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![]() February is the month of the sign of progressive reform, Aquarius. "Progressive reform" has different meanings to different people. But for all of us, the urge to change circumstances, to move them along, is strong. February is one of the months of major changes. The Aquarius influence is prominent during the early part of the month. This includes Neptune, now traveling in mid-Aquarius. (Neptune is in Aquarius from 1998-2012.) This is a peak period of visionary reform. Again, there are a variety of visions which are being promoted now. Competing visions can make this a conflict-full month. Pisces dominates the last week of the month. All three of the outer planets are now in universal signs. This means that in their measured trips, they are slowly changing world consciousness as they work through our subconscious. They are Pluto traveling in Sagittarius, Neptune in Aquarius, and Uranus in Pisces. Pluto, Lord of Evolution, has had a very strong influence all during December, and much of January. Neptune, the Cosmic Channel, is emphasized now in February, and Uranus, Reform Central, will be emphasized with the Pisces planets in February and March. During these winter months we permanently change our world understanding and perspective, much of it at subconscious levels. Pluto relates to power, Neptune to imagination, and Uranus to science and electronics, as well as to the means to act out the Plutonian drive for power, and the Neptunian visions. An example of differences was a statement by an Inauguration attendee that what he most wanted was peace. Many of us want peace, but are not dedicated to peaceful means to build it. Asked how to achieve peace, he replied, "Get rid of those who dont want it." On the one hand, invention will be strong in February, with the Neptune-Uranus influence. On the other hand, that same influence can overwhelm us, and things can be chaotic and confusing. The latter influence will be particularly strong in the U.S. For one thing, we are undergoing a Pluto square of Neptune in our national chart, and this is bringing hitherto-hidden subconscious national drives to the forefront. For another thing, by the end of March, Uranus in Pisces in the heavens will square the U.S. Uranus in Gemini. This marks a turning point which began in 1943-44, when U.S. world dominance was assured. This last square tends to be reward time. The Aquarius planets have special help this month. They will take turns trining Jupiter, often called the greater benefic. Jupiter is about the faith and optimism which enable us to take risks and grow. It is now in Libra, which indicates that from partnership comes our luck and success. Success can come through making changes in the old ways, through reform of old, unsuccessful ways of relating. This is excellent energy for new peace initiatives, and for good work with social justice and other social reforms. Making changes towards progress in our own lives is also favored. In fact, in one sense work with our own lives may be most emphasized. I say this because Jupiter turns retrograde February 1, and sets the tone for the month. Jupiter is about our philosophies and beliefs, and sharing them with the world. Retrograde means that we internalize and individualize our beliefs, making them more authentic. When Jupiter is direct, we tend to join with others of like beliefs, and allow ourselves to be absorbed by the group. With Jupiter retrograde, we detach somewhat from those groups, such as our churches, political parties, networks of various types, mentors and teachers. We depend less on these external supports, and look more within ourselves. We question the sources of our beliefs, and search for our real beliefs and values as apart from those of others. We will have a good four months to do that soul searching. And it is, indeed, soul searching. Its time for a kind of personal religious retreatwith ourselves. Jupiter is now conjunct the U.S. stationary Mars, and much of the soul-searching in the U.S. will relate to how we use our nations energy, all aspects of it. Partnership is a big issue. But the retrogrades may deny this nation the thrust for partnership which has been essential throughout U.S. historyfrom the very beginning, when the French saved our hides in the Revolutionary War. Outer partnerships are always a reflection of our inner partnerships. With these retrogrades, we have a special opportunity to look at the partnerships of the subpersonalities within ourselves. Do all parts of ourselves have a voice? Those parts which feel unheard may speak out now. Nationally, we can look at disparities in unequal social treatment of various groups. We began this nation with a very huge disparity, sanctified by law, between white landowners and black slaves. This colonialism is a tendency which has been expressed ever since, and which, despite our ideals and rhetoric, we manifest all over the world. During these four months of Jupiters retrograde journey, the U.S. is apt to be called to judgment on this issue. And I say the U.S. in particular, because it is our stationary Mars which is now being highlighted by Jupiter. Jupiter will be occulted by Moon on February 27. This represents a change in its energies. Watch both the rulership and the finances of the U.S. during this time. In fact, in regard to money, this is a time to belt-tighten. Try to reduce your debt this year. Chiron has been traveling in Capricorn for the last three years, shaking up the establishment. On February 21, Chiron enters Aquarius for a