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February '04

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Maya's February Travel Advisory

by Maya del Mar

This is an Aquarian month. That means that conditions are unpredictable, and that there will be surprises. Some of those surprises are especially apt to be reflected in travel situations, for Uranus, the planet of surprises, has a strong connection now with Mercury, the major planet of travel. As does Chiron, another planet of surprises.

That said, the only days which look really dangerous for travel are February 24-25, when we have a wild card Mars influence, a situation where we can’t really get clear information and yet the energy is aggressive.

Remember that the energy on which you begin a trip tells much about how the entire trip will go, and the purpose it will serve.

FEBRUARY 1. Best not to travel today. Mercury conjoins Chiron, and there will be accidents where they are waiting to happen.

FEBRUARY 2 and 3. Good travel conditions.

FEBRUARY 4. This is not a great day for travel; unpredictable Chiron is strong. If you do travel, start in the morning. Moon goes VOC at 12:52 p.m. EST.


FEBRUARY 6. Fine, but again, start in the morning. Moon goes VOC at 12:38 p.m. EST.

FEBRUARY 7-8. Good.

FEBRUARY 9. Mercury squares Mars today. Somewhere, carelessness and/or impulsiveness will prevail. If you’re on the road, be cautious and alert.

FEBRUARY 10. Excellent.

FEBRUARY 11. Moon is VOC all morning. Don’t start then. However, after Moon enters Scorpio at 2:58 p.m. EST, the remainder of the day is fine.

FEBRUARY 12. Good traveling.

FEBRUARY 13. Not good. Amongst other things, Moon is VOC most of the day.


FEBRUARY 15. Excellent, although Moon goes VOC after 3:20 p.m. EST.

FEBRUARY 16. Excellent.

FEBRUARY 17. Not good. Moon is VOC the entire day.


FEBRUARY 19. Excellent, but start this morning. Moon goes VOC at 12:33 p.m. Best to stay quiet this afternoon and night, and absorb the New Moon energy.

FEBRUARY 20. Excellent.

FEBRUARY 21. Conditions are a little iffy. Tonight there may be a big surprise, and it could relate to travel.

Not great, but OK.

FEBRUARY 23. Excellent.

FEBRUARY 24-25. Dangerous.

FEBRUARY 26. Poor.

FEBRUARY 27. Very fast. Could be too fast.

FEBRUARY 28. Good.

FEBRUARY 29. Not good. VOC Moon for most of the day.

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