Maya del Mar's Daykeeper Journal: Astrology, Consciousness and Transformation

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Maya del Mar's February 2006 Daily Success Guide
by Maya del Mar

Free version updated every Monday.

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Note: A VOC Moon period is when the Moon is making no further major planetary aspects before it changes signs. Moon and its aspects are strongly associated with our everyday behavior, and without those aspects to direct our course, we are left much more free to pursue our own ends in our own way. It is like you’re driving down the freeway and find the road signs removed for awhile. On the one hand, plans may go awry, you may miss your exit; on the other hand, inner work is greatly favored as those external "instructions" are reduced.

Times used are EST, because the overall influences for the United States are centered in Washington DC. UT, or Universal Time, is the time given in ephemerii, and it corresponds to Greenwich Mean Time, the time used at the Greenwich Observatory in London, England.

I use Eastern Standard or Eastern Daylight time in Daykeeper, which corresponds to the time used in the eastern quarter of the United States. To get UT, add five hours to EST, and add four hours to EDT.

WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 1. Different phases of activity and feeling unfold during this day. We start the morning with our imaginations working overtime, under the influence of Pisces Moon. At the same time, perhaps we can penetrate Pisces’ murk and see some truths unveiled. We may feel uncomfortable or irritable, and connections with others may not move smoothly. The morning can be confusing.

Moon goes VOC at 11:06 a.m. EST, and remains void until it enters assertive Aries at 5:46 p.m. During this void time we may feel vague, undefined, and at loose ends.

During the void period, Mercury conjoins Neptune to begin a new one-year imaginative cycle. This will be a super-unpredictable year, with unexpected twists and turns. Pluto is conjoining the galactic center during the next two years, and getting a new impetus for renovation. Pluto and Neptune are parallel, and they have a quintile aspect as well. Many new seeds are being sown in our consciousness, and there is probably no better time for receptivity than a Moon void in Pisces. Take some time alone for contemplation and meditation, outdoors if possible. In years to come, this will be considered a major transition period.

And security in general will remain the major subject, for Vesta in Cancer trines Uranus in Pisces. Finances in particular are apt to occupy our minds.

Later this evening Mercury squares Jupiter in Scorpio, to finish showing us glimpses of the meaning of the prevalent Jupiter-Neptune square, which expands our vision. (But how?) In the meantime, Moon has entered enthusiastic Aries, and we are ready for some feel-good action tonight. We finish this day in an upbeat mood.

THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2. This is the first week of our New Moon in Aquarius, and we are setting new projects in motion. Go-getter Aries Moon has excellent aspects, and propels us right along. Tonight the arts hold appeal. This may be especially true because Venus, patroness of the arts, is stationing to turn direct.

FRIDAY FEBRUARY 3. Venus turns direct at 4:19 a.m. EST, with Moon still in assertive Aries. Venus herself is at 17 Capricorn, hovering right beside Mother Ceres in Capricorn. Ceres here takes care of, nurtures, the establishment, and Venus will be enlisted in this service. Venus also teams up with Jupiter in Scorpio, who works creatively with other peoples’ money and resources. This looks like a rather embedded Venus, reaching for Neptune’s visions of the future, and filled with the support of the Capricornian institutions through which she’s been retrograding.

In Washington DC at this time, Pluto and the Galactic Center are rising, showing that this is a moment of deep transformation. The Galactic Center is the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy, and a point where we can align with cosmic consciousness. It emits massive amounts of infrared radiation, which stimulate our unconscious. This activation permits the retrieval of information from the past. This may arouse uneasiness or tension. Again, take some time to meditate.

Moon goes VOC at 1:32 p.m. EST, and we may feel somewhat aimless this afternoon. At 8:3l p.m. Moon enters Taurus, a sensual and productive sign. Music is the great soother of Taurus’ spirit, and music is apt to attract us tonight.

SATURDAY FEBRUARY 4. This is a good weekend to plan on accomplishing projects, for chances are good regarding the possibility of completing them. Moon is in Taurus, which especially encourages building and beautifying, as well as shopping and food preparation.

SUNDAY FEBRUARY 5. First Quarter Moon at 17 Taurus occurs at 1:29 a.m. EST. Let’s make something practical here, says Taurus Moon to Aquarius Sun. And Taurus has much help for its efforts. Jupiter lends its luck and optimism. Mars lends its energy. Venus, fresh and strong and direct, carries the benediction of Capricorn’s tradition. And Neptune provides the vision. We are starting to build something visionary. What is it in your life? What is it as a society? What is it as humankind?

