Maya del Mar's Daykeeper Journal: Astrology, Consciousness and Transformation
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M A R C H   2 0 0 4   S U N   S I G N S

March 2004 Sun Signs

ARIES. Your home situation moves ahead, but things are still weird on the work front. Make sure you are treated fairly, and that you treat others fairly. Action picks up for you on March 12, and by Equinox you are ready to move. Money is a big issue for you this month. Much will come in, but it will also move out fast. Watch your energy carefully from March 24-28. Impulsiveness could bring trouble.

You can appreciate your worth this month, Taurus. Your skill and competence show, and good things come to you. You may want to beautify and adorn yourself in special ways. Your energy is high, and you can accomplish much. It’s time to start a project which will reap tangible results in the future—maybe as simple a thing as a garden. Friends are especially important now.

Your imagination is brimming with creative possibilities. Try to stay focused on one or two of them which you can bring into fruition—or encourage others to complete, while you dig again into your bag of tricks. You’ve got expansive things happening at home, exciting new opportunities opening up in the world, and transformation in partnership—all at once. But you can keep many balls in the air.

Saturn now moves ahead in your sign, and your professionalism proceeds apace. Saturn is creeping up on Hygeia, giving you a focus on health. After Equinox, an exercise routine might appeal to you. Your big drive now is for partnership fairness and balance. You are very sensitive to abusive behavior, and have a strong need to change it. Security at any cost will no longer work.

LEO. You are very goal-oriented, and can produce mind-boggling amounts this month. Keep working! A particular partner, friend, or even foundation may help you keep the money scene together while you paint your canvasses (or do whatever is dear to your heart). After Equinox, you might think about traveling. It would be particularly enjoyable, as well as enlarging your perspective, this spring.

Full Moon is an epiphany for you, Virgo. You are finally free to focus on yourself, and yet the people in your life are particularly important to you this month. With that self-focus comes a restlessness, a yearning for spreading your wings, especially after Equinox. You may, in fact, move—change location or residence. Money comes to you, but it may be less than you feel entitled to or expected.

You continue to focus on work, and it does pick up for you this month. You’re moving ahead in establishing a professional niche for yourself. You have many business transactions, and money comes in. The goddess is with you. You make a brand new start in partnership, which is the most important thing to you. All in all, you’re in the process of making a major re-orientation of your life.

This is the perfect month for you to write and to publish, Scorpio. You can be successful in both. You’re a genius now at drawing on your excellent intuition and psychological savvy, and you can get the word out. The relationship arena is super-busy, and productive, for you this month. Some of you may find that special one. Health and work also receive a shot of adrenaline. You are active on many fronts now.

SAGITTARIUS. You begin a long period of changing your home base and your business foundations to better suit your need for freedom. Travel and work combine for you this month, and work very well together. A new spurt of creativity enlivens your life now. It may relate to a new consciousness of health, and your need to take care of yourself—normally not very important to you. All in all, you are very busy.

CAPRICORN. Do you find yourself a bit paranoid now? Remember that you’re the one who invites a particular energy into your life. This may be an opportunity for you to work on trust issues. Children, or a romantic involvement, could become a special blessing. Freedom is coming into your daily life, and with that comes a new start in your foundations. Investments related to high ideals can be most successful.

Usually you’re more concerned about social and political needs, but this month your personal self and your personal needs take center stage. Money is on your mind, and perhaps especially funds for redecorating your home. Money can now appear magically. Affinity groups now have special value in helping you rebalance your life—e.g., family, friends, or more formal groups.

This is a big month for you, Pisces! You start off your new solar year with many changes coming into your life. First, and most importantly, you are beginning a seven-year period of identity change in which you gradually become more and more true to yourself. Partners are instrumental in this shift, and they bring you many benefits. You also feel now your keen need to express greater power in your work or vocation.