what other people value, ask.

No matter what you set off to do however, remember the prime Aquarian credo: what works for one must work for all; what works for the situation must take the individual into account. This is a very difficult balancing act, but becomes the essence of success in all things Aquarian.

The Sun moves into Pisces late on February 18, ushering in a time when feelings reign. They may be positive, they may be negative—most of all, they ARE. The first few days of this passage are likely to feel rather "hit or miss," but after that life may lead to a good deal of accomplishment, building of good will and understanding, particularly if you keep Mercury retrograde concepts in mind. The courage of one's convictions and the willingness to "be" honestly count more now than ever. And yet…don"t be surprised if some feelings of inadequacy linger.

Next? Well, while all that's going on, Venus moves into Aries as of February 21, ushering in a time when no one's quite satisfied. Venus reflects our ability to attract and acquire, with Venusian traits being those which do the attracting or enabling of the acquisition. Offset against this is the Aries vibe, an energetic which centers on "self." Together, these give us the description of a period in which we either need to look to ourselves for what we need, when we'll realize we don"t have the means to attract (acquire) that we want—or when we will focus on "fixing" something so that we do have the means to get what we want. A little frustration, yearning and angst is typical of this passage (particularly given the Sun/Mercury Pisces thing), so don't be surprised if you encounter feelings of isolation through dissatisfaction.
But there are things you can benefit from doing. They may not be what you want to be doing, but in your heart of hearts…yes, you know there are just some times when you have to do what must be done—and if you do, you'll be glad later.

Just to make things a bit more interesting (as if they weren't?) once Mars enters Aquarius on February 25 (which occurs in central Europe and points east early on the 26th) natural inclinations focus everyone on results. Impatience can be a prime motivator or curse, depending on how well you handle pressure (internal and external). Don't skip details, don't rush, and be thorough in all you do. Give people/ideas their due—and try to watch the tendency to sound brusque. You may now just because you're rushed—and others may too, so try to cut everyone a little slack (in other words, don't take every little word personally).

When in daily doubt, concentrate on creating quality, one step at a time. And know the point of what you're doing. Because Mars symbolizes action, this moment of Mars entering Aquarius can also "trigger" things which arose around the time of the New Moon on the 17th, so don't be surprised if things or ideas which arose then take active shape now.

Think it's been a pretty full month? Yes, it has—but all which has gone before (in some senses) pales against the fact that Neptune is entering the third decanate (degrees 20—29) of Aquarius beginning February 21. This represents a global shift in societal, scientific and humanistic values. From now until 2011 (when Neptune leaves Aquarius) our world's concept of what "us" means—personal to global—is going to change. Ideas about boundaries and borders will shift. The question of individuality versus the good of the many will come under scrutiny and undergo an evolution…as will business, communication, the handling of electricity/power, issues concerning income (and taxes), global rights and most of our notions about "what's worth it." Being an individual will count maybe more than ever—as will what you do (or don"t do) with that individuality.

What it takes to survive, thrive and grow is bound to change during these years—as will many of our most basic humanistic notions…and somewhere down the line, some far greater sage than I will stand up and say: "You aren't the problem. I'm not the problem. We're the problem: the problem is us—our intrinsic approach to being us." When you hear that, know that you are hearing the Neptune credo—the higher call to creating a better world by putting aside notions of ego and being personally right in favor of getting life right for all of us.

In the meantime however, does this global shift affect us on some personal and immediate level? Yes. Neptune moving into the worldly degrees of Aquarius means it's moving out of the emotional degrees of Aquarius, territory Neptune has been transiting since 2002. This will reflect in a general trend towards recognition of values absent for the last several years and the lowering of Emotional Conviction of the Most Righteous Kind—a change which may well benefit us all. Being that Neptune is also the master of projection and denial, many who have lived in those emotional states (or put up with others who project or deny their righteous rebelliousness and judgmental attitudes) will now emerge from their emotional cocoons and do something about establishing (or re-establishing) emotional boundaries. Just remember not to hold your breath on this one—it's going to take time, and likely as not will involve a few psychic bruises and skinned knees.