The Sabian Symbol for 17 Taurus is

“A SYMBOLICAL BATTLE BETWEEN 'SWORDS' AND 'TORCHES.' Refusing to depend upon the past, the seeker turns warrior, fighting anew the eternal 'Great War.' The spiritual light within the greater Soul must struggle against the ego-will that only knows how to use the powers of this material and intellectual world. There is no possibility of escape; it is the energy that arises out of the present moment—the inescapable NOW—that the daring individual has to use in the struggle. This is the dharma of this stage of human evolution: a stage of POLARIZATION OF VALUES.”

Later today we experience Mercury squaring Mars. This impels mind and energy to work together. At the same time, Moon is conjoining Mars, and our feelings are sensitive and easily hurt. Mars-Mercury can lead to a sharp tongue and hurtful words.

Moon goes VOC at 4:00 p.m. EST.

All in all, this is an energetic, and possibly difficult, day. First Quarter says it’s time to get moving on our current projects.

MONDAY FEBRUARY 6. Moon is in Gemini for the next two days, and our minds are clicking along at a fast pace. Last Wednesday Messenger Mercury transited Neptune and Jupiter to help us understand their dynamic. Today Sun takes Mercury’s place, conjoining Neptune and squaring Jupiter. Sun both vitalizes and gives direction. Monday, mind and imagination joined forces in a new cycle. Today the creative imagination is seeded for the next year. In both cases, Jupiter adds expansion, opportunity, and, in Scorpio, power and financial savvy. Problems here can be excess pride, over-optimism, and self-indulgence. Neptune can also be an energy drain. On the other hand, Jupiter always confers some luck. Today we’ll feel expansive and lively.

Essentially, this last week’s Jupiter-Neptune connections can open our spiritual channels, and will work best when applied in that direction.

TUESDAY FEBRUARY 7. This is an extremely intuitive, psychic day. Open your mind to the universe, and find tranquility and harmony.

WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 8. Moon opposed Pluto early this morning, and sleep might have been difficult. We might awaken with dream memories, or with far-out new ideas. At 10:04 a.m. Moon goes VOC, and at 11:33 a.m. it enters sensitive Cancer. We are more inward-focused, and feelings assume top importance. Tonight, at 8:22 p.m., Mercury enters empathetic Pisces, and our emotions are jelly. How about some sentimental music? Or working on Valentine creations? Mercury will travel through the mystical sign of Pisces through mid-April. Let your creative Muse speak loud and clear.

THURSDAY FEBRUARY 9. This morning we can be business-like and independent. Evening is a time for cuddling and snuggling in at home.

FRIDAY FEBRUARY 10. The energy of Mars can help propel us today, and we can accomplish much. Move on it, though, because at 3:53 p.m. EST, Moon goes VOC. We might want to start our exciting Full Moon weekend at that point.

SATURDAY FEBRUARY 11. With this Leo moon, we mean business. And we mean to have fun while we’re being productive. This is a serious, yet expansive and pleasurable day. Always, prior to a full moon, there is a special feeling of expectancy which adds an edge of excitement to our days. And Leo moon does enjoy drama and excitement.

SUNDAY FEBRUARY 12. Full Moon at 25 Leo occurs tonight at 11:44 p.m. EST. This day is a full-light demonstration of our old friend, the Jupiter-Neptune square. During the morning, Moon transits Neptune and Jupiter, just as Sun did on February 6. Except that Moon in Leo is coming from the opposite vantage point to Sun in Aquarius. Tonight that Sun and Moon will face off with each other for a finale of the grand sendoff which Sun and Moon are giving Jupiter and Neptune during this first half of February 2006.

Sun and Moon are also giving an exciting farewell to Mars, now almost through Taurus, as they enclose him in their bright pincers. This is the end of the Taurus leg of the fixed square, and it appears that the planets want to celebrate.

Now it is Chiron’s and Saturn’s turn to dominate the fixed signs, and they are just now moving into orb of their Aquarius-Leo opposition, which will be exact on February 20.

With fixed sign hard aspects, hard choices must be made. What choices are in your path? Certainly, for all of us, our choices reflect our values, which in turn determine the directions of our lives and of our society.

This will be a dynamic, illuminating, and creative day. The Leo Full Moon is a people moon. It tends to raise good feelings and a desire to socialize. It can be a good party time.

The Leo New Moon which seeded this Full Moon occurred on August 15, 2004. That was the day that President Chavez of Venezuela won the recall vote against him. The Saturn-Chiron opposition in Cancer-Capricorn, mentioned above, was exact then! Contrary to the U.S. election, the U.S. attempt to unseat Chavez and his democracy did not work.