six-year journey. Aquarius is a high vibrational sign, and often high-tech. It is a sign which looks to the future. Chiron will bring re-alignment to this future-orientation. With Neptune in Aquarius, Chiron there may aid and abet the ungrounded visions of the Bush Administration. An "anything goes" approach will be enhanced. At the same time, Chiron can show us truly new possibilities, such as retooling our society for an energy-sustainable future. Jupiter and Saturn are both important this month. They are the planets which guide us into our work, our niche in society. They are both in cardinal signs, and we may want to take new initiatives concerning our careers. However, the timing now is not the best. Both of those planets are retrograde, which encourages going over old ground, rethinking, and preparing, rather than moving out into something new. In addition, Jupiter and Saturn are square to one another, and this means that job stress is part of the month. Use that stress to review, re-evaluate, re-think what you might change in your approach to career, check out alternatives, and figure out what you really want. Saturn turns direct in March to help push energy forward, eclipses occur in April to further push it, and Jupiter turns direct in June to complete the signals for success. We have been experiencing a difficult and unusual aspect more or less since August 1, with an exact hit during Condoleezza Rices hearings and the Inauguration. This is Saturn, who builds, quincunx Pluto, who destroys. It continues, more or less, through the next months, and will be exact again on May 23-24. It is very close this month. Any aspect which continues long-term like this is building up to something big. By May we will have had ten months of these two difficult planets acting together, trying to get along. Toughness and endurance, force and brutality, and violent destruction are all possibilities with this combination. During February, Pluto trines the North Node, which means that we all have access to this hardy, tenacious energy for our own purposes. This is prime time to empower ourselves. We can make permanent leaps in inner growth. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which brings surprises into our lives. Those surprises will open us up to new people and ideas, as we grow in consciousness and our sense of social justice. Conflict will be in the air, as ideas clash, and feelings of empowerment grow. February is always an interesting and exciting month. This one is no exception.
TUESDAY FEBRUARY 1 A cardinal cross today sets the tone for the first week in February. This means initiative, action, motion, some of it at cross-purposes. Focus is your key here, so that you dont find yourself fighting yourself. Clarify your intentions and priorities. This is a good day to go deeply within, and do just that, for Moon is in intense Scorpio, who encourages introspection. Moon continues in secretive Scorpio, who likes to keep its work undercover. Venus moves into Aquarius this morning, and the inner search for our true ideals is strong. This can be at odds with Scorpios deviousness. "Shall we tell or not?" may be a conflict within us.
THURSDAY FEBRUARY 3 Moon is in freewheeling Sagittarius, and we catch life on the fly. In Sagittarius we like to roamwith our minds if nothing else. And we like to understand life, and to spread to the world our take on wisdom. Today and tomorrow the planets will help us to teach our truth, and to learn as well. These opportunities to talk and share will be particularly welcome now, for with Jupiter just turning retrograde, we are rethinking many big issues of life. Right now disagreeing with others can be as helpful as agreeing, for whenever we say "no," we have affirmed our own stance. Moon continues in Sagittarius, with good aspects. In Sag we tend to feel enthusiastic and optimistic, and we will enjoy an adventurous day. Tonight will be intense. There are cautions for today: watch for over-impulsiveness and over-optimism. This means to really notice your actions, and to make an effort to be realistic about expectations. Tonight is a great music night. Energy will be high. Moon is VOC from 8:08 a.m. EST until 9:32 a.m. It then enters Capricorn, where it encourages us to have purpose and the resolve to go for it. Capricorn especially favors parents, business, and professionalism. Moon continues in Capricorn, which is also a family sign. Mars enters Capricorn to enhance its strong goal-orientation. Mars will travel in Capricorn for the next six weeks, and we can work very effectively during that period, at whatever we choose as goals. The asteroids all step up to the front of the stage now, and concerns about daily life as it is really lived will be prominent. We begin now an active cardinal grand cross in the sky, which will last through most of March. This is a really great day. Moon in Aquarius brings stimulating discussion, good fellowship, and innovation into our lives. Sun trines Jupiter to help us feel exuberant and enthusiastic, and Moon conjoins Venus to spread loving feelings amongst us. In addition to all this, it is dark-of-the-moon time, just before the New Moon, and it is time to let everything go, and just do what feels good. We empty ourselves to make room for the new seeds which will be planted tomorrow. Enjoy! Moon continues traveling in Aquarius, today with mystical and visionary aspects. This is prime time for peering into the future. Whatever your activities, take time out alone to meditate and contemplate, and let the future flow into your consciousness.