Seeing that that's the case, tell you what…I'll go get some planetary antiseptic and a few galactic band aids and meet you here back month for a chat about March, when this shift may begin making more sense. In the meantime, don"t be surprised if the end of February brings with it an echo of last September, as Saturn and Neptune are again in opposition on February 28.

When this opposition came upon us the last time, Saturn was direct and Neptune was retrograde, suggesting that reality had just caught up with and challenged our sense of the ideal and/or illusionary. This time Saturn is in retrograde and Neptune is direct, bringing hope to bear on many fronts. Just don't ignore the real—set some limits for yourself and heed Saturn's retrograde suggestion that this is a time to be building internally. The point of life is not outside you now, although life will certainly be there, inspiring you to do whatever work is needed for you to grow into your own potential—the point of this whole ongoing Saturn opposition Neptune do-si-do.

From now until the latter part of April (when Saturn goes direct) if for working on self and matters which will help you structure, re-structure and build a better and more cohesive life. From April until June (when this sequence ends with yet another day or so of focal opposition) the theme will be more about application.

But we'll talk about that then. Right now, let's have our February—and eat it too. What'cha say?

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Daykeeper's February 2007 Daily Success Guide

by Nina Bouska

Nina Bouska and Maya del Mar became dedicated astrology students together about 40 years ago, and have met regularly with others from their first class ever since. While Maya went on to pursue astrology as a career, Nina still calls herself "an avid student" who does readings only for friends and family. We think she is far too modest. We are delighted to welcome Nina Bouska to the Daykeeper family.

That unpredictable Jupiter-Uranus square mentioned last month remains in effect all year, making its third and last exact contact October 9. So continue to be alert, ready to take advantage of sudden opportunities and/or sidestep unexpected disruptions.

The Saturn-Neptune opposition (see Maya’s August 31, 2006 forecast) is a dominant feature of charts through July. It has let up only a little on its nitpicking away at ideals while suffering diminished self-discipline and is now becoming stronger as Saturn backs up into an exact aspect again the last day of this month.

Pluto rides the top of the chart, coming up on the midheaven, suggesting slow but surely significant changes in our view of the world and the world’s view of us.

Except as otherwise noted, all interpretations here are based on a natural chart, using the beginning of Aries as the ascendant, and times listed are Pacific Standard Time (PST). A Void of Course Moon makes no significant aspects until it enters the next sign. Its VOC or void period is thought to be a poor time for starting new projects or making concerted effort toward existing plans.


The day starts off placidly enough. Both Jupiter and Pluto form benign trines with Saturn, stretching between the ninth house of understanding and the sixth of service and labor, so it may even feel good to get back to work. Saturn’s oppositions to Neptune and Mercury are somewhat shushed by the positions of those two in the twelfth house, where things are generally quietly closeted and where Uranus is also stilled a bit despite his square from Jupiter. To all appearances our world is pretty well under control. But Moon is just getting into gear in Leo, preparing for a provocative Full Moon late in the day. It becomes exact at 9:45 pm on the west coast, so it’s exact in the first hour of tomorrow in Washington, D.C.


Influences recognized with the New Moon two weeks ago, and building ever since, should be peaking now. Work seems more manageable; we’re probably feeling better overall. A group activity helps forge a more cohesive set of mutual goals and ideals. If some kind of bummer reared up last Sunday, it can be healed now with only a modest amount of courteous consideration and an attentive ear on your part.

Mercury moves into Pisces at 1:20 am PST this morning, and we may want to keep many of our opinions to ourselves. Mid-afternoon, Moon eclipses Saturn (which it does in each of the next eight months), which can be a bit of a downer or simply be a drain on our discipline and resolve. Just be on the lookout for trigger points that could question your personal values or upset your sense of security; recognize that those areas could be feeling a little raw today.

Switching to the Full Moon chart at 12:45 am in Washington, we find Moon and Saturn straddling the midheaven. In personal charts, Moon indicates one’s internal personality, emotions, intuition and ingrained habits. In mundane charts, which aim to interpret the aspects for countries and governments, Moon is generally considered to represent the common people and public opinion. Saturn is seen as the elder generation in charge, and is sometimes considered to reflect the national death rate. Its position in this chart could indicate the death of another elder statesman. It certainly reflects the people’s growing indignation about the death rate in Iraq.