Now the Chiron-Saturn opposition in Aquarius-Cancer sits right on the U.S. Nodes of the Moon, destiny points for the nation. Juxtaposed with the current Pluto conjoining the Galactic Center, we can have much insight now about the past and future of the U.S. This bright Full Moon is peak time for clairvision.

The Sabian Symbol for 25 Leo is

“A LARGE CAMEL IS SEEN CROSSING A VAST AND FORBIDDING DESERT. Self-sufficiency in the face of a long and exhausting adventure. We need TOTAL INDEPENDENCE from our surroundings and UTTER SELF-RELIANCE.”

MONDAY FEBRUARY 13. Moon goes VOC, still in Leo, at 6:48 a.m. EST, and perhaps awakens us as it makes that last aspect, a square with Mars, who is always ready for action. Since it’s Monday morning, let’s try to hold onto that active spirit. I’ve noticed that often the last lunar aspect before Moon goes void tends to stay with us during the VOC time. At 11:13 a.m. Moon enters Virgo, and we come down to earth.

TUESDAY FEBRUARY 14. Moon in Virgo keeps us alert, and tuned into a busy day. Romance? Indeed, but combined with individuality and independence. Mercury combines with Uranus to open us to flashes of brilliance. This is excellent energy for magical and intuitive work. Tonight we feel loving and confident, and perhaps wanting to make a commitment to another.

WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 15. Loving feelings still hang over us this morning, but by afternoon our usual Virgo moon industriousness takes over, and we plunge in to take care of practical matters.

THURSDAY FEBRUARY 16. Moon is in Libra, and we have an urge to connect with people—but in a balanced and restrained manner. It is the perfect climate for cordial professional or business connections.

FRIDAY FEBRUARY 17. Conversing with others is a favorite activity while Moon is in Libra. Creative projects are also favored. Today there is a particular appreciation of both the arts and of the written word. Mars enters Gemini this afternoon to add to the desire for communication. This is a communication month in general, and from today through to the end of the month, we find words pouring from us.

SATURDAY FEBRUARY 18. Enjoy a pleasant morning while we still wear our cloak of socialization. At noon Moon enters intense Scorpio, and a bit later Sun enters mystical Pisces. Then we become introverted, and perhaps brooding. For the rest of the day we may want to be alone. Best that way, for in fact we are probably not good company. We may have an urge to work hard, to really dig into something.

SUNDAY FEBRUARY 19. Moon is still in Scorpio, but the mood is much lighter, and we even seek out company. Today we’re curious about the world in general, and especially what we can find that might be useful. Shopping or garage sales may be attractive. Our intuition can draw us to exactly what we need. And we’ll get a good bargain. Tonight enjoy your favorite club, with music.

We may be awake into the wee hours. Be careful with overindulgence. On the one hand, we are drawn into it for pleasure’s sake. On the other hand we may feel a tension from which we want escape. We are also accident-prone tonight, so it’s good to keep our wits about us.

MONDAY FEBRUARY 20. A loving aspect can waken us early this morning, and then Moon is VOC in Scorpio for the rest of the day. After the last night’s partying, we may need this day for rest. It’s Presidents’ Day, and many of us can kick back and relax.

TUESDAY FEBRUARY 21. Last Quarter Moon at 3 Sagittarius occurs at 2:17 a.m. This is a mutable Mars Moon, meaning that it has a lot of energy which can be all over the place. Direction is difficult. We will need to make some choices, and this is a daunting challenge. Only spiritual guidance is true and helpful now. Remember that at last quarter it is time to let go of something. In the case of mutable signs, that something is apt to be an idea, or a righteous principle. Later today, Moon squares Uranus, and the beckoning of freedom can help us to release encumbrances.

This moon family began on November 23, 2003. Sagittarius is associated with the law, and that is when the Senate passed the terrible Medicare Bill, paid for, designed by, and benefiting the drug companies.

The Sabian Symbol for 3 Sagittarius is

“TWO MEN PLAYING CHESS. The transcendent ritualization of conflict. Essential to sociocultural living is the transmutation of man’s natural aggressiveness under most conditions of existence. Many rituals, sports, and games have no other basic aim. In chess the struggle between light and darkness is ritualized, ending in most cases with the checkmating of the King, the ego, the conscious self. In a dualistic world such a contest between polarized forces is omnipresent. Here we bring to the objective consciousness the basic realities in interpersonal INTERPLAY.”

WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22. Moon is in Sagittarius, we have loosed our bonds, and we are ready to travel. This is a great day for an important adventure.

