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Maya's June Travel Report

by Maya del Mar

June has some of the same challenges as did May in regard to travel, particularly re problematical aspects, and an emphasis on travel signs. Also, Mercury remains retrograde until June 8.

Gemini, the featured sign in June, is the sign of short trips. Gemini now centers around the planet Saturn, which slows things down and is associated with obstacles. Mars is impulsive during much of June, and we have the combination of the mixing of the urges to step on the gas and on the brakes. Proper timing is difficult. Take care while driving, and watch the traffic carefully.

Uranus and Pallas are making various stations and conjunctions in Aquarius during June. They refer particularly to air travel, and there are some days when air travel could be unstable.

Uranus, which corresponds with sudden and shocking events, such as accidents, is a prominent influence from June 1 through June 9.

Conditions improve after Solstice on June 21.

Best days for hassle-free travel during June:
June 4-5. Good.
June 11. Good.
June 14-15. Excellent.
June 18-19. Excellent.
June 29-30. Good.

Second choices:
June 13. Could be problems in air travel.
June 16-17. OK, but some instability and insecurity.
June 20-21. Mostly OK, but fated accidents possible due to quincunxes.
June 22-25. OK.
June 26. OK, but be careful in the air.
June 27-28. Take care on the ground. Make sure your vehicle is in good repair.

You might rather stay home!
June 1. Conditions are excellent in the morning, but then they deteriorate due to Uranus stationing, and a Fourth Quarter Moon reeking with unpredictability. Hold off, especially on flying, until June 4.
June 6-7. Problematical.
June 8. No. Mercury station is unstable.
June 9-10. No. Saturn and Uranus, two opposing principles, dominate and conflict. Also New Moon Eclipse.
June 12. Doubtful. Mars is eclipsed today.

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