Maya del Mar's Daykeeper Journal: Astrology, Consciousness and Transformation
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M A R C H  2 0 0 5   S U N   S I G N S

March 2005 Sun Signs

Note: These descriptions apply particularly to your sun sign, which is your command center and your basic pathway. However, they also apply to planets in the sign described.

Career changes now move you closer to your ideals, although it might need a disruption for you to take the next step. You speak up for yourself and your ambitions, without worrying about the consequences. Changes at home have been on hold for awhile. Now they start to move forward. The Full Moon lights up your partner in a new way.

This is a big re-alignment month for you, Taurus. You clarify your ideals and intentions, and follow that up by making moves for yourself at work. You realize that it’s time for you to invest in yourself. A communication line which has been blocked, perhaps with a loved one, opens. Your dream world is very lively now.

GEMINI. Your work life is undergoing a series of changes, each of which frees you a bit more. You will be looked on very well by your superiors, and will feel good with your work. Your creative life comes to your attention this month. The results will show up particularly in groups. Your finances take on a new life, and you a new responsibility.

Saturn turns direct on the 21st, and those projects on which you’ve been working can begin to move ahead. Partnership at home can provide personal growth and success in the world. This is a perfect month for you to travel, Cancer. Maybe you can combine it with business. Full Moon on the 25th will clearly illuminate your pathway in the world.

You’ve really attracted offbeat people these last few years, Leo. Well, they begin this month get stranger. Chiron moving into Aquarius means that you can also attract healer types. Partnerships might be unusual, but they can be very loving. But stay clear of playing savior to someone. After Equinox, you will be restless. Travel would be very satisfying.

Partnership and resources combine for you, Virgo. This means counting your assets, and sharing their handling with your partner. You feel a need for connection, and partnership does light your way this month. However, at the same time it needs re-evaluating and re-balancing. You do enjoy philosophizing now, and it helps your equilibrium.

You have your full moon coming up, Libra, and you will enjoy basking in its illumination. This is a great problem-solving month for you. Intuition is always your best tool (despite your good brain), and this month it is operating full blast. Also keep your communication lines open. Many people can be very helpful to you this month.

SCORPIO. You’ve got a big nurturing thing happening this month, Scorpio. It’s either in connection with a child, or something that is like a child to you, perhaps a special creative project. Your working environment is undergoing a spruce-up. Perhaps you’re an artist, redoing your studio. A new facet of partnership may be emerging into your life.

Are extra home expenses cropping up for you this month, Sag? Perhaps in connection with a partner? You do establish a new security with a good quotient of love. Your creative efforts are deep, and are well received. Money is on your agenda. It moves through your hands rapidly. New connections add interest to life.

CAPRICORN. Stalled relationships make a shift now. Communication improves enormously for you. There is also a new note of feeling and compassion in your people connections. Home undergoes changes now. Are you moving, or preparing to move? You are energized the first part of the month. Later it becomes your resources which are on the move.

AQUARIUS. Your primary resource this month is love, for both yourself and others. You have much to give and to share. A long-standing health problem lifts now. Your identity is beginning a slow change—towards even more independence. Grounding is assuming greater importance. Maybe you even plant a garden, or acquire a new pet.

You make a big new start this month, Pisces, and you feel good about it. Your independence will grow over the next few years, and this month you step closer to it. Money, yours and other people’s, is central now. Do you have a fair give-and-take in that regard? Do you value yourself enough? Do others value you as you deserve?