Saturn on the cusp of the tenth wants authority. It is still within orb of its opposition to Neptune, which for some time has been exercising its nebulous (sometimes nefarious) confusion-producing influences and diluting Saturn’s sense of responsibility and order. Neptune here sits less than one degree from the nadir, the exact bottom of the chart, making questions about the “insecurity of our security” a serious matter.

Moon coming up onto the midheaven wants to be seen, heard and paid attention to. It, as a Full Moon must be, is exactly opposite the Sun, representative of the country’s leader. There’s obvious tension here and, as Saturn is still within orb of Mercury’s opposition, probably some harsh language.

The cropper is an extremely tight yod or Finger of God, the set of two 150° quincunxes springing from Mars at 12:6 degrees Capricorn and Uranus at 12:59 Pisces to point directly to the Moon at 12:59 Leo. Coincidentally, Sun is beleaguered, sitting exactly midway between the harbinger of all forms of energy and concerted action (not merely on the part of the military) and the restless beacon of rebellion, technology, impetuosity, the unanticipated and the welfare of the future.

A quincunx needs to merge the across-the-board differing viewpoints of an opposition and the blending facility of a trine. It tries to tie together planets and houses that have little in common. The double-quincunx yod is often referred to as “fated” and virtually always insures a need for adjustment and the diversion or redirection of efforts to bring positive results. (Today’s yod is at work in personal charts also.) This one tries to blend the characteristics of fire, earth and water. Since it’s in a Full Moon chart, it relates to summing up efforts that have been going on since the New Moon, and before, in preparation for a new beginning.

How will it play out? Your guess is probably as good as mine. But a headline at the time of the last New Moon read “New Resolutions Lay Ground for Iraq War Showdown on Capitol Hill,” bringing to the forefront of public attention the political conflict that continues to dominate the news. I’m hoping to see the new congress and other consortiums devise a plan that could really put the skids to George’s plans. We should know in about a week.

The Sabian symbols deserve reflection. For 13 Aquarius:

“A barometer; the ability to discover basic natural facts that allow us to plan in advance for action.”

For 13 Leo:

“An old sea captain rocking himself on the porch of his cottage; the quieted mind’s recollections of crises and joys long past.”

Both suggest that thoughtful consideration, and reconsideration, of all that has been happening is the best road forward.


Moon is Void of Course from 2:55 to 6:34 am PST, causing little trouble except to easterners who may not want to start new projects early in the morning. Less than three hours after getting into Virgo, she opposes Mercury and communications are the loser. Emotions and intuition may trump reason, for better or more probably for worse. A good day to double-check your tongue before loosening it. On the other hand, it’s a great day for exploring our own psyches.


This morning Moon and Uranus tangle, or tango, as the case may be, as they face off across the chart. They morph into a t-square with Jupiter a bit later, escalating a devil-may-care optimism. You may be feeling a need for excitement, but try to make it full of memories you can enjoy for a long time. It would be all too easy to say or do something off-the-wall that could upset an important relationship, or let Moon’s persnickety Virgo-ness right now become overbearing. On the contrary, if the surprises come to you from others, recognize that it’s probably a fleeting aberration and make allowances.


The t-square’s fading away, but both Moon and Uranus are still bouncing off Jupiter, so caution and self-control are still advised. Then a square to Pluto, her last aspect before Moon goes VOC at 2:36 this afternoon and finally moves into Libra at 6:15, leaves people primed for a flare-up. It’s important to keep reminding ourselves today that Uranus also foments inventive solutions and Pluto supports long-overdue changes—their influences do not have to be disruptive.


Moon in Libra today makes no exact aspects. Here, where appearances seem especially important, she’s ready to “make nice.” The Saturn-Neptune opposition headlines today’s chart, admonishing us to depend on our own sense of responsibility and persistence, without getting overly swayed by idealism.


Moon squared Mars before you were out of bed this morning—pretty good timing; maybe you even got a chance to let off steam a bit in a dream. At any rate, with an early trine to the Sun and then another to Neptune, the day is looking rosy. Venus steps up to join hands with Uranus, still in the twelfth house so it may be on the sly. Something unexpected is in the works today. Venus denotes something related to love and fun, art and money, and Moon’s sextile to Saturn says it should be welcome.


