Maya del Mar's Daykeeper Journal: Astrology, Consciousness and Transformation
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F E B R U A R Y    2 0 0 3   S U N   S I G N S

February Sun SIgns

ARIES. You’re involved with lots of dealings with the world right now. New directions come to you from on high about how you handle your energy. They may be surprising, and you may feel yourself pushed into something very challenging. You can certainly handle it, and you have plenty of help. But do you want to? You make a new start this month in firming up your ideals—and you are an idealistic person. How do you take care of yourself in the midst of these pressures?

The world draws you, but in truth your own health is a major concern this month. You are a very good worker, and perhaps you need more freedom from the daily grind, less pressure to perform. This would be a great month for you to travel and to broaden your perspective. You could combine it with work. Money may feel like a concern, but in truth it’s only a matter of getting your priorities straight. Those may turn on a relationship which is running its course—at least in its present form.

Are you feeling apprehensive. Gemini? You may have planned things very well, but now they may be getting a bit out of hand. Yes, this can be a discordant month, and there may be many demands on you. Distant places call you, but those opportunities may not be all they appear to be. A brother or sister may offer you special security now. Mutual investments take a surprising turn, and you may find yourself coming into some extra assets. Watch out for powerful enemies.

Partnership is in a long process of healing change for you, Cancer. The first half of the month involves changing patterns of communication, which will take some mental realignment. The second half of the month brings up changing patterns of affection so that love is allowed more expression. Reworking partnership connections to bring about more balance is the goal. It’s time for a new start in how you work with others, and how others value you.

Something is resolving in this relationship merry-go-round you’ve ridden for the last few years. You will feel good about it, and it will add to your daily life. This month you can push very hard on an artistic or creative project, perhaps a group endeavor. You have new ideas about how to improve your working situation, and remodeling is happening in one form or another. It turns out well. You enhance your perspective greatly, perhaps through education or travel.

Home and work are your big focal points—again. There is great transformation and regeneration in your foundations and in your purpose—like an earthquake. Your creative problem-solving talents are brought to the fore, and you do find the necessary solutions. In your work there is a big realignment for the better. It probably includes what you need for security. Daily communication may involve some misunderstandings, due to someone’s chip-on-shoulder.

This Moon is a positive turnaround in your feelings of security, Libra. Your assertiveness is out there, and it can bring about a rebirth for you. You’ll be communicating with fighting words, as in a lawsuit, and there can be culmination this month. Friendship will hold a special, and helpful, place in your life now. You’re very busy—with your partner—reconstructing your life, and you’re happy with how it’s turning out. You begin a new creative cycle, one filled with inspiration.

Awareness of the desire nature, and its hidden powers, is given to you this month, Scorpio. This month is a great opportunity to work on the evolution of your higher self. Desire can be a jailer, and you can walk out of that prison now. You have help from spirit to achieve a new foundation built on truth and altruism. Money is a big issue now, and benefits can accrue to you. Your mental perceptions and your daily communication will be abundant and at times strange. Work on centering.

You have been having a very dramatic year, and this month the ante is upped. Someone may have to put brakes on you! You’re doing some very strange things with your assets now, perhaps trying to build something with a partner. Your new start is in the way your mind works, and how you communicate. Perhaps you’re gathering new electronic aids. Good news: this is another great month for travel. You grow tremendously in understanding now.

This is a year of big changes for you, Capricorn. You make many adjustments, perhaps some of them related to health. You’re learning new truths about yourself, as well as being more willing to communicate yourself to others. You may realign your value system as you become more aware that a high use of money is to bring pleasure and security to the lives of yourself and others. Your partner is very precious now. But a friend may let you down. Practice communicating.

This is your New Moon, Aquarius, and it’s a very idealistic one, asking you to be true to your highest ideals—and at the same time to allow others’ theirs. You will, in fact, work very hard to strive for those ideals, and you will establish your own brand of wisdom. Group work is important for you now. You may find your inner aloneness shifting, as you share dreams and goals with others. Spreading the word is central to you now, perhaps teaching that a better world is possible.

You are very very savvy now. Your great intuition is kicking in full force, and will continue to grow all this coming year. You are realigning your inner self, as you prepare for the missions ahead of you. Outer realignment may be part of the process, for your career sector undergoes major transformation—which will provide more security for you. You’re very involved in group work, and it’s like a kaleidoscope, an ever-changing collage of people. Your work environment improves.