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January '04

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Maya's January Travel Advisory

by Maya del Mar

On the one hand, January can be an excellent month for travel because Jupiter, guardian of travel, is part of a harmonious grand earth trine during most of the month. On the other hand, we experience a lot of volatile cardinal energy connected with travel, and occasional accidents are likely, due to bad timing. In addition, Mars forges ahead, and excess speed, impulsiveness, and carelessness can cause problems. People with earth signs—Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn—will tend to fare best.

I gave November a negative travel rating, but said I was doing a lot of traveling anyway, and that I’d report back. The trip to Mexico went like clockwork. The only problem was with one of United’s planes, an Airbus 330. The spaces were very tiny. I barely had space for my knees, and no space to hold up a magazine, or to turn my body. From now on I’ll inquire ahead of time, and will not fly an Airbus 330. Mexicana does a nonstop trip to Mexico City, at the same cost and with more space. (They also have better food.)

One of my Delta flights on the Alaska trip also had that space problem, plus a few others. The plane with tiny spaces was a McDonnell-Douglas MD90, another no-no for the future. Even with an aisle seat, I couldn’t move. I also was given erroneous information by one reservations person, and misleading information by two others. And my suitcase arrived with a ruined handle, for which Delta has no liability. In general, I was not happy with my Delta experience.

I would like to hear from others concerning their ease or difficulty of traveling.

JANUARY 1. This is not a good travel day. Mars squares Saturn to tell us to step on the gas and put on the brakes at the same time. These mixed messages undermine good timing, and there are apt to be accidents.

JANUARY 2. Excellent. Start before 2:20 p.m. EST.

JANUARY 3. Today is not good for travel. Jupiter, planet of travel, is stopping in the heavens and turning retrograde. Conditions are unstable.

JANUARY 4. Excellent. Jupiter has made its turn, Moon is in fleet-footed Gemini, and travel aspects are superb.

JANUARY 5. OK, but there are apt to be some problems in communication.

JANUARY 6. Fly! Mercury turns direct this morning, and we’re on the move. Full Moon tomorrow pulls us along towards our destination.

JANUARY 7. OK before 3 p.m. EST. Mars can speed us along on the one hand, but on the other hand we can be careless and inattentive, especially in the midst of the full moon.

JANUARY 8. Excellent. Best after noon.

JANUARY 9. Excellent.

JANUARY 10. Something strange and unexpected will be happening somewhere, but in general this is a good travel day. Best before 5 p.m. EST.

JANUARY 11 and 12. Excellent, especially because of attention to details.

JANUARY 13 and 14. A little iffy, but basically OK. Make an effort to pay attention to details.

JANUARY 15 and 16. Excellent.

JANUARY 17. VOC until 12:18 p.m. Then Moon enters Sagittarius, the best travel sign.

JANUARY 18. Good, but again, there are likely to be problems here and there. Be cautious.

JANUARY 19. Morning is poor. After 1:30 p.m. it’s fine.

JANUARY 20. Fine, although during this dark-of-the-moon time, energy moves inward.

JANUARY 21. Poor. Moon is VOC until 2:10 p.m. EST, and tonight Mercury, a travel planet, is opposed by Saturn, who can block the tracks. Obstacles.

JANUARY 22. Excellent.

JANUARY 23. Today is good for traveling, but not good for starting a journey. Moon is VOC until 4:30 p.m. It enters Pisces then, and we have excellent travel energy after that and through tomorrow.

JANUARY 24. Excellent.

JANUARY 25. Moon is VOC in Pisces for the entire day. OK for traveling, but not starting a trip.

JANUARY 26 and 27. Gung ho Moon in Aries says GO!

JANUARY 28 and 29. Both excellent.

JANUARY 30. This is another VOC day. Don’t start today, but OK for moving along. VOC times tend to bring the unexpected, and you can’t count on plans.

JANUARY 31. Excellent.

FEBRUARY 1-3. Fine.

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