Maya del Mar's Daykeeper Journal: Astrology, Consciousness and Transformation
Why "Daykeeper"?
by Maya del Mar

In 1994 James Redfield began to publish his monthly newsletter, The Celestine Journal, a "journal of synchronicity," with a focus on consciousness and healing. Ann Buzenberg, in North Carolina, was the editor, and I was the astrology writer.

Ann and I had a truly wonderful partnership. I thank James for bringing us together.

In 1998 James quit publishing his Celestine Journal. Ann and I took the plunge, and we took it over. We needed our own name, and Ann suggested Daykeeper.

This name, Daykeeper, resonates strongly for me. In the first place, this is my work—"keeping the days"—honoring the uniqueness of each special day through telling its story as I see it in the heavens.

Furthermore, I have a special affinity with Mexico, and there the Daysign Calendar of the indigenous people was basic in determining destiny. Each day was marked by one of 20 day signs, as was each 13-day "week," and the daykeeper-astrologer determined a person’s character and life path by the day he/she was born.

Most of the day signs have nature names, and I resonate to that as well.

So when Ann’s life went elsewhere, and I began the web version of Daykeeper, I simply kept the name—with many thanks to Ann.

A simple, easy to read book about the Mayan daysigns is DAY-SIGNS, a fine book by Bruce Scofield. He interprets these ancient Central American day signs in western terms, and on the basis of experience in our modern world. There is amazing congruity between the traditional meanings and the current meanings which Bruce has discovered. You can find your day sign and check for yourself! This book was published by One Reed Publications, Amherst, MA. 1991. (You can take a look at this book on