Maya del Mar's Daykeeper Journal: Astrology, Consciousness and Transformation


August 15
Mercury direct


Retrograde Watch
by Maya del Mar

We have just one change of direction in August. This is the one that people like best: Mercury turns direct at 9 Leo on Monday August 15 at 11:51 p.m. EDT.

This degree is very connected to GW Bush’s chart. Whether we like it or not, he is the star of our times. Astrologically, it is almost as though he was dropped from the universe into this milieu of unusual planetary activity which was especially suited to him.

10 degrees is the degree of Bush’s Mercury. It is the degree of his Solar Return Mercury, and it is very close to his Pluto. This is the time of his Mercury return, which will be complete in another week. Mercury renews its cycle annually. However, this situation is uncommon—to have Mercury return to its natal place at the same location where it turns retrograde, let alone this sensitive spot being the location of the Solar Return Mercury. His mental activity is VERY intense.

In Bush’s first house, this Mercury relates to his grandiose perception of himself, and his confident communication of himself. He is the King, and he lets the world know it.

Let us observe how the retrograde time of review has changed Bush’s communication.

How has it changed yours? And mine? It was six years ago when Mercury last retrograded in Leo, and it will be six years before it does so again (except for a tiny bit next year). What did you decide to do for yourself in the summer of 1999? Leo is about being true to yourself. What are you deciding to do now to take better care of your own needs? Those months in 1999 were, for me, one of the most active, exciting, growing, up and down periods I’ve had—in fact, the fallout extended through the rest of the year.

During the retrograde season now, Mercury backed up over about 10 degrees of Leo, the middle 10, from 10-20 degrees. This is called the Sagittarius decanate of Leo. It is passionate Leo with an adventurous Sagittarius tinge. We are reviewing the part of fire sign Leo which talks about the willingness to take risks, to plunge in and to trust our fortunes to the universe.

Now, as Mercury stations and turns direct, it is picking up aggressive Mars energy to take with it on this round. And Mars is picking up a heavy dose of Leo Mercury. (“I will do what I want.”) This is a very big deal.

Mars in Taurus will retrograde from October 1-December 9, and it will turn direct on December 9 at 9 Taurus! This is where it is now squaring Mercury. This is a very intense Mercury (communication)-Mars (aggression) dance. Stay tuned.

Because of the stations, 9 Leo and 9 Taurus will both be sensitized for some time to come. They are close to Iran’s Chiron, and Japan’s Sun.

This is an important time for all of us. Pay attention to the decisions which you are making now. They will have future consequences.

Want to know the planetary retrogrades for the year, in advance? Maya's handy, printable 2005 Retrograde Guide shows you at a glance the upcoming retrogrades for this year, and how to best apply your energies during each period.

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