Maya del Mar's Daykeeper Journal - May 2006: Astrology, Consciousness and Transformation
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May 2006 Sun Signs

Note: These descriptions apply particularly to your sun sign, which is your command center and your basic pathway. However, they also apply to planets in the sign described.

ARIES. In one way or another, you defend your territory this month. It’s definitely time to fix the plumbing and to build retaining walls. Money is an issue. It might be that travel, or school, is a drain on your resources. A friend may come up with a surprise which throws you off course. It is a turbulent month. A partner can help you stay centered.

TAURUS. It’s your month, Taurus. It may seem like others sit still waiting for you to pull the levers to move them, and at the same time it may seem like you are moved by fate. Work on using good judgment and fairness in all your relationships, regardless of the provocation. Your strong nurturing talents can be used to very good advantage now.

GEMINI. There is much happening in your world now. Your best bet is to focus on building up your own business or project. You have strong intuition, and now is the time to open to it with your mind and heart. Direction coming from that intuitive space is more valid than anything your busy mind tells you. Mind can be too much in the service of ego.

CANCER. You are harnessing the spark of your ideals in a very practical way. Friends give you many kinds of help, including entrée to the right places and people. A partner also helps you, as you push hard for your goals. There is an interesting and surprising give and take in your financial sector. It may connect with remodeling your working environment.

LEO. This is your year to push ahead and do your thing. There is much that can, and will, distract you, but keep that focus on taking charge of yourself and your destiny. If you do, it can be a very fulfilling year. This month, think about where you want to go, and the practical means to get there. Plan a route for the year, while realizing that the unexpected is the norm.

VIRGO. This is the perfect month for you to travel. You would have many new experiences, and come home with practical benefits. Your foundations would be renewed, and you could make new friends. May’s energies are complicated, and for you travel could express them for maximum benefits. Broadening your horizons is the key, even if it’s only a walk at lunchtime, a trip to the library, or a new computer.

LIBRA. You’re taking charge of your life by making a new start in your earning capacity. You work hard, and become more confident of your ability to fulfill your aspirations. In addition, you increase your own power by becoming more assertive with others. For many of you, that’s needed. For others, take special notice of fairness and equality.

SCORPIO. Are you starting a new business which requires some risk-taking? Partners can provide practical help. Nurturing others can be a major part of your work. So can writing or communicating about what you’re doing. It’s a great time for healing, both yourself and others. Upgrade or create your own website. And think about publishing.

SAGITTARIUS. Adjustments are the name of the game for you this month. They concern how you wield your growing power. Some of the areas where you must make adjustments in regard to your great need for freedom include partnerships, family, investments, and shifts in your foundations. Intuitively guided, and loving, assertion is beneficial.

CAPRICORN. A big challenge for you is figuring out where your partners are coming from. This is especially difficult because they are not sure themselves, and they are finding their own stances changing. And yet, you remain their guiding light. So hang in there. The best thing you can do for all concerned is to stick to your personal path of integrity.

AQUARIUS. You are incredibly busy problem-solving this month. That is, in fact, your work and your dedication. You are everybody’s mother, including—and don’t forget it—your own. This busy-ness may feel like too much, but you are, in fact, creating new and more powerful foundations in your life. Particularly in regard to money, which flows in through your work.

PISCES. You have a combination of easy flow of your creativity, and challenges which seem to come from nowhere. Busy, busy days induce you to focus on practical matters, on your grounding, which in turn pushes you into getting clarity on priorities. You are in a long period of developing your independence, and it gets a big push this month.