Even the stars aren’t paying attention today—maybe they figure you’ve got enough going already. Moon’s VOC again early in the morning, 3:38 to 7:09 when she heads into Scorpio. Sun’s exact conjunction with Neptune headlines the day, and it’s kind of hard to remember who we are and why we came into this room. That’s been building for several days, but it should start getting better now.


That Scorpio Moon hogs the spotlight in today’s chart, so expect some manipulative maneuvers, whether on your part or others’. She casts flirting glances toward Venus and Uranus (desires and independence) to stir up a bit of fun and games, and challenges Sun (self) and Neptune (ideals) to a battle of egos. Venus has egged Jupiter (read boss, supervisor, teacher, judge) into taking a stand, or indulgently throwing a bit of weight around to help her get her way. Moon and Venus together have lured Mars into exercising his muscle from the house of status and stature—public opinion could make itself felt strongly. Who’s holding the reins? Only sedate old Saturn, keeper of the tried and true and traditional, is minding the store and making any attempt to keep things grounded. And he’s really got his hands full. (“Besides,” he moans, “I feel sick. I’ve never been comfortable in Leo and those unrealistic Neptune vibes just keep attacking me.”) It’s all a precipitous display of Quarter Moon prowess.


Moon reaches its waning Last Quarter phase just 48 minutes before she goes void, at 2:39 am. Her last aspect, a square to Saturn, leaves her at the powerpoint of a t-square, with Sun on the other pole, conditioning her boxing gloves while she takes the day off until 7:01 pm. It may look like a do-nothing VOC day, but things are churning behind the scenes. Shortly after Moon goes into Sagittarius, Sun directly opposes Saturn. It can feel pretty lonely, for both parties.


Not much new today. But things may get remarkably emotional. It may be hard to make yourself understood, either because we’re overly moody and inclined to add emphasis where it’s not needed, or because we’re just feeling sassy and compelled to do exactly the opposite of what anyone expects. Maybe it’s the other way ‘round, but in either case, keep the subject matter light and transitory.


The tension tightens. Moon has joined the restless Jupiter-Uranus square, which still promises unpredictable outcomes. Mercury has slowed to a standstill, ready to turn retrograde tomorrow. Today there’s virtually no worthwhile dialogue, or news. There’s another fate-full Finger of God yod, this time pointing to Saturn, from Venus and Mars. I find it easy to picture this pattern as the demands of Pelosi and Patraeus besieging the Senate, the energies that will have to hammer out the compromises and modifications that can produce results.

In personal charts, both our unspoken wishes and our acceptance into our world demand diligence in our work ethic. Our required adjustment is, no doubt, to acknowledge that now is the time to “put the shoulder to the wheel.”


Moon goes Void of Course with her conjunction to Pluto 45 minutes after midnight, an aspect of intensity that holds through the day—even after Moon enters Capricorn at 3:42 am. It won’t be easy trying to keep secrets today as Moon is on the midheaven for everyone, as is Pluto. There they sit, buttressing the highest point on the chart, watched by the whole world. And the yod goes on. Mercury goes retrograde, playing his tricks for the next three weeks to unsettle communications, travel, appointments, and miscellaneous plans. Sun in Pisces and Pisces rising types will especially feel the effects.


Moon nuzzles up to Mars today, and everyone’s irritability is growing. It’s hard to keep a sense of perspective, and objectivity is long gone. Hasty action is definitely ill-advised. Best to just keep on truckin’—like that stubborn yod. Moon gives up and goes void, until tomorrow morning, at 7:24 pm. Happy valentines.


It’s still there! For my part, I’m just going to accept the shoulder/wheel bit, like forever, and hope that’ll make the yucky yod go away. I’d advise you do the same. Moon slid into Aquarius at 8:34 this morning, but doesn’t get into anything with anybody all day.


The finger is still pointing when we start work this morning, but by the time Moon catches up with Neptune at 5:48 in the evening, Venus has either thrown in the towel or decided she’s winning, and that hard work and perseverance can make those closely held wishes come true. Moon shines her almost submerged light across the table at Saturn a couple of hours later, where Mars is still petitioning for reconsideration and changes, more energy, more dedication.


