Maya del Mar's Daykeeper Journal: Astrology, Consciousness and Transformation
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O C T O B E R  2 0 0 4   S U N   S I G N S

October 2004 Sun Signs

Note: These descriptions apply particularly to your sun sign, which is your command center and your basic pathway. However, they also apply to planets in the sign described.

You absolutely have to relate to people this month. The world is filled with people who are attracted to you. Listen to them. Your challenge now is to figure out how to avoid conflict instead of just pushing your way through. Diplomacy, as well as fighting, can also get you to your destination. Romance should begin to sizzle for you now.

Are partners pulling some surprises on you? Especially in your work situation? You may be developing new skills now, and new roles may be opening for you. New health routines begun now can be very successful. People in your immediate environment have a very big impact on you. A new computer communication program may be in the works.

You are everywhere this month, and your creative output is prodigious. There is not time enough in the day for you to connect with all those with whom you have business. Others may throw you some curves in regard to money and investments. They force you to be careful with your resources. Now is the time to get a bookkeeping system going.

With Saturn in Cancer since June 2003, you’ve had sixteen months of restructuring yourself through assuming greater self-responsibility. Now you begin a new phase of this process, which will last through next June. Your home base, your security, your partnership, and your creativity all receive special attention. New opportunities with the public will appear.

Leo, this month you can make many new connections, which can help further your career and your life goals. Next month new opportunities will open as a result of this month’s fortuitous contacts. You are also making shifts in money management, which will lead to improvements in how you manage income and outgo. Watch health.

A new you is emerging from the chrysalis of changes which has been wrapping you these last few years. This new you is active, communicative, and involved in the world of healing. A major manifestation now is changes in your financial situation, which can help you. Travel may also be part of the picture this month. Friends are important.

You come into your own now, Libra. Circumstances which have seemed to block you will begin to change. Finances may improve. There can be regeneration of close associations. Work can have new meaning for you, and you will work hard. There is healing in your home and foundations. You’re opening a big, expansive, new chapter in your life.

Unforeseen circumstances, over which you have no control, emerge into your life now. They may disrupt your work life, but in the long run you are benefited. Issues of abuse, on which we are all working, may involve a sibling. A shift in a partnership now can change your view of yourself. It will relate to resources, either financial or psychological.

SAGITTARIUS. Friends are super important to you now. You may be having trouble with a fraternal group over finances. But there is help from someone in that same group. It is time to straighten out your bookkeeping, your health, and your prayers so that you are set to make your dreams come true. Your direction and your perspective are becoming more serious.

Your long wounding, healing process continues, Capricorn. There will be a climax around Christmastime. Now, with the mid-October eclipse, you begin a turning point, which will change your goals in the world. You move towards healing in a new way. One of your learnings has been the importance of others in your life. They do help you achieve your aims.

Travel! Speak out! Let the world know what you think! Your whole stance in the world is changing and growing. You restructure your work situation so that it is easier for you. There are changes in your financial life—money in, and money out. There is a big shift in your home and in your foundations. Watch your health.

There is much love for you this month, Pisces, along with improvements in your partnership life. A partnership may either be disrupted, or grow. However the status changes, it will be beneficial for you. You have a focus on your creative expression, and begin a regeneration of those creative channels, perhaps with increased discipline.