I think this symbol hits home for many of us. Now is the time, in Aquarius, when we can know that "a better world is possible," and begin to work towards it. Moon in meditative Pisces helps us to continue with our visions of a better world. We can enhance and refine those visions, and on Thursday we can figure out some practical steps to take for manifestation. And now come two bright and energetic days to give those beginnings a fine start. Moon is in Aries, and the whole world is fresh and new. Today, in addition, spirited Mars dominates the scene. Go, girl, go! Moon continues in Aries with optimistic and powerful aspects. We can continue charging into our new territory, whatever that may be. Pallas and Vesta are very stimulated todayby Moon and Venus. This could be a big womans, or peoples, initiative or demonstration. What would Abraham Lincoln, liberator of the slaves, say? This would be a good way to celebrate his birthday. In the early morning we could awaken and do some heavy thinking. At 5:53 a.m. EST, Moon goes VOC. Go back to bed and get a good sleep. Let the day take its spontaneous course until 3:18 p.m., when Moon enters Taurus. Taurus is a sensual sign. Enjoy nature, food, your love. Valentines Day, and the vibes are really very loving and romantic. Take advantage of the timing. Its interesting that on this day of love, Mercury has its 90-day conjunction with Sun. Ego and intellect combine now. Some things that might be on our minds are: suffering, wherever it exists, power and how its used, and ideal dreams or visionsor deception. We are quite attached to our ideas today. Moon continues in productive Taurus, with good building aspects. Resources might be a big issue today, particularly financial resources.
Mercury has a busy night, and our minds may be filled with thoughts, and with dreams. Moon travels in sprightly Gemini, and we are busy today and tomorrow with much communication. Phone calls and e-mails proliferate. New ideas especially grab us today. We begin now to set the stage for a surprising shift at Full Moon in a week. Yesterdays liveliness continues, with a special focus on projects which are dear to our hearts, and people whom we love. Dont hesitatemake those connections today. They will work well, and may change your life. The deluge is coming, as we move into a watery planetary field. Sun enters Pisces today, just behind Mercury, and Moon is moving through Cancer. These are both water signs. Together with Ceres in Scorpio, they create a wide and wet grand trine in water. It looks like we will have a wet month in many places. Corollaries are that emotions will flow, and logical organization may be handicapped. Do something that is low-key and close to your heart today. This afternoon, energy picks up, and by evening we are ready for a fun night out. Moon is VOC in Cancer for the entire day. Just go with the flow, and maybe enjoy a day at home. This three-day weekend can give us that special leisure. Moon is in fun-loving Leo, and this is a good day to enjoy ourselves with people who are special in our lives. Creativity flowers now. Relationship conflicts are possible. Mediation and/or forgiveness can resolve them. Moon continues in expressive Leo, with active aspects. We feel the approach of the Full Moon, and this is an exciting day. What personal story do you bring to this time? What would you like to be illuminated by the full light of the moon? Moon is VOC in Leo this morning. Despite our enthusiasm, things may not go as expected. At 12:54 p.m. EST, Moon enters Virgo, and we count down to Full Moon tonight.
The Pisces-Virgo polarity can elicit a great deal of personal dedication and sacrifice. This Sabian Symbol describes the energy of this Full Moon very well. Moon continues in busy Virgo, and our nervous systems are racing. Focus on a project to siphon off some of that nervous energy. Relationship commitment may demand our attention. To what person or cause are you willing to dedicate yourself? What are you willing to sacrifice for this commitment? What satisfaction do you expect in return? The Full Moon process continues. Very early this morning, Sun conjoins Uranus to begin a new annual cycle of innovation. This is the first of five such cycles in Pisces, and it will be interesting to see what this cosmic cycle brings. Our eyes will be opened to a new facet of the universe, and it will have to do with relationships, and with abuse and victimization through relationships. Suffering and sacrifice can be part of the picture now. So can new weapons or technology, with Chiron in Aquarius. With moon traveling through Libra, we want to socialize. We also want to share discussing the action of the times, and perhaps find security in human connection. Venus enters Pisces to add to our great gathering in Pisces, and to support the Uranian-Piscean action occurring during these days. Energy is high tonight, and we might plan for something active. With Venus in Pisces, music and video related activities are especially attractive. This is another socially significant day. This morning Moon occults Jupiter for the third time this year. This eclipse is visible in Australia and Antarctica. Jupiter is such a huge planet, and with its own great amount of internal energy, that it exerts a major influence in the solar system, even on the Sun. In some contexts it is considered like a small Sun. The many occultations of Jupiter this year represent the eclipsing of something big. Possibilities are the eclipsing of our climatological pattern, and the end of U.S. dominance. Moon in Scorpio starts this day off with a literal bang, by squaring Chiron in Aquarius. The day settles down, however, to promote dynamic inner creativity. Find an outlet to express your deepest feelings now.
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