NEW MOON AT 28° AQUARIUS, 8:14 am PST. Happy Chinese New Year! This New Moon initiates the Year of the Pig (more traditionally known as the Year of the Boar), which is generally considered to be a pretty good year, especially good for business and having fun.

Moon goes void with the conjunction that marks the New Moon, until she moves into Pisces, at 10:30 am, where she’ll make no aspects until tomorrow.

The bucket pattern that has been predominant so often since late last year, with Saturn as its handle, has grown even tighter. All of the other planets are bunched across the chart, contained within a square of Venus and Jupiter, an aspect that can be self-indulgent or careless or both—so be watchful over the coming weeks. If your plans and strategies call for doing things the way they have always been done, you’re standing alone. If you think you know what’s going on, think again; six planets have congregated in the 12th house.

Some ideas for modifying the direction of your life may be brewing in your subconscious. As you follow the New Moon cycle of consolidating old efforts and initiating new plans, keep an alert ear cocked for those whisperings.

The New Moon chart set in Washington shows Gemini on the ascendant, so communication is the watchword for the coming month. Saturn now sits in the fourth house, anchoring the array between peace-loving and diplomatic Venus in Pisces and Jupiter. In mundane charts Jupiter represents the judicial, financial and religious communities, and he’s now strong in his own sign, Sagittarius, in the house of “others.” Could that Jupiter placement suggest help coming from a foreign nation, whether with intent or merely circumstantial? Which brings up a nagging question: Why hasn’t the U.N. called for a ceasefire? And, what might happen if China threatened sanctions until the U.S. withdrew from Iraq?

In a New Moon chart, Sun and Moon are of course 100% in the same place. But I doubt, in this instance, that means the Prez and the Public are seeing eye-to-eye; more likely that, in the 10th house, each is equally seeking attention and approval.

Mars still sits aggressively in the house of law, religion, education and long distances, still negotiating with Saturn. Pluto on the cusp of the 8th shows little hope of improvement in the death rate.

Mercury, the media, is still backing away from its meeting with Uranus—individualism, breakthroughs and discoveries. The most hopeful note is that Chiron, the Wounded Healer, sits on the midheaven overseeing all.

The Sabian symbol for the degree of the Sun-Moon conjunction is hopeful:

“A butterfly emerging from a chrysalis; the capacity to utterly transform the character of one’s consciousness by radically altering the structural patterns of everyday living and the types of relationships one enters upon.”

Transformation starts with actualizing the adjustments and realignments we have been considering.


Not a lot going on today. Moon skids across Mercury and Uranus in the early hours and later throws a square at Uranus, briefly firing imaginations. Sun moves into Pisces, and the natural 12th house, at 5:09 pm. Egos need to be closeted for the coming month, and intuitive perception moved into the front seat.


The situation remains little changed, except that today Moon joins Venus in its square to Jupiter and an even closer square to Pluto. People are getting impatient. Moon goes Void of Course at 8:43, then charges into Aries at 11:06 am. Which puts her into the first house, emphasizing her presence—and her emotional nature—again.


A grand Trine develops today between Moon, Jupiter and Saturn, a hopeful situation for making progress in resolving differences. Venus is in the last degree of Pisces. It is said that a planet in 29° makes a strong last-ditch effort to utilize the characteristics of the sign, in this case, Pisces’ compassion and sympathy. She’s still square Pluto, often a sign of power struggles in relationships. Are you on solid ground in what you’re demanding?


Venus goes headstrong, moving into Aries just minutes after midnight. Moon squares Mars, flexing her muscles a bit before turning VOC at 9:41 in trine to Pluto as well as Jupiter and Saturn. Her stubborn emotionality picks up again as she moves into Taurus three minutes after noon, so you may need to work at keeping a bit of rationality around as ballast. Things mellow a bit by evening.


The tie is broken between Moon and Saturn and she spends most of the day dangling with only the weakened Mercury and Uranus as support. There is some hope of healing help from Chiron, who challenges us to draw on insight and make every effort to be helpful to others. We need to search out what it might take to reorganize the bonds of long-held customs and conservatism while maintaining a realistic, functional viewpoint. We need to find ways to convince those who have power and position and money to join our cause.