THURSDAY FEBRUARY 23. Capricorn Moon encourages us to get down to business, and to attend to our obligations. We can focus on tasks pertaining to people and things which we love and enjoy. Mercury is slowing down now, and will hold a nice long sextile with Venus through the rest of the month. We can nurture what we love. This last week of the waning moon, with Mercury and Sun in mystical, enchanted Pisces, can be a very special time. Take it easy, and take time to appreciate Pisces’ subtlety.

FRIDAY FEBRUARY 24. Moon continues in goal-oriented Capricorn with easy, loving aspects. Do what you love. This coming weekend would be a great one for an enlightening seminar.

SATURDAY FEBRUARY 25. With Moon in Aquarius we feel more definite, more outgoing, and more gregarious. We may search for companions this morning. It’s a good morning to shoot the breeze at the local coffee shop. Come afternoon, we may have definite errands in mind.

SUNDAY FEBRUARY 26. Yesterday’s friendly energy continues. Juno, Neptune, and Jupiter make an aspect of what could be too-muchness. With all the water signs floating around, it could be too much water. The Capricorn tie-in could add cold. If you’re headed for the mountains, be prepared for difficult weather.

Conditions are right now for insightful, future-oriented visualization. Take some time today to ponder what kind of inspiration you would like to receive from the coming Pisces Moon cycle. Affirmation of life is central.

MONDAY FEBRUARY 27. Moon enters Pisces early this morning, and runs into a square with Mars at noon. This is dark-of-the-moon time, when we feel extra-sensitive, and Mars will really give us hair trigger reactions. Use that sensitivity to tune into yourself and your environment with intuition. Watch out for being defensive and hostile. Regardless, you may feel irritable. Best to retreat from the world during this vulnerable day.

New Moon at 10 Pisces occurs at 7:31 p.m. EST. It is during the coming Pisces month that we imprint our models, our visuals, for the coming year. We may appear to do less, overtly, but what we accomplish on inner levels is our most basic work. Take time to meditate. Turn to teachers or messages which draw you. Read. Watch movies and videos, but be selective about your choices. Remember that right now your psyche imprints all images—good, bad, or indifferent—deeply, and draws from that reservoir in fashioning your life.

New images, and new streams of consciousness, can flow through us now. Science fiction may become reality. Uranus, who opens us to inventions and new ideas, is conjoining Sun and Moon at 11 Pisces, and in hours Moon and then Sun will pass over Uranus to open to—what? A brave new world? Unpredictable Uranus is in its second new degree of the month, and we do not have precedents.

In the chart set for Washington DC, this New Moon is in the sixth house, along with Uranus and Mercury, also in Pisces—and square Pluto. Explosiveness is a theme, and weapons, as military tools, are sixth house. New weapons are likely.

Neptune is associated with Pisces, and thus has special importance now. It too has just entered a new degree—again, no precedents. Neptune is in this “too-much” situation, and this as well adds to the idea of new explosive weapons. As does Juno being part of the complex, for she tends to show up where there are victims.

This New Moon squares the warlike U.S. Uranus at 9 Gemini, as does transiting Uranus. Transiting Mars in Gemini is moving to conjoin that U.S. Uranus. The New Moon complex also opposes GW Bush’s Mars. The prognosis is not good. Saturn opposing Chiron shows structural change, and Chiron has been closely related to nuclear developments. Saturn conjoining the U.S. North Node means that the U.S. is assuming its authority. And unfortunately, U.S. authority has come to be best expressed behind a deadly weapon. No wonder Mercury and Jupiter both need to turn retrograde within a few days, and rethink their modus operandi.

But today Mercury squares explosive Pluto, who sits at the foundation of the Washington DC chart. And Jupiter squares Neptune, pumping it up with dreams of power.

This New Moon sets the stage for the Eclipse Full Moon on March 14, which is squared by Pluto.

The Sabian Symbol for 10 Pisces is

“AN AVIATOR PURSUES HIS JOURNEY, FLYING THROUGH GROUND-OBSCURING CLOUDS. Man’s ability to develop powers and skills which by transcending natural limitations allow him to operate in mental-spiritual realms. It evokes the achievement of MASTERY.”

TUESDAY FEBRUARY 28. Pisces Moon is very active today, the first day of its new cycle. So are Mercury, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and Venus—a formidable combination. Quicksilver Mercury squares volcanic Pluto early in the day, and Moon later cycles over both of those energies to tie up loose ends. This can lead to irritability and storm rumblings during the entire day. Communication is apt to have glitches. Some energy does flow easily, e.g., Mars sextiles Saturn, which can be a business-like and possibly ruthless combination. This is an up and down day—rocky soil in which to sow the New Moon seeds.

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