A new, undeniably challenging, approach to connecting with those in authority surfaces with the square to Saturn, late at night when we should already be sleeping.


The First Quarter Moon occurs just before midnight on the west coast, early tomorrow in Washington, 5° into Gemini. Moon went void this morning at 11:47 with a trine to Mars, and doesn’t edge into Gemini until 2:42 pm. A day good for wrapping up loose ends and regrouping.

The First Quarter Moon chart set for Washington shows Jupiter and Pluto flanking the ascendant, both trine to Saturn in the eighth house. Could that suggest that Saturn, the entrenched lawmakers, could be waffling? Is more “classified” information coming to light?

Saturn and Neptune are both at 20° now, only 29 minutes from their exact conjunction February 28. The administration’s tactics of using lies and deceptions to make threats appear larger than life continue to be exposed. And, now that Pallas has joined Neptune, the forces backing liberal political ideas may turn to strategic use of gussying-up the facts.

New advances in mobile communications devices and networks are playing a big role in the news this month, triggered today by Moon’s t-square pattern linking her and Jupiter to Uranus. It increasingly seems that the younger generation cannot move without having at least one example of the miniscule marvels attached to their bodies.
Government interest in controlling these means of sharing information is also likely to come to the fore now.

Growing evidence of global climate change is also hogging the news and the desperate need to address sustainability becomes more apparent with each passing day, both also facets of the struggle for balance between Saturn and Neptune.


Moon’s square to Uranus becomes exact this afternoon, and her opposition to Jupiter late tonight. Women’s organizations are making a show of their power now, and issues around abortion surge into attention again. But overall it’s a quiet day, with no other exact aspects.


The day starts with Moon trine Neptune and sextile Jupiter, offering a dreamy, perhaps overly optimistic and not too realistic point of view of existing situations. She goes Void of Course with an opposition to Pluto exacerbating emotional components at 5:21 pm and sashays into Cancer at 7:48. Mars, meanwhile, heads into Aquarius where he can assume a far more humanitarian stance than he has had since he entered Capricorn in mid-January, and will be looking toward more emphasis on technology and innovation.


A provocative day with Moon trying to gain approval from Mercury, Sun and Uranus, and, in a mirror image across the chart, Saturn still soliciting the support of Jupiter and Pluto. They’re not talking to each other yet, so it will still take time to merge the resolve and the understanding to work through issues. Mercury has backed up all the way into Aquarius again, rehashing old material. Moon goes void after leaving a trine to Uranus at 10:03 tonight.


A fleeting yod is out early this morning, with Neptune and Jupiter challenging Moon to make her case, clearly stated. Otherwise, Moon makes no aspects and is Void of Course all day.


Saturn makes it second exact opposition to Neptune at 4:01 am. Its first was August 31 of last year; it third and final pass will culminate June 25. This is the “Full Moon phase” of a cycle that began in 1989, and events during this period represent the fruition of trends and activities that began then. Look back over your own history and try to recall what was happening then. What coalesced? What changes were begun? How have they been building? There should be clues to laying plans for consolidating gains and plotting the paths to new achievements.

It was a big year for the world at large. Not only were Saturn and Neptune conjunct, Uranus was there also. That was the year the Berlin wall came down; the protests in Tiananmen Square turned into a horror that rocked the world; a call for apartheid was made in South Africa; the U.N.’s new Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change prepared its first report on global warming; China imposed martial law on Tibet; Solidarity achieved landslide success in Poland; Czechoslovakia voted in a non-Communist leader; Hungary and Romania overthrew totalitarian governments; Oliver North was convicted in the Iran Contra scandal; a $5 million bounty was put on an author for alleged blasphemy; the Dow Jones average witnessed its second-largest one-day drop in history; 96 football fans were crushed to death in Liverpool; 11 million barrels of oil were spilled into the gulf of Alaska; an earthquake in San Francisco killed 273; Congress okayed $166 billion to bail out the savings & loan industry; the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan and US troops invaded Panama and overthrew its leader (not long before considered a friend).

It’s a tortuous path to try to follow the developments of most of these trains of interest, but a number show fascinating correlations to the events in the